Yeah, I'm talking the "one world order, Illiuminati, Bill Gates wants to micro-chip us all, mark of the beast" type stuff. And if you're not hearing or seeing it, consider yourself lucky. It's almost physically painful. As for government control when it comes to shutting down businesses, I'll be the first to admit that in some instances it didn't make sense or in more recent days is seemingly arbitrary or poorly explained. But overall, I think we can credit governors such as Andrew Cuomo for taking action that helped mitigate what could have been a much worse problem. The problem is now we're walking a razor thin line between prudence and overreaction. All that said, I still live in hope of schools going back to 100% virtual because in one week they re-open here and there's still so many unknowns and concerns a complete shit show is in store. No matter how hard the district has been trying to make it work.
I spoke to soon... This week I've had numerous people bitch and complain about the screening questions. All I can think while they're bitching is "Mother fucker do you think I like asking all these questions? All you have to do is say "No" five times and you're done. I have to read all these words 50 or 60 times a day. I can recite them verbatim in my sleep. Fuck you." Every time they start bitching at me, I start over from the beginning. "What? You already answered that one? Sorry, I must've missed it. Let's start over." I'm sure we're about to get hit with another wave if the amount of bitching about safety protocols is any measure.
The Rock and his family all got COVID.... he's got a pretty strong message about it to:
“The Rock also pointed out that many people are refusing to wear masks citing lung issues.” That is the most maddening/asinine excuse to not wear a mask, and I’ve heard it far too many times. I don’t know at what point the mask requirement is dropped, but for whatever the day it is, I’m still wearing a mask six more months to see what happens.
He probably has more influence over anti-mask people than any politician could ever hope to have. They can smell what he's cookin.
He did say that, then he told the story of his mom the cancer survivor who's had parts of her lung removed, and she wears her mask anyway. No room for weakness. I can't help feeling curious as to what this will do to his insane fitness regimen, hopefully he keeps track of any unusual changes.
If that actually turns out to be the case, than that’s a bonafide testament on how stupid society is. They were supposed to know this six months ago like the rest of the non-idiots. And now a pro wrestler says what’s what they finally act accordingly? Fuck those people. Anybody who still hasn’t conformed to the threat of this virus can can do us all a favour by shrivelling up and vapourizing, they’re wasted space.
Those people are more woke than us, Crown. They’ll just say the Rock is getting paid by Bill Gates to further the microchip agenda. I wish I was making that up.
They're already in the comments, "nice commercial" "this is propaganda" etc. There's no saving some people.
Sounds like PERFECT advice to me: don’t save them. Why waste effort— or even valuable seconds of your breath— on hopeless people? They can run their mouth and/or get sick, and if they survive can look forward to being shunned for cheering for the wrong team. As deserved.
Yep, as well as, "And none of them died." The only thing that will convince some people is their gasping their last breath like a fish out of water. ( That's what it looks like, we used to call it "guppying". )
How can people listen to the Rock on the subject when he obviously beat virus out of his and his wife’s system with what I can only imagine is a terrifying large thick and veiny Pacific Islander dong? The virus never had a chance in that family.
If being a roody-poo candy-ass is a comorbidity now...then a lot more people are in danger than we thought.