Got my second dose today. A little tired right now but feels just like any other vaccine. Too bad this country has turned into the hunger games with covid vaccines. They just need to get needles in as many arms as possible. Second doses will come but some immunity is better than none.
So Ontario's response to COVID has not been perfect - no one's has - but you have to admire the reaction of our Premier to a caucus member writing a letter asking that the lockdown be terminated: Link: To Roman's credit, his points that the virus isn't deadly enough to warrant a lockdown to the general public - to say nothing of the economic disaster, drug use, suicides, etc - that it causes has some valid points worth debating. I do like, though, that there is cohesive messaging from the leadership on down and that he isn't tolerating someone attempting to politicize one side of this thing.
I’ll kind of admire Fird’s reaction to the virus, not to the fact he’s a stupid retaliatory jackass who fucked up our schools beyond comprehension and jury-rigged Toronto’s voting district because he was so pissy-pants mad about losing the mayoral election (and still is). Parents and teachers just love having ten students added to every class. That’s what happens when you hire somebody who runs a goat co-op to head our entire education ministry and her second-in-command a homophobic, homeschooled child. I’ll give him credit for not being as stupid as Conservative leaders are in the states when it comes to COVID, but the buck stops there so fuck him and his family. A morbidly obese man who dropped out of grade eleven has no business screwing up the education program in Ontario as much as he has.
That's rough. It's not likely it'll pass, but just the symbolism and short-sightedness of it hurts nonetheless. I'm not interested in discussing protectionist and globalist differences as I'm woefully uninformed in those areas, but I absolutely do know that there's a real concern about the richest countries getting access to vaccines while leaving the poorest in the dust. Not to mention the fact that the sooner we get the whole fucking planet on the same page the sooner we can get back to normal. I rarely have high hope for politicians writ large, but this guy can't seem to do anything right on purpose.
Yeah, at least some politicians are taking the global view:
I just signed up for a spot in the vaccine queue in New Jersey. Among the questions I had to answer was regarding my race. Maybe one of you can tell me- what difference does my race make? Why even ask? For the record I declined to answer this question, as an answer was not mandatory.
It is hard to be shocked any more by tRump's incompetence. Who wants to bet that the reserve went to donors.
My sister-in-law is losing massive amounts of hair post-covid. That obviously has her worried. I haven't read about that happening to others, but maybe it is. My brother didn't have much hair before Covid.
There are localities that are prioritizing minorities or groups that contain higher percentages of minorities. More of a low income thing than anything, wanting to vaccinate people with less access to healthcare thus are at higher risk of dying or overwhelming ERs as their only choice. Part pragmatic, as minorities are a bigger portion of the low income demo, and part woke virtue signalling calling out minorities specifically over basing it on income status alone.
I was able to get the vaccine(both doses) because I work for a hospital. My wife was able to dig around and get herself an appointment for the first dose yesterday. But the rollout in general has been a complete shitshow. Something I didn't expect was a small degree of haters/jealousy among a few of our friends when we told them. One said, " Well, I'M going to wait so that people who are actually in need get their's first." Some self righteous posturing from people who would jump at the chance to get it if they could. Ignoring the fact that I have to go into cancer treatment centers from time to time and those patients are extremely vulnerable. Others feel a general sense of complete unfairness at someone like me who is healthy and not in the high risk category getting access earlier. So my wife and I decided to basically not tell anyone we know anymore. Overall though, there is not nearly enough doses right now and the strategic reserve that was supposedly ready to be deployed doesn't actually exist. A few hours after that story came out, Azar tendered his resignation but said it was from the events on 1/6.
Azar is currently crying in social media about how his “legacy” is suddenly tarnished and is now pretending to be outraged by Trump. His legacy is the worst HHS secretary your country could possibly find. Just another no-account cretin who deflects and is using Jan 6 and an excuse to desert the sinking ship.
I work on some applications that have to do with COVID. The FDA requires demographic information for their statistics. You are not being prioritized by race.
The feedback is appreciated. I’m generally not a paranoid person, but given the state of things my trust levels are low beyond anything I can’t verify.
It basically gave our basketball coach alopecia. He quarantined and then no hair at the next press conference. Eyebrows and everything. Guess it’s a possibility.