I'm not worried, they won't hurt a native son. Right now you'd be in more danger from the taxi v. Uber war that's going on anyway. But my point is that because the resorts have their own, much more lax covid rules, pretty much everyone who can go, does go. They were absolutely packed for NYE, enough paying customers to make the fines worth it. So they're just not a good place to be, much like Florida.
Because of course Florida. https://www.cltampa.com/news-views/...-week-as-state-struggles-with-vaccine-rollout
At least two D members of Congress now coming up COVID positive after spending hours locked in a safe room with R's who refused to mask up in close quarters. Of course.
Where these maskless politicians positive or not? Otherwise it's complete conjecture and political grandstanding on a warped level.
You're assuming that they're blaming the Republicans for infecting them. Nobody has said that. What they are saying is that there are a ton of people running around in a building, without masks, where people have since tested positive. It is starting to be looked at as a super-spreader event. Never mind all those people heading back home and going maskless on flights and in airport terminals.
The idea that people who are being packed into a secure room with armed guards protecting them then refusing a mask because it'll make them look like a pussy really should have manned up and not gotten into the room in the first place.
Her statement: Rep. Brad Schneider Sounds like theyre specifically blaming the republicans in the room to me. You want to make a point about wearing mask. Fine. Dont do it by talking out of your ass.
They did refuse to wear masks even when crowded into a poorly ventilated room for an extended period of time. I think it's a safe bet, unless there's evidence of prior risky behaviour from the D's who are now sick.
Again, I don't see them saying that, and I think you are reading into those statements more than they are saying... they are saying that it wasn't being taken seriously by the GOP members... which is 100% true. They were mocking the offer of masks, and calling out people wearing them. They were not following basic, and I mean BASIC, COVID prevention measures, in an area where social distancing went out the window.
https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics...ers-refuse-masks-capitol-riot-raju-nr-vpx.cnn Watch the video, and the smug shit-eating grins on the faces of the House Republicans.
Don’t forget, those are the scumbags in charge. Hopefully that footage will bring a reckoning their way soon , what a bunch of stupid fucking assholes.
It's been nearly a week since the wife was in the ER among all the likely Covid patients. She's fine, btw, thanks for the comments and reps, it wasn't appendicitis. So far, neither of us have any Covid symptoms. I can still smell my own farts, and taste food. Wife can still smell my farts also, I know because she gets whiny about it. The moment she stops complaining is when I will get really worried.
More warped than using a position of power to publicly advocate for your constituents to avoid doing the simplest possible thing that will help save lives?
My wife and I were supposed to attend a small wedding last weekend. We didn’t for obvious reasons. The pictures posted online show literally every person there without a mask. Now 15 guests have tested positive. Oops.
If I still had After Effects on my computer I'd caption the Neo/Morpheus scene with: Neo: Are you saying I can dodge COVID? Morpheus: No Neo, I'm saying that when you're vaccinated, you won't have to.
We're now in our second emergency lockdown. Only 1/3 of the population in Toronto and other hot spots are following the guidelines, which is causing it to get bad. Needless to say I hit up the liquor store to get the critical supplies replenished.