My staff is legit positive, and I was the most 4 tests since Wednesday. Is this what coke nose feels like? Looking like we can have access to the vaccine mid to late January, which is nice. Still more questions than answers on the vaccine, chief among them "how long does immunity last?" 3k dead a day seems to be likely at least a few more days until this gets under control. Also, ever since the excess mortality study was released, I can't seem to find public info on the total deaths for the year. We know and have highlighted some states that are under reporting deaths, but...
Dave Ramsey is an anti-masker who treats his employees like shit. Gotta love these religious hypocrites.
This seems like a great way to instill confidence in the safety of the vaccine.
That fucker opposes credit cards even when paid off in full each month because it's "too risky" and yet he wants to host covidpalooza?
Add my buddy and his wife to the covid list. CA is blowing up. 30,000 cases and 200 deaths a day. The amount of people I know who have/had covid has literally doubled in two weeks.
It is an ironclad law in this town that we have the boozy brunch crowd, and the clubrat crowd, and never the twain shall meet. This breech of the King's Peace goes against God.
We have a strong boozy brunch demographic in Houston. It can be fun until you realize you just paid $50 for eggs.
I’ll make them at home, cheap and perfectly to my liking thank you very much. That is just silly to pay that much for breakfast. I’ve never been an “early cocktail” person— mimosas and the like. But I never felt the need for THAT early regardless of what’s available. Getting a buzz on before high noon these days just sounds like a great way to be in bed by 6pm, then up in the middle of the night, jaded. Meh. Vacation is the only time I would attempt it now.
They are getting it to us via the VA, probably next month or so. The plan for vaccine distribution centers on normal supply chain, and we still have a ton of questions, but its safe, effective and definitely worth taking. The issue is you still have to use the mitigation measures if you're vaccinated....
So far the only warning we have here in Canada is to not take the Pfizer if you have severe allergies... wait for the next one. I personally still have zero clue when, where, or how I'll get mine. Not too worried about it though... I know it's going to be a long process that will probably take the better part of a year, all in.
I fully plan on not seeing a vaccine around here until next fall. I expect to be wearing a mask throughout 2021. A couple shitty years? Sure it will be. It could be a lot worse. Throw in a LEGIT deadly virus or a world war? If we only lose a couple years to this, c’est la vie. People not long ago had it way worse during a crisis, without the benefit of owning a Chromecast and having 24-hour food and grocery delivery at their disposal.
People in Florida need to step it up a notch and be a lot angrier at their shitty governor: ...this shit happened and DeSantis needs to resign in disgrace for it like the piece of shit he is.
I called my parents last night to tell them we won’t be coming over for Christmas or having them over. It made me sad. Before I told my mother this, she let me know they would be doing nothing for Christmas this year. They want to live to see a bunch more Christmases. And if that means sitting this one out, then that’s what they will do. My parents are hardcore Republicans. It makes me incredibly happy to know they are taking this seriously.
I still have to travel for work, so I take all the precautions, but I also get to see different parts of the country reacting differently. GA (where I'm based now), about half the people still aren't treating masks like a thing. TX too, and HEB was too packed for me to shop in. Reno? Seattle? Excellent about masks. Central coast CA cities are outright refusing shutdown orders because otherwise all the tourism based businesses will die (as opposed to their customers, who are now more likely to die instead). NYC was crowded as hell everywhere, but I never saw a mask less person.
Tom Cruise does not like people violating COVID-19 restrictions in his presence and I don’t blame him.
I don't blame him either. Until I heard the audio, when I saw the story, I thought the implication was that it was some typical actor tirade, or angry Director smashing things. He was angry, but that was a very controlled dressing down. I'm impressed. When I lose my temper, I'm not nearly as composed.