My wife and I were going to start try for a second after the start of the year, but niw plan to wait until she gets the vaccine. Add the trials didn't include young children. From my understanding, we're atill at least a year away from kids under 12 receiving the vaccine.
Yep. And I am not clear on whether vaccinated adults can still carry it to unvaccinated individuals. Anyone have a reliable source on that? I forsee the vaccine improving our life a little bit by allowing us to ease up on social distancing with trusted individuals but theres still a long way to normalcy.
You still live in a country that has a president called "Trump"? Your definition of 'normalcy' is what again?
The Nevada transportation department just announced the annual road closures for New Year's Eve here in Vegas. I guess the whole "Stay at home, this is a pandemic" thing is over.
Please don't blame me personally for his presidency. All I can do is vote, and it wasn't for him. I do my best to cope with my reality as it comes at me. We'd love to move to a new reality but it turns out it's pretty fucking difficult to just up and move to a new country. What I mean is day to day normalcy for my family. My number 1 priority is my kid, the end. I can ride this virus out as a hermit forever but I don't want my kid to have social or developmental issues because they aren't able to see anyone but us. I'd like to be able to see family in person without a bunch of health measures in place. I'd like to go to the library for storytime with the kiddo. I'd like to do slightly more shopping than a curbside grocery pickup. These are issues that pale in comparison to the droves of people losing their jobs and their livelihood, going hungry, acquiring lifelong health complications and medical bills, or just dying. I'm just expressing my perspective and my reality.
Wasn't meant to imply that Trump was in any way your doing. Just used him as an example of weird shit that is just part of the norm.
Tonight my parents told us that when we come up Christmas Day we don’t have to wear masks, they’ll wear them. We told them that’s not how it works. Ling story short, I don’t know the full story and frankly I don’t fucking care to. But apparently one of my brothers and his wife made a stink about being asked to wear one. “So tell them to stay the fuck home,” I said. But my Mom’s blood pressure is already high so I promised to keep my mouth shut. But not before I told them that if God forbid they get sick and die, at least I’ll know it wasn’t because of me, my wife and sons. But I will not forgive the asshole that gave it to them. I’m seriously pissed, but two days before Christmas isn’t the time, and since it’s not my house it’s not my place. And I said I’d keep my mouth shut. Still, I’m considering just staying the hell home though.
I disagree. Now is EXACTLY the time. Everyone has to be vigilant. I hope it works out, and I know I’d rather have them pissed than dead.
I agree with Net, this is the time. I know parents are supposed to be the peacekeepers and do everything to keep harmony in the family, but they are also supposed to be the ones to set rules and boundaries. Honestly if one of your brothers fails to respect the boundaries they ask for to protect not only themselves, but also the rest of the family, fuck him. If he feels that everything is fine, let him be the one that stays home because he can't abide by what gives others in the family a sense of well being.That's just being a selfish, self centered asshole.
My guess it snore his wife than anything, but there’s something I don’t know. And like I said, I don’t care to. All I know is they’re being irresponsible and my parents, while not condoning it, are going along with it with, “Well we will wear a mask, so it’s okay.” It’s their fucking house, so I know ultimately I’d just be told to shut up anyway.
I'd never be one to advocate disharmony in a family, but man that's messed up. In the middle of a pandemic that's getting worse and you want to protect your loved ones, they'd tell you to shut up? I'd come up with some excuse like a cow fell in the well or whatever and pass on the whole thing.
Generally we don't have a lot of issues in our family, but I think there's already been some disharmony among others, and I think my parents are just trying to keep the peace. Whatever, I'm over it. If two or three people wanna sit there with no masks while everyone else is being smart, that's on them. We're skipping out on the breakfast, will go exchange gifts, then GTFO. I'm looking forward to a quiet evening with the wife and our sons like we did Thanksgiving.
I mean, I do feel more and more like Idiocracy is a documentary and not a comedy, but think about this. How different was your childhood from the current batch of kids coming up? And theirs from your grandparents? Used to be that people could live in the same village for generations with basically the same lifestyle as the generation previous. And while people are still people, the things we create and invent change the world around us. It seems like tech is changing faster and faster. So yeah, the world my kid lives in will be different than how it was when I came up, and WAY different from my parents'. (my mom literally had an outhouse rather than indoor plumbing and my paternal grandfather was able to support his family and send his son to ND for college with odd jobs and fishing). But the things a kid needs to develop are pretty consistent, and I ideally hope to provide that and a happy life for the bebe coming up while teaching life skills. I have merely recognized the stumbling blocks in that ideal and hope that a vaccine provides some safety for my family so we can pursue our version of normal.
This is the time to put your foot down. If he's being a butthole about this, pretty sure you can't trust that he's been safe in other situations. Those are the folks most likely to get you sick. I'd insist that he interact outdoors, spaced apart from the rest of the family, if they want to be maskless asses. It's hard to stand up to your family. But I think this is worth doing. Personally, if it were me, I'd have some words with mother dearest. If she doesn't want to ask them to abide, then I wouldn't go. But I tend to be a go with the flow until I feel like I'm being pushed, and then I dig my heels all the way in, kind of person.
Well, I lost the battle at our house. Her daughter is coming up from LA late today and heading back Saturday. She quarantined last week, test results came back negative Tuesday but LA is *THE* hot spot in the entire country. We're all going to be wearing masks and I'm cranking the wood stove to 11 and opening windows. But still, I feel a bit hypocritical after blowing my business partner up about Thanksgiving in Montana.
We'll be seeing a few immediate family members for Christmas, my Mom and stepdad, wife's mother and brother's family and my grandparents. I'm not having the same feeling I had with my Dad, missing the last chance to see them. If my 80-something grandparents want to see us, I'll make that happen. They know the risks. They won't catch it from us, we haven't been anywhere, kid as been out of school for several weeks and had a negative test before they put the pins in his broken arm. We will be seeing each separately, not one big group. And I feel good about the way each group has handled their own precautions and safety leading up to Christmas.
Was just informed that my brother in law and niece are positive. Somehow my sister and her other daughter tested negative in the same household.
My friend's 3yr old son was positive (from a preschool) and he and his wife never tested positive. The prevailing theory (from a friend of mine who works at Regeneron) is that the kid's exposure was low enough that his immune system reacted to it and quelled it quickly, reducing the chances of those around him contracting it by a wide enough margin that either the parents never got it, or the exposure was so small that their immune systems took care of it before it could spread. They haven't gotten the antibody test, so I'd be curious to know the results of that.
Same thing happened to our son’s girlfriend’s family. Both parents tested positive, mother symptomatic. The girls tested negative both times they were tested. Which is good, cuz I thought for sure our asses were next.
Yeah my SiL had it a few months ago now. My brother and nephew never got it after quarantining with her. Or at least never showed signs and never got antibody test. Pattern seems to be 85+ dead, 40 and below, not as dead.