When Sam Kinnison there got her shopping cart up to ramming speed, I was hooked and had to watch the entire sequence of videos.
Do you live in California where they think it is a good idea to walk around in a pressurized costume blowing the virus everywhere, infecting about 43 members of hospital staff? https://amp-theguardian-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/04/california-coronavirus-inflatable-costume-san-jose?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQHKAFQArABIA==#aoh=16097949905455&csi=1&referrer=https://www.google.com&_tf=From %1$s&share=https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/04/california-coronavirus-inflatable-costume-san-jose
Those LA videos are interesting. My step daughter and the wife's cousins all live in LA and they say if you walk out to your car without a mask on, you get immediate dirty looks. The step-daughter and her two roommates wear masks inside full time because one of them is an essential worker who still has to leave the house. Then again, LA is freaking HUGE so maybe there are pockets of anti-maskers
https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/05/us/los-angeles-county-california-human-disaster-covid/index.html Sooo....If you have a heart-attack in LA County, and cannot be resuscitated, "within 30 minutes, in the field". You're not getting transported to a Hospital. Explain to me again, how is this the last Superpower?
The reason I was at that pizza hut last night to do that sick reporting on the current riot situation, my wife went to the ER for possible appendicitis. The ER was overwhelmed with likely Covid patients. The hospital wasn't handling it well at all. The waiting room is about the size of our living room, and there was between 30 and 40 people in there coughing all over the place. My wife freaked out and went outside to wait to be called for the CT scan. Two weeks after Christmas, ER full of coughers... Not a coincidence, I think. I know I said in an earlier post that I was going to see family for Christmas, we changed our minds last minute and stayed home.
This is terrible. I hope your wife is ok. I had similar situation 3 christmases ago. My wife was 6 months pregnant and having terrible abdominal pain. She went to her doctor because she was worried it was pregnancy related. Who sent her to another doctor. And that doctor finally sent her to the ER. When we got there the waiting room was a 20x20 area with 40 people in it that all had flu. I’m glad that didn’t happen now. I can’t imagine her going through that without me being able to be there.
These are the numbers from our hospital this morning. The far left of the chart is back in March when things started ramping up. We are now hitting second wave numbers of admitted patients. This means the actual number of cases is far, far higher.
Here in my home town, the hospital morgues are full and they are now using freezer trucks to store the bodies. That being said, yesterday my friend's kid had to be ambulanced to the hospital with a burst appendix (they say it happened 5-7 days ago!) and underwent emergency surgery that didn't go as smoothly as hoped. Him and his mom are together in a private room while he recuperates, and is expected to be there for most of the week before he can be released. I'm kind of happy that despite the COVID numbers going nuts that at least our emergency services are still able to function fairly well when needed... haven't heard of anyone being denied.
I got a phone call last night that my aide won't be in for the next several days as her son just tested positive and is mildly symptomatic. Unfortunately I had to remove my mask for a short time yesterday because my glasses were fogging up too much to drive. But the way things are done, I continue to work until we know her status. Still, I've canceled plans for the weekend and told my parents I won't be around and don't come visit until I know more. The silver lining to this is I won't be around some of my family, masked or otherwise, who are having their heads filled with conspiracy theory bullshit about yesterday's events.
The morgue thing may be a bit of a media zap. Our city morgue holds less than two dozen bodies, last time I checked. Still, one is too many for me. It’s getting scarier than ever.
My boss got the Moderna vaccine today. For the record, he is NOT a healthcare worker, he is NOT over 65, and he DOES NOT have a compromised immune system. So how did he manage to get it? His wife works at a hospital (fucking medical billing) and was able to get him on the list.
I’m actually fairly high on the list due to my asthma, but I don’t think I should be, given the mild nature of my asthma. Many more people need it far worse than I do. That said, it seems like there should be a program where, if an eligible person declines the vaccine anyone else can step in and volunteer for it. There are doses currently going to waste because a vial has 10-12 doses, or so I’m told, and if folks opt out there isn’t a mechanism to use those doses.
I think this makes sense though... people who live with high risk, front line workers like nurses/doctors will be at higher risk so I have zero problem with them being at the top of the list. It's not just about him, individually, it's about his contact group.
In other news, today my home town broke the all-time single-day record for new cases and deaths. Yay us. Oh look... it's 2 weeks after Christmas. "But it was hard to stay away from people!"
And stories like this just piss me off: https://globalnews.ca/news/7558519/london-trainer-cautionary-tale-covid-19-abroad/ Really? You fucking moron? "wow... who knew it was this serious?"
MotherFUCKER. I hope a nurse punches him in the balls while he’s sleeping. Maybe he should have kept his mouth shut about the whole thing. That way our whole country wouldn’t know what a nimrod he is.
FYI Punta Cana is the eastern tip of the island, where the all-inclusive resorts are, and also where the DR's current covid restrictions don't seem to apply. Can't hurt that tourism, yeah?
Just don't leave the resort areas with the armed security guards at the perimeter as it turns bad news pretty quickly. Source: Experience.