I take this to mean you're going to be right and ready to get the first iteration of a vaccine thrown together in a fraction of the time that successful vaccines we're studied and created? I don't care what anyone's political beliefs are, but I'll avoid that vaccine for as long as I can, or until I see that a bunch of people like you aren't dead or seriously fucked up. I'm with @downndirty, though our reasons may be different. Covid doesn't frighten me as much as losing freedoms and being forced to get injected with something that hasn't been truly proven as safe in large portions of the population.
Listen you cant say Im not on the right side of the political spectrum when it comes to government involvement in your lives. This is just one of the areas where our system already has requirements and mandates and government on so many levels that dont get the libertarian jimmies going as fervently it's nuts to make this the hill to die on given the alternative (eventually getting the full blown virus yourself and dealing with the long term consequences of that). I do love how the anti mask people turning to the anti (covid) vax people are already glibly co-opting the abortion argument ("my body my choice!" "It's about body autonomy!"). Shows you how nasty this battle is going to be on a political and societal level. Yes Ill the first in line for the vaccine. Ive thought about being part of the trials Im just too lazy. Ive never been that scared of getting the full blown virus given my age and health. Why would potentially giving yourself immunity with a small chance of getting the full virus be worse than you know, getting the full blown virus if we are afraid of the viruses long term effects? Is the risk of complications of a vaccine higher than complications from the full blown virus? Id certainly put more stock in our vaccine understanding and scientific development than rolling the dice with the virus. Unless you plan on staying locked in your basement you are going to come in contact with it, given our societies piss poor ability to self distance and do the bare minimum safety protocols out of courtesy of others. It seems to circle back to the fact that the only solution would be a longer more draconian lock down until a vaccine has had the typical length of time for testing. Only way to really guarantee the fewest people get exposed to it. Requires a large government intervention in our lives.
Under normal circumstances I would be as well, but the pressure the White House is putting on the FDA makes me worried that the usual safety precautions may fall by the wayside in favor of Trump's electoral expedience. The White House has been saying that the normal FDA procedures are the work of the "deep state" intentionally slowing things down to sabotage Trump. If Trump gets his way on this, the vaccine might just be a tube of bleach and a UV flashlight.
I have a question that some of you smart people might be able to answer. In the information I’m seeing, it says that in regard to covid 19 ceiling fans should be directed to upward airflow rotation. Why? That seems backward to me. Pushing it downward seems more logical? I’m trying to do all I can to increase the ventilation in my classroom. Any information/thoughts y’all would have about doing that in a room with 2 ceiling fans, a non-opening window, and 30 teenagers who don’t give a fuck would be great. I was thinking about having a dedicated fan pointed to the door (which I might be able to leave cracked—they are supposed to be shut in normal times) to push the air of the room. I also have a couple hepa filters but I think those are just going to make me feel better. I’d need to buy another $500 worth to really get the # air changes needed per hour. Thank you in advance.
Am I really seeing that the CDC is saying people exposed to the virus but who are asymptomatic don’t need to be tested? What the actual fuck?
I'm not a virologist so take this with a pebble-sized grain of salt, but it would seem to me that anything which forces recirculated and unfiltered air at people is going to be bad. Pulling the air upward is going to give you air circulation you need, but without creating a particle-laden jet stream that people will be walking under. My rationale is if I sneezed in the direction of the fan and a cloud of droplets floated towards the fan, if it is blowing directly down the whole cloud will be forced onto the head of the person passing underneath. If it is circulating up, the droplets will be dispersed.
Probably a case of "both options suck, but in this heat, if you must run a fan, do this because it's 2% better"
Totally agree. Whatever small number of respiratory droplets get stuck to the ceiling and dry there is better than the alternative, even if it's just a small amount.
Makes sense. A lot of the info I saw also included installing a, excuse the technical term, UV MEGA BLASTER that covered the upper part of the room. A smidge out of my price range unfortunately. In the end, this is all just theatre. I’m banking on contracting this at some point as my school’s staff can’t even follow basic mask compliance, let alone students. Thanks for the response.
It's like a bad movie plot... I don't even know what to say anymore https://twitter.com/kaitlancollins/status/1298727449996468228?s=19
That implies that they are confident because they just don't know any better. They know better. They just don't value the things that humans value.
To be fair, this is what clinical trials are for. Phase 1 is usually to make sure that the drug doesn't make the patient horribly sick or straight-up kill them. Phase 2 is also for that, but in a larger group and with the added focus that the drug doesn't break down within the body and is rendered useless. Phase 3 is the major, pathological part. They are given the vaccine and released to get direct exposure to the virus, and usually assesses the following outcomes: 1) Patient is successfully inoculated, doesn't get sick and is not contagious (yay). 2) Patient gets sick but is not contagious (yay, kind of). 3) Patient is inoculated and doesn't get sick, but is contagious (yay, kind of). 4) Patient gets sick, but suffers milder symptoms/doesn't require hospitalization (yay, kind of). 5) Patient gets sick and the vaccine has zero effect (no bueno). 6) Patient gets vaccine is more susceptible to the virus/virus is worse (muy malo). Last I read, there were about 8 out of the 100 vaccines globally that were in Phase 3 trials, or the equivalent of what the FDA considers Phase 3. The Russian vaccine is skipping the Phase 3 part. By Q4 2020, it sounds like of those 8, at least 1or 2 will have an outcome of scenarios between 1-4.
This was the first week of college where our sone is attending ( he’s doing all classes here online this semester ). Apparently there was a lot of partying and students paying no heed to warnings. I guess the cities mayor was absolutely livid. As of yesterday, 29 new positive cases since Tuesday.
This is sort of a rant but Covid related so it’s here. My friend runs a spiritual/curio/gift shop that has been handling business carefully. They only allow 8 customers in the store at a time, 30 minute shop time managed by pagers similar to those used by hosts at restaurants. She asked me to come help run the door for her on weekends because they’re slammed and she needed someone who wasn’t a doormat to keep order. For the most part it has been cake, 98% of people are understanding and appreciative of the measures being taken. Then there is that 2% who just feel so wronged by them. It’s deeply amusing to me when someone is losing their shit over something as simple as a mask. This woman today literally tried to charge past me so I hip checked her. Told her she needed to a) wait her turn and b) wear her mask over her nose. She flips out and tells me “These are just YOUR rules! Plus ADA! ADA!” Her eyes are feral and rolling around in her head and so I replied that while I certainly didn’t doubt she was disabled, if she wanted to enter the store she must follow “my” rules. She finally pulled it together and I let her in. I just can’t get my head around acting like such a clown about this. Even if you’re sure Covid isn’t real, are you not able to discern that the world does and things are just going to be fucking different? Does acting like a useless cunt work in other areas of your life?