That's absolutely true. But on the other hand, there's only so much energy to go around. People need to be fucking adults. Sorry your makeup got messed up, but where are your freaking priorities? Your own examples emphasize this, in fact. Yes, people aren't 100%. But you can make thoughtful choices: go out once in a while, but eat outside. If you drop your mask to work out, make sure people aren't around you. "Cover your fucking holes you plague rat" is about all the emotional investment I can muster in many cases. There are enough people in my life that require my compassion and empathy who aren't acting like entitled little shitheads. I'm not saying it's ideal, I'm just pointing out that compassion isn't free, and it's hard to invest compassion into people who are unwilling to prioritize the life and health of the people around them.
The bars are what’s spreading it around here. Twentysomethings who’s silent philosophy is “I’ll survive it, so fuck anybody else”.
The same people that drive intoxicated and have unprotected sex without worrying about consequences to others? I'm shocked.
The same people that think anyone older than 30 is an idiot, they could do a much better job running the world than our generation, and who will petulantly allow a narcissist moron to be elected president because the democrats didn’t select their candidate? I’m shocked.
There was a wedding in Maineago, only 65 guests, that is now traced to have killed at least seven people who didn’t attend it. It has infected over 200 people. This is in a rural state, not the ridiculous sardine can that is NYC.
Here’s where we’re at in our part of NY right now: Between people coming back from vacation and spreading it around town to a local church holding an event while knowingly ignoring mask/distance mandates, we’re on the verge of the shit really hitting the fan. Conventional wisdom is schools will be shut down before the end of the month. We’ll see, I think they’re doing all they can not to. But with staff and students testing positive on an almost daily basis I don’t know how long we can continue. It feels like March all over again.
Looks like I spoke too soon. Kid has been out all week for ear infections. He has a cough, but the doc says it isn't a Covid cough, it's associated with the ear infections. I have minor cold like symptoms. No fever, just minor joint aches and some nasal congestion. I took the kid to the doctor, he didn't recommend a Covid test. That was before I came down with this cold. I should have been more insistent that the kid be tested. School is the only place he's been and the only other place the wife or I have been is the grocery store, with masks and staying the fuck away from people. I'm really considering going to LabCorp and have us both tested for Covid today. Then I would feel better about sending him back to school on Monday if it was negative. As it stands now, we don't know if we're just regular sick or have Covid with only minor effects. It bothers me that the doctor himself didn't want to rule Covid out, considering how bad the consequences could be. Schools will not be open long with that line of thinking.
Here there’s no choice. Any one of those symptoms remotely related to Covid you have to have a doctors note and a negative test to return. Staff and students.
Well either he's lying and it's all a ploy to "beat Covid" just before the election and skip the debates, or it's real and pretty much the entire top shelf of the US government has been exposed.
I live in a college town and this week we set a new record for new cases, the first time since way back in April. Unsurprisingly, 18-22 year olds accounted for 78% of the positive tests in the county in the last 2 weeks. While most of my anger is directed at the administration and the super wealthy landlords who gave the university millions of dollars in donations in the weeks leading up to a decision on whether to open campus, I am also pissed at the kids throwing parties and filling their giant black SUVs with out of state plates with countless cases of natty ice and Andre. They are totally under-testing the student population and I’m afraid I’m about to have to go back on super strict lockdown, doing curbside for groceries and restricting outdoor hangouts even more.
I got some inside info on our county’s new positive numbers that will be released tomorrow. I’m waiting to see if my source is accurate but if they are, it’s gonna be a slap in the face to people around here.
Wife got tested today, the first time any of us have been tested, we should have those results in two days or so. It started with our kid getting sick, then me, then her. The timeline and symptoms fit Covid really well, can't believe the kid's doc didn't want to test him.
People have just become tired of living in any sort of restricted manner. No one will say it to my face but I get the serious impression that I am thought of as overprotective, over reacting, paranoid, whatever. People who were modifying their lifestyles before just won't do it anymore and the topic is just rug swept. And I'll be an asshole if I point it out. My sister is mentioning a Thanksgiving gathering with over 30 family members and my mother in law is on her 4th or 5th airplane trip to another state where she shops and sends pics of her latest Brazillian blowout. My neighbor who I have done a couple porch visits with has weekly bible study, can be observed with the whole family talking closely to some random person in the front yard maskless, and frequently goes shopping. I don't see many more visits with her, even outside on the porch. I am so annoyed and distrustful because the latest socially accepted white lie is about how much leisure time you've spent in public.
I thought things were gonna get too Alabama there for a sec. However, I think you're right. People just don't care anymore. My small city has over 2,000 active cases. We added 300 just Thursday. But if you go to a store? No masks. If people don't even give enough of a shit to wear a mask in public, then they definitely don't in private. My school had 16 students and 2 staff members go positive this week. I don't even think they contracted the virus at school. It's that no one gives a shit outside of it.
I think a large part of that attitude is it hasn’t affected them or someone they know personally. Let that shit take off like a wildfire across the country and you’ll see a major shift in attitude. The numbers here in our county are fucking ridiculous, 200+ new cases and a couple deaths. Hospitalizations are on the increase. Several deaths including a few at a local nursing homes with more sure to come. Yet there doesn’t seem to be any significant change in the way it’s being handled. Locally we are WAY worse off than in March. But I’m starting to think the county is waiting for Cuomo to make drastic and sweeping policy changes and thus avoid looking like the bad guys. We decided tonight to keep our club closed another week to make sure anyone exposed to the dipshit last week stays clear of others, if only at that location.
Southern Nevada has dropped down to about 200-300 new cases a day, which for 3 million or so people in the Vegas valley is pretty good I suppose. This area is a complete anomaly though. We're somewhat insulated from the rest of the world by hundreds of miles of desert, but we're also a destination...or at least we were. Covid cases have gone down, but violence on The Strip has gone up. Apparently dropping room prices dramatically has attracted an undesirable element. Every night there's a report of a huge fight and/or a drive by on The Strip. And that's only what's reported on the news, the unwritten law here is "Don't scare the tourists" so a lot of shit goes unreported. Away from The Strip folks seem to be pretty accepting of the mask mandate, social distancing and most other measures (Other then not paying attention to the one way arrows in grocery store aisles.) Watching what's happening elsewhere in the world, I'm glad I've already had it and I hope to hell it doesn't mutate, because I'm pretty sure a second wave is going to hit us like a ton of bricks.
Things are good where I am. Pretty much everyone wears masks and keeps to themselves. I feel like the one way arrows in grocery stores are counterproductive. Most people are unaware of them or outright ignore them which means the people that abide by them are just in the store longer than they need to be and are either spreading or getting infected by a higher viral load than need be.
They're pointless. No pun intended. Maybe it's because I missed the initial TP rush but I've yet to see a supermarket so crowded that people are rubbing crotch to ass to get by each other. Plenty of room in the aisles, and the folks traveling towards each other don't stop to browse shoulder to shoulder. As far as airborne particles go, is it safer to run into what's left of the cloud I created a few minutes ago, or constantly follow in the wake of what I'm breathing out *right now*?