Yeah... because THAT'S where he draws the line. I'm sure he appreciates the government control when it comes to the health and safety inspections of the restaurants he orders from, right?
Maybe he’s like my wife’s uncle who thinks he doesn’t need a mask because he prays every night? He also thinks the Earth is flat, so there you go. One thing about this pandemic though air travel is awesome right now (if it’s even possible to get anywhere at this point). But booking a future trip is worth it alone. A month ago I flew to Bozeman, Montana in first class for $300 round trip. And on top of that, every other seat was empty by-design. I thought flying was going to be nerve-wracking, but it wasn’t so bad. At least Delta really had their shit together. Going to a Walmart in Montana was the scariest part of the trip. A lot of cut-off T-shirts, not a lot of masks.
a very religious co-worker of mine, who is offended that I'm an ordained minister and also athiest, said that prayer without action is worthless. So... it's really just action then right? But apparently there's a group within the religious community that looks down on those who just pray and don't follow it up with doing shit. I think for those who believe in it, religion during these times is absolutely important to calm yourself and stay level and with a clear head and being positive. But it'll also get you fucking killed if you think that god alone is going to protect you like a damn force field you despite going against every bit of science and common sense out there. If you do that, you're about to meet god sooner rather than later.
Online schooling is fun so far. My younger son historically has been the one who hated school and struggled to complete and turn in assignments. This year he has turned it around and is working on assignments daily. He has no late or missing assignments and his work quality is great. My older son has usually maintained his work well and done well in school. This year so far he is not grasping due dates and has 14 missing assignments and 10 turned in late. We are 3 weeks in. He argued with me this morning that the assignments aren’t really due for a week from the quoted due date. Um, no. He’s grounded until he gets it together. I am realizing this shift to learning online from home isn’t going to be as easy as I thought. I had imagined that since they’re in high school, it would be smooth. I obviously need to be more on top of this kid. I can’t imagine trying to wrangle them into focusing if they were still in elementary or even middle school.
I find it interesting how this WFH/SFH thing is highlighting the different characteristics in people. I'm finding a number of quiet, reserved people at work are just kicking ass and thriving during this WFH period, and some of the more social types are falling apart. I have to think that the same thing could be happening with school from home. Makes me wonder if we can't set up some sort of hybrid scenario once shit starts to get back to normal, where you actually let the different types of people work/learn in the environment that best suits them. Crazy, I know.
Agreed. My struggling son is missing wrestling and his team. Wrestling was canceled this season and most of his teammates are doing the online thing too but he’s sad about it. My younger boy is the reserved type. He despised school because he was always waiting for “the dumb kids to catch up.” He hates repetition and the loud kids who disrupt everything. Online means he can work at his pace and be done with hearing about it. I hope companies can find a hybrid model too. I don’t need to be babysat to get things done and WFH means more personal time for me.
If your kid is going to learn at home, somebody has to stay on their ass about it because it produces laziness. Working at home is different. You’re an adult so everything is pretty much awesome. You’re old and mature enough to set your own schedule, and generally people who work at home are happier and less stressed. School at home? Crack the whip because kids will fully embrace not having to do shit if it becomes commonplace.
Yeah, you'd think so, wouldn't you? First 3 fires I ever had to do was for "adults" who had zero work ethic, and used "WFH" (decades ago in a startup when we were too poor to have an office) as an excuse to sit at home in their underwear and play XBox... only to try and rush absolute shit through on Friday to make it look like they had some shit done that week. Work ethic is work ethic... get it instilled as early as possible, and do not assume it exists just because of age.
WFH has been amazing for me personally. I've found that I've been more productive, less stressed and generally happier than when I was having to go into the office regularly. Work has now started asking (read demanding) that I now start going in twice a week and I honestly find that my least productive days are those two days. Additionally I then have to put up with people constantly coming over to ask stupid shit and just leave feeling drained. More companies seem to now be moving towards a more home based working environment, at least in my industry, so next role will defiantly be a major sell factor that.
My company is recognizing WFH as a major part of future work... to the point that they are now handing out a few grand per person to upgrade your home office to make it more comfortable and effective.
My husband really desires a wfh job but it isn't possible in his current position. He is ready to leave the company due to it being so stressful and poorly managed. Wfh would be a dream for both of us. I enjoy social outings in doses but we are both thoroughly homebodies. We have the space for a nice office setup downstairs too, semi removed from the daily living noises upstairs. My old job back in AL is currently wfh til October. They had a lease on an expensive and large building that had to be secure due to PII stuff. I don't see why they wouldn't stay wfh, it just makes sense to me. I applied for my old job.... doubt anything will happen with that but it is worth a shot. I did well with my work and made an effort to be involved so the management and people outside my unit knew me. I just hope remote jobs don't drive down wages. This house mortgage didn't suddenly go down or anything.
Thats pretty generous. We received a few hundred bucks to do so, but a couple of grand is very nice. Our WFH situation is a bit unique as our Boston-based start-up was acquired 15 months ago by a Chicago-based company. We had an office in a WeWork-type space after the lease was up on our actual office space, but they shuttered that in April permanently as no one was using it. The parent company is letting all employees WFH until the end of the year, but the employees in Boston will be WFH forever (or as long as people stick around). The odds are that this would have occurred even without the pandemic.
An interesting read regarding transmission of SARS CoV-2.
thank god!!! Just got a notification on my iphone that a software update is ready, which includes an opt-in covid notification system without the need for an app
Considering a decent office chair is a few hundred; let alone a desk, 2nd monitor, use of your home internet, and other IT peripherals a company may not provide.
Of course I expect nothing will come of this, as nothing has come of every other stunt he's pulled, but just think back to when he was tweeting about "liberating" those states trying to lock down. Downplay it to "prevent a panic"? Sure, I guess there's some noble intent there. Actively try to stop others from responding appropriately, just to maintain the lie? People died cuz of that. That Pence pardon starting to look real good, I bet.
If you saw the amount of denial on social media there is towards this, despite it being recorded, you’d understand how large, clueless and dangerous this cult is. “Lies. More spin!” It can only be a cult, because how stupid do you have to be to still be a Trump supporter at this point?