I was super impressed. The dude is a Scientologist nut job, but I'm with him on this one. We need more of this.
Dude is insane, but he's right on this one. He spent $700K out of his own pocket to provide a bubble for the crew to live in (he straight up rented a [Tom] cruise ship). Sure he's a psycho who probably has his deeply disturbed reasons for wanting to keep working, but he's also right that there are a ton of people on the crew who are relying on the production to feed their families, and anyone who is putting that in jeopardy is doing a huge disservice to everyone working. He has put his money where his covered-mouth is, and I think that gives him the right to ensure others do the same.
Thats not a movie star flexing his ego, that's an industry lead doing what he needs to do in order to keep the industry operating and people employed.
California is in a full downhill spiral. The state locked down hard and fast and is still posting record numbers. Around 29k on Monday, 35k yesterday and brushing up on 60k today. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.
He’s also a producer of the movie, and the producer is the first and last word, period. They are THE boss and he is laying down the law the correct way. Being pissed and managing to take the high road while being correct is NOT an easy thing to do these days.
Dr. Drew swore that all the traveling and gathering for Thanksgiving wouldn't cause a rise in cases because we were close to plateauing. He loves to look like an absolute moron in regards to Covid.
The crazy has spread into Canada. https://www.reddit.com/r/Covidiot/comments/kb7sbh/spotted_at_my_local_mall/
When does he not end up like looking like a moron? How many more people have to relapse and die in his care before society finally excepts that he’s a fucking quack? “Dr Drew should be lashed to a telephone pole so garage bands can staple their flyers to his face.” - Doug Stanhope
My sister-in-law lost her Dad to Covid ten days after my dad passed from it. Covid was vicious on my brother's family. The man was probably late 60's, looked in good shape from pictures, though I never met him.
Since he likes to fuck kids as well, let’s hope that ventilator shorts out and he dies in pain. He gets a helicopter ride and 24-7 care at the hospital while children and seniors get sent home to die. Isn’t that just fucking sweet?
King of Sweden says “we failed in our COVID handling”. https://beta.ctvnews.ca/national/coronavirus/2020/12/17/1_5235549.html They basically trusted people to do the right thing and they didn’t.
Yeah, I love seeing these political clowns and their sycophants get top notch state of the art treatments while we lose more people every day than 9/11.
His dumb family is “asking for prayers”. I’d rather put him out of his misery with a bucket of water and a faulty extension cord. Prayers for his recovery why, so he can continue to deny the virus, infect people and molest children? Someone of actual USE could be using his ventilator right now.
I personally love the part where Pfizer has a shitload of the vaccine awaiting shipment instructions and the Trump people are like “meh, die.”
Sydney looks like it's about to go into lockdown, it remains to be seen if people wise up quickly or not as Sydney by and large has been relatively unaffected. It doesn't affect me greatly as I wasn't planning on driving home for Christmas anyway and now that I'm studying online I can go visit family whenever thankfully.