FL went with "first come first served" which is just such a Florida way of dealing with this sort of thing.
That’s how my hospital has been handling it for all of the employee vaccinations. They have 10 minute blocks open on the website and you just schedule and show up. They are doing it 7 days a week about 12 hours per day. If they open the online portal to all of their existing patients to schedule, it would be pretty smooth. With the exception of the website getting initially bogged down. They have been doing covid testing curbside. They could easily vaccinate a whole car of people the same way.
Here you go, Tex: https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/93c3aba7c204481cb0130578da7503e5 It's going to be a clusterfuck, state by state, because exactly what are the states supposed to use to distribute this (in terms of manpower, logistics, or facilities)? There's no guidance on what to do, how to do it and very few states have the expertise to plan and execute this sort of shit at a massive level. Even if they did, the people doing this are burnt out to a fucking crisp. Two major complications are the data of the people who've been vaccinated and the requirement to get the vaccine twice. So, imagine the cluster fuckery of getting vaccine #1 in one state and vaccine #2 in another. Or imagine the cunts who want to falsify they've gotten the vaccine. With all the various medical systems, there's NO single source of truth to collect, process and share this information across platforms. And given what a fucking nightmare of a line, or the travel required, what do you do when someone comes in ahead of when they are supposed to get the second dose and asks for it? There's a few dozen ways you can inoculate 330 million people, apparently, and we're going to discover all the wrong ones first. Don't get me wrong, Texas is a huge state, and distributing this is going to be a huge challenge. But yes....absolute cluster fuck.
Other fun aspect of this clusterfuck: what if you get vaccinated while you are positive? Can you test everyone before they get a vaccine? What are the implications of getting a vaccine while contagious, especially for the other people standing in line? Also, after the vaccine you still need to abide by countermeasures and not walk around like the rules don't apply to you anymore. Want to guess how that's going to go? I give it about 30 minutes before some retarded state has a controversy where someone is refusing to wear a mask and pulls a fake "I got vaccinated, bitches" card out and pitches a fit. They did this with medical conditions that were completely false, and had fake documentation for it. Some Karen is like "I don't wanna wear a mask on the plane! I GOT THE VACCINE!"
Last but not least, whole other kind of cunt: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid-...nter-grafton-wisconsin-hospital-worker-fired/
Canada said "fuck this" and put a very experienced retired General with 30+ years of logistical experience in charge of things, with full military support. I'm cautiously optimistic it'll get done well. https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coron...-s-mass-covid-19-vaccination-effort-1.5207985 By all accounts, things are going a bit ahead of schedule: https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry...-schedule-trudeau_ca_5fdd44abc5b6e5158fa7150f
Yeah... just saw that. That has GOT to be some level of federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison time offence, I would hope.
These are good points. I mean I guess you can require people to get the second dose at the same place as the first dose. And they schedule it at the same time as you get the first dose. And they just wait until the vaccines that can be stored at normal refrigeration are available instead of the Pfizer one. One of my friends who works for a different organization was given a hand written card with the date of her first dose and the date window for her second. At the end of the day federal guidance and preparation is what was needed in anticipation of the vaccines coming out. Acting like they created the vaccines themselves and then just saying, "now its your problem" is completely unacceptable. But unsurprising considering how they have handled this whole thing so far.
This is a great idea. It’s incredible how many societal issues we face are logistics based at heart. Tapping someone who made a career of getting what is needed to where it’s needed is the best approach.
This jives with my limited experience in Wisconsin and with co-workers from that state. They’re a lot more aggressive than I would expect from the Midwest.
There's an admiral in charge of Operation Warp Speed (ffs). So, we made the same attempt to put someone who knows how to get shit done in place. However, we also made Pence's team the ultimate decision makers in this nightmare, and guess what their guidance was.....and whose opinion carried the day..... This is a Goddamned embarrassment.
I'm not sure how things work between our Feds and Provincial staff... I tend to think that it might be that the Feds said "get the fuck out of the way and do what you're told". I'm inclined to see the individual State efforts and involvement on your end to be the real source of your Cluster Fuck. As to Pence, I'm going to guess that he's just a figurehead who said "make it happen" and that there might actually be someone in the ranks, not too far down from the top, that knows what the fuck they're doing. In this case, getting the vaccines out there is the "good" or aligned message/outcome, as opposed to the counter-messages that Trump/Pence wanted to portray up until now. Hopefully that works in your favour.
Well, just to confirm this: my city just up and decided they were going to close the vaccination site from tomorrow through Sunday. Why? No idea. You'd think vaccinating people should be a 7 day a week thing.
Ontario did the same thing here and the Provincial government admitted it was a mistake. The staff are wanting to get it done ASAP and willing to put in the time. Odds are the beancounters didn’t want to pay overtime.
Around here people are pissed because it's the front line that are getting the vaccines, and they all need them ASAP. Hours matter, never mind days, to them, which is why they're more than happy to work 24x7 to get the shots out to those that NEED the vaccine.