I get you guys are joking, but it fucking sucks that my family and I have basically lived like the Unabomber for 9 months while mouth breathers are literally running the country right now. Thanks to this surge, it's gonna be another 9 months before we in the US can even approach normalcy. It's so frustrating that such a large subset of this country is so fucking dumb and/or selfish.
Yeah, I hear you. I feel nothing but anger and bitterness toward the people that have not taken it seriously.
Internally we are planning for 18 months, miminally. That assumes a vaccine arrives in 2020. Its fucking miserable.
We have some close friends that just couldn't make it through this thing financially. We let the move in to the spare bedroom. They're both unemployed but are an amazing help around the house. Everything was going great until they scratched my good nonstick skillet, I don't know if I'll ever get over it.
I think I have every size cast iron skillet made. Tacos are a good example. Next meal from a cast iron skillet would have a taco taste.
Ok. maybe this needs moved to another thread, but how-in-the-fuck do you "Pro-sear" scallops? like the 1/2 dollar size ones?. I've done them almost a dozen times and cannot get them to either sear correctly, or not stick. I've done cast-iron, non-stick, etc. I've spent AT LEAST 120 bucks on fresh scallops over the last decade and I always come away frustrated.
I am now going to the gym at 4 a.m. because a lot of meat-tards can't be bothered to wear a mask properly, and I'm wagering we've got another week or so like this before they shut it down entirely. We've got some hard conversations about holidays coming, as half my family is at high risk, me included. It's pretty infuriating, and when we get into the hard winter months, where folks cluster together indoors, I think we're looking at the worst possible scenario: exponential growth, absolute fatigue and hospitals being overwhelmed. I keep hearing "Vaccine+18" meaning, 18 months from when a vaccine is available, but that assumes a pretty wide adoption of the vaccine. We're also seeing some plans launched in July move forward, failing to acknowledge that nope, things are different. I am not heading back to an office for 5 days a week filled with 70+ people for 8 hours a day in January, in part, because there's no reason and in part because it's patently unsafe.
What are you guys doing for the holidays with COVID? Blowing off everyone outside the house? Careful celebrations with a select few? Taking your chances on the one family Christmas party? Opening presents via Zoom? Right now our preliminary plan is to get tested before we go stay with my partner's parents. We have been extremely cautious but my father-in-law is especially high risk. Our bubble will then be them and my brother-in-law and his wife, who are all super careful. I'm considering possibly then going to see my family, and getting tested again and finding a place to isolate for a couple days (e.g. AirBnb) before we go back to my in-laws. My family is as cautious as they can be, but my sister and her girlfriend work in public-facing jobs. Masked and distanced, but still public-facing, so I don't think I can just bounce back to my in-laws pretending everything is okay.
Planning to go shopping at a crowded mall then immediately visiting my wife’s 95-year-old grandparents. You know, like a selfish prick. We’re just going to be hanging with immediate family, pending a negative COVID test from every attendee.
We thought about doing thanksgiving with my parents and sister (they are in a pod since sister lives alone) and are all super cautious. But honestly every person is another risk multiplier so I just don’t think it’s worth it. If by some miracle shit is less terrible at Christmas instead of more, then we can reassess then. big Gretch is shutting more things down again (finally) but I wish it was further out from the holidays since lots of people are still going to get together and cases won’t have had a chance to respond to the new set of restrictions. Otherwise, I think boyfriend has his heart set on a big pan of gruyere Mac and cheese to make it through the series of family zooms. We kept my pregnancy secret from all the extended family so we have something to derail the conversation with when his crazy grandpa starts talking about how trump didn’t lose, or when someone is throwing an unbearable pity party. Wish us luck.
We're hanging out at the house, her daughter is coming into town, sister-in-law and her new BF are going to come over for dinner. Might go to my brothers one night. Not sure yet.
Hanging out at the house, any shopping will be online or grocery pickup, might bake some cookies or bread for the neighbors. We are not deviating from our usual.
I can tell you holding onto anger and bitterness to things outside of your control is a one way street to mental health issues. Even if it isnt some major depression why put yourself through unneeded suffering for it? Im one who hasnt fought restrictions, I disagree with some of them but I wear my mask where needed, and have generally avoided social gatherings. I tend to be on the let each person decide what level of precaution they take based on their situation. You or a close loved one are vulnerable? Not going to argue if you yourself want to stay locked down until 2025. Think it's all a conspiracy? The known risk are out there roll the dice if you want. Im just not going to let other people's actions affect me. It is what it is. No one gets out alive in the end. It is a very curious thing to me, maybe because I live in the midwest and more people have been laissez faire and see it more, are the obviously super vulnerable types that risk it anyway. I was at the DMV and there was a guy extremely obese using a wheeled walker to get around (like working his way to a diabetic amputation bad) wearing his required mask around his chin. It boggles my mind. A manager at my work had a reoccurrence of her breast cancer. She just started a new round of radiation and has told the company a year or so ago this would be her last year before retiring. She wants to come in to work, has not requested to work from home though everyone but her in her department transferred home over the shut down. I kind of get her differing views on mortality and what she wants to do with her life, but still, not the best gamble. Just interesting to see such stark differences in people. As for the Holidays, it's up to my mom. She's been in seclusion out in the country at her boyfriend's house. He's older with p a history of respiratory issues. Shes risked it a couple of times for different things. If she wants to do anything itll be up to her. Typically I do the black Friday thing to pick up the games I want. This year Im skipping it because I dont have a ps5.
The problem is that is not how contagious diseases work. It's just like vaccines: this shit only works if we collectively agree on a baseline that protects everyone. Even if you ignored the fact that your approach totally disregards the health and welfare of medical workers (something I take particular offense to since I have a lot of friends who work in hospitals and are exposed every day to the fuckwits who are allowed to "decide what level of precaution they take"), it totally disregards the reality that there are no bulletproof solutions to preventing spread. Masks aren't perfect. Most people aren't in a position to just lock their doors and never step out onto the street - they must get food, prescriptions, go to doctors appointments or maybe to work. These people are getting exposed to the disease while trying to survive, because other people don't think the rules apply to them. If every idiot who decided COVID was a hoax and went to a nightclub just died alone in their home immediately after exposure, then fine. Let the stupid people take their own risks and kill themselves off. But that's not what happens: instead, these idiots go out, expose other people during their incubation period, expose healthcare workers during their illness, and consume medical resources that could be allocated to people who gave a shit. Stepping away from whether they're actually killing people (which they are), they are prolonging a pandemic which is affecting the livelihood of millions of people. It's vicious and antisocial to suggest that it's fine for people to disregard the pandemic. These actions affect other people. Healthcare workers are dying because Fatty at the DMV refuses to follow simple instructions. Fuck those people. It's okay to say that. Fuck those assholes, because they are literally killing people.