The other thing is that initially no one knew how much of the vaccine we were getting. Each organization requested a certain amount of doses but there was so much changing info about when it was coming no one knew who would be able to get it. At first, I was told I could sign up to get my first dose by the end of this month, then a week later I was told to postpone until sometime in January and then I was told to scratch that and schedule for whenever. Then we hear that there’s a pile of vaccines waiting for delivery instructions while the Trump admin is rushing to the front of the line along with all the gop. Ideally, you would have a task force in place whose only job is to handle the logistics of distribution but of course that got fucked up because they just don’t give a shit.
There is a hellacious logistics operation in place, whose sole purpose, executed with military precision, is to get the vaccine to where the states want them, and then.... It's the equivalent of leaving the baby on the church doorstep.
I get your point. However, I go back to school on Monday. I will have much less time than I do now to devote to this, and I'm back to being exposed regularly. Every day I don't get a vaccine is one more day when I can catch this at work.My mom doesn't get around easily, and really needs someone to drive her as well, so I will have to take a Saturday morning to do that. I went this morning and was foiled. I made a plan to do it tomorrow (or Saturday as a back up). Then they cancelled. I called the health department and they said it was a misprint. Meanwhile, the city is bragging on their facebook page about what a good job they are doing rolling this out. It's not the end of the world, and I'm more than likely going to be okay, but my odds of catching this shit went up because of their incompetence so I am therefore annoyed.
This right here is the price of incompetence. They created a vaccine in record speed, safely with 10x the testing the FDA requires, and it fucking works 95% of the time....and it sits in storage, because of the incompetence at the top. You remain at risk, your family and students remain at risk and should that risk turn into an infection, people will die, with a Goddamned vaccine sitting on the shelf. I'm working the COVID response until Monday, and I could shit acid I'm so pissed. Fuck these fucking fucks with a fucking fuck made of fucks.
I remember this guy from the worst of NYC. Competent, no BS, ready to plan and execute. Should've had him run the whole damn thing.
That's the thing... SOOO many totally unqualified morons that are in elected positions have too much say in this kind of shit for anything short of a fully coordinated, military reaction to work out well. It's really fucking ironic that the US spends such insane amounts of money on their military, only to have them sitting on the sidelines during something that is killing so many of your own citizens. The key to the results from that video, at least to me, seems to be that the NY Governor and FEMA had to say "go" to kick off that process to engage the military. From what I've learned from @downndirty , the hardest part of his job at FEMA is to get the State government to listen to FEMA's advice. Hell, you still have government officials calling it a hoax and downplaying/hiding testing results and ignoring simple CDC advice, never mind admitting that they need help, never mind asking for it. It very well might be that martial law would be the best way to get over the pandemic... and would probably trigger the largest reaction due to "mah freedom". Kind of ironic that "freedom" is what seems to be fucking you the hardest right now.
"States' rights" will literally be the death of us. A national- level crisis merited no less than a federal- level response. Not the 50 different clusterfucks we ended up with.
Decision time! I work in healthcare so I could theoretically sign up to get the vaccine as soon as next week. But I'm also 16 weeks pregnant. I am only working in person 2 days/week in a small clinic since I do a fair amount of the administrative bullshit from home. So in the grand scheme of healthcare, it's very low risk. We don't have a "bubble", we don't go anywhere, and Husband works entirely from home. I am less concerned about the safety of the vaccine during pregnancy than I am about maximizing the antibodies I share with Fetus. So now I have to waffle a bunch and decide whether to put it off for 11 or 12 more weeks since apparently the third trimester is better for antibody sharing, and who knows how long it will be before there is a baby-approved vaccine option.
Might be that the new strain is hitting kids harder. It will be interesting to see how this plays out, especially after xmas. 2021 might just be doubling down.
According to some social media comments from confirmed hospital personnel, most of the new cases who are in hospital here in Tokyo are children. With the (2nd?) biggest holiday here underway, and people fulfilling their usual social obligations...might be a rough ride. Over 1300 cases yesterday.
The vaccines aren't even approved for use in children , the earliest approval for adolescents I'm reading is forecast for fall 2021. Nothing yet about babies. New study showing the new variant is spreading faster.
I hadn't heard about the kids, but I've noticed the people here in the States getting it are younger adults. This could make reopening schools here interesting. And brief.
I don't think it's going to happen for our school system. We switched to all virtual December 10th and the numbers haven't gotten any better. We're still waaaaayyyy lower than much of the rest of the country, but the number of daily new infections is still rising. We did really well until Thanksgiving, exceptions being the prison outbreak and some nursing homes. We kept average daily new infections below 3. Then the graph started it's upward trend and we're at about 12 a day, and we haven't seen the Christmas spread yet. I'm ok with them staying closed until people start taking it seriously again. I still rarely see unmasked people in the grocery store, it's the gathering in each other's homes that must be driving infections up, and I'm sure some in person Christmas shopping was done by many people.
The "super strict" lockdown where LAPD just sits back and watches:
Holy shit. There were maybe 3 people with masks, no wonder it's exploding there. And unfortunately a shit load of people come up here from LA every weekend. EDIT: Just scrolled down and saw it was anti mask protestors. Fuck them, make it legal to light them on fire to cleanse them.
Elon’s flamethrowers would do the trick. I would personally volunteer, I’ve seen “The Thing” at least thirty times so I know my shit.
Both my father and mother in law have tested positive. He's been in the hospital since the 30th after falling down so dizzy he couldn't get up and had to go in an ambulance. She is completely asymptomatic. So far he's been generally ok. No issues breathing or anything. He's a walking pre-existing condition, so it's a miracle he's not totally fucked. We had seen them back on the 28th. We wore masks the whole time while listening to my father in law complain about them because "no one there had covid". I'm really glad we just let him bitch and kept them on. My wife, daughter, and I are all negative as of yesterday. Still not sure where they got it. He's a complete shut in and goes literally nowhere. He was admitted into the hospital for an unrelated matter before Christmas, so that could've been it. Could've also been my mother in law and she just didn't know. Either way, crazy stuff and I'm thankful my immediate family is ok.