Yeah, we're going back into full lockdown as of XMas Eve. Good, I say... but I still think there are going to be a ton of really stupid fucking people doing shit that's going to blow it up in January. "but it's Christmas!" BAM... you dead.
I think it's supposed to give companies time to set it up with their staff, etc. A few days notice is better than none at all I guess.
Let’s face it, it’s Doug Ford saying ”Oh, but make sure you finish your Christmas Shopping first.” He did, after all, drop out of school in the eleventh grade.
In March, we didn't get official notice they were going to shut schools down. In fact, they closed early that day, sent out a message to come get your child now, about 20 minutes early, like that was going to make a fucking difference. Sure, it was kinda expected because all of the surrounding counties were closing, then I think our county panicked and said do it NOW. Some notice is better than nothing.
It's amazing how effortless it was for my company, which is one of those newfangled tech startups. Almost everything we needed to do was done already. The whole company works on laptops interfacing with AWS/Github/Google/Slack anyway. The office was just a place to eat snacks and resist the temptation to play playstation all day instead of working.
Yep... same for us. The only thing we did over the long term was help people get better situated at home with a desk, chair, etc.
This may be more relevant to the politics thread, but the already-fraught relief bill has become an absolute clusterfuck. It's 5,000 pages long, full of riders, and I think I've heard every single political constituency hate it for one reason or another. AOC and a conservative Republican are even hating for the same reason (the fact that Congress is being forced to vote on it before they even have time to read it).
I certainly feel safer from the virus knowing that illegal streaming is now a felony. Thank you government for keeping me safe.
Your government is fucking messed up. The disproportionate sentences for irrelevant crimes is dumb shit of the highest order.
Supposedly it is tailored to only ding companies (websites or streaming services) that stream it, not the individual end user who ultimately consumes it. Still a retarded non sequitur to include in a bill for "pandemic relief." The dollar amount of the stimulus checks was the dog and pony show smoke screen to slide in all sorts of shit like this.
I wish we could get some kind of reform for unrelated bullshit being included in bills. The amount of legislation that gets either passed because it's tied to something irrelevant, or held up because it contains something irrelevant, is staggering.
Add three more people that I know to the covid list. Buddy's wife is prego and had some weird back pains so as a precaution they gave her a test before bringing her into the doctor's office. Bam. Positive. He and their daughter both had zero symptoms but both tested positive. They kept his wife in the hospital for a few days just to keep tabs on the baby (she's about 30 weeks along) but she's on the mend now and the baby is fine.
That maybe a big liability in the vaccine: I can't imagine the trial volunteers included a ton of pregnant women, and I can't imagine a lot of them anxious to get a vaccine. Fuck man. Hope they are ok. That is truly scary.
Has there ever been a better excuse to lock down and avoid people than the fact it’s winter? It’s cold, shitty, miserable and terrible. Let’s act accordingly and learn the Mountain Man method so we stop killing each other.