I think if we don't go full quarantine basically immediately, it will be as bad or worse than Italy soon. I would bet a lot of money that it's pretty much everywhere already and we've just done such a shit job of testing that we're woefully unaware. I will be hiding in my room, knitting, watching bad TV. I also have a special skill of turning weird fridge bits into reasonable meals, so that should be a fun, creative challenge.
Massachusetts just closed all restaurants and bars for the next month, and schools for the next 3 weeks. The only public businesses exempt are grocery stores and pharmacies.
Yeah we're just putting that off indefinitely until all this clears up and blows over. Not even gonna book the flights until we know everything is back to normal.
Yes, the word “Recession” is being thrown around quite a bit and I think that’s a VERY important consideration.
Yep. I've got more eggs than I know what to do with. Actually, I know exactly what to do with them, which is to sell them. I bought 2 extra bags of feed so they are taken care of for awhile. If this situation gets too intense I might hold off on meeting that lady to sell them and just gift them to neighbors. I have an elderly couple near me, the wife is undergoing chemo treatments and is immunocompromised. I've seen the husband drive home but may see if there's anything we can do for them to limit their going-out needs. I think their son lives in a different part of the state. I think I'll be making some sourdough starter and more broccoli sprouts. The bidet is supposed to arrive today. Spoiler
these conspiracy theories and hoaxes are getting out of hand. There is a popular one going around that upgrading to 5G can cause COVID-19.
Found a great little emergency radio for $36 on Amazon... figured it was a good price, just wanted an emergency hand crank radio. Turns out it also gets the NOAA, has a USB and micro usb plug to charge other devices, and a good little flashlight. What makes it really cool, though, is powered by hand crank, but also solar power, or three AAA batteries. So for $36 it's a solar charger, with a backup hand crank as well.
AG has now forced him to donate all of his remaining supplies to charity; a church and first responders. Apparently they made 3 trips with a UHaul. Headlines led me to believe they were doing this of their own volition, but that is not the case... the brothers are being forced to do this by the State's AG, and they are still up for massive fines and penalties for their actions. I expect a serious forensic accounting is in their lower intestine's future. https://www.today.com/news/brothers-who-hoarded-17-700-bottles-hand-sanitizer-forced-donate-t176028
Y'alls homeless population is about to explode. Google says 100.5k people are employed just on resorts on the strip.
There's a growing body of stupid "advice" like this making it around. Your FB community should be legally required to throat punch her with a six foot board (for social distancing) twice a day for the duration of the quarantine.