Perhaps someone should start selling "Fuck me I'm not infected" buttons to wear on just such an occasion.
A guy I went to highschool with posted one of those memes that have been circulating, "if the first lockdown worked, why do we need a second... if the first lockdown didn't work, why do we need a second". 23 hours and 26 minutes later his wife tagged him in a post stating that both of his parents are being admitted to the hospital for Covid. I'm curious to see if this changes his opinion on the matter. I'm thinking it may correct it a tad, for just a short time, not expecting wholesale change or anything.
I still can't get over people thinking we went into anything resembling a "lockdown." I live in one of the more aggressive states when it comes to prevention measures, and my next door neighbors have been having parties every weekend for months. "Lockdown" my ass.
We should start referring to it as the "inconvenience", or the "period without mexican restaurants", or "that time people cried about not being able to get haircuts".
What's really gonna sting is when/if we realize that doing an actual "Lockdown" would've prevented pretty much all of this. Australia/NZ got it right. Fuck you, and your feelings, stay home, and then you can enjoy your summer. 1/2 measures are like Alcoholism, they just prolong, and end up getting you nowhere.
And half of Europe has worse fatality rates (deaths per million) than anywhere else, including the U.S. It’s likely due to Europe having a much older population, but it’s getting worse week-by-week.
I still can't get over the Governor of South Dakota talking shit about other governors' responses. If you rank the states by deaths/million, it's basically half a dozen of the most densely populated states which also happen to have large international airports with regular flights from Europe that had big spikes back in the spring... and then the Dakotas for some fucking reason. Where I assume you have to deliberately travel twenty miles by stagecoach and then fight a pinkerton in order to get infected. Their cases/million are double or triple that of the states with higher deaths/million, so the only reason they're not completely awash in bodies is that got hit later and benefitted from what was learned by hospitals in the early states. Their response, in context, is probably the worst in the country. As an American and even just as a human being, this story is a fucking disgrace. While I'm not by any means rich, I'm fortunate enough to not have to worry about where my next meal is coming from. It's an absolute embarrassment that a country that can produce as much as it does may see a quarter of the population go hungry before the year is over.
“Fat People are Starving”. That’s how this goofiest of all years ends. This decade has kicked off with the smooth precision of a state prison riot.
You're right, that was a shitty joke for me to make. How easy it is for those of us barely affected by a silly, non-essential business lockdown, to forget that some people will get truly fucked by it. I'm anti-lockdown, but I'm PRO-people-doing-what-is-right to slow this thing. It seems our government is in a position where it is easier to make people close private businesses than to get people to do the right thing themselves. That includes every country, not just the US. Of course, if everyone tried to do the right things themselves, the world would look unimaginably different than what we live in currently.
How? What is it that the people of this country haven't been told about keeping our infection numbers down? We said wear masks, they staged armed protests and stormed government buildings. We said stay home, they went out partying anyway. We said social distance, they went out partying anyway. Look at NYC where the mass graves are still relatively fresh and they just recently broke up a party with 400 people. At what point do we accept that The People are fucking retarded and incapable of acting for the greater good?
Since always. People have always sucked, overall. The only reason laws exist is because people are dicks, and they need to be told not to do dickish things. The pandemic merely magnifies an existing condition.
Damned if I know. Covid is simply not deadly enough for a lot of people to make meaningful change in their lives. However, if a virus comes along that is deadly enough, I fear the type of change we'll see in people is them becoming murderous savages as they fight over dwindling resources, like in the movies. And, perhaps I didn't make my position clear enough. I mean to say I'm anti-lockdown, but I understand why it has to be done, because people gonna be people. You won't catch me protesting it, you will find me wishing people would stop fucking up so it isn't needed. But you know the old saying, wish in one hand...