We are in 1B here in Houston and it’s basically a food fight. You have to be lucky to be online at the moment a batch of appointments get released and get your spot within the 5 minutes they all get taken.
My Mom is a 1A person and we can't find an appointment for her. I'm in the 1B group, and none of the locations available are allowing 1B appointments yet.
There are websites to sign up for the vaccine as they become available. You will be contacted when your turn comes up. But there’s also a local public health website that shows places where vaccines are available and how many they should have. But getting some of the older folks to figure out these websites can be tricky. Some doctors offices are contacting their older patients to schedule doses as they get them available. The biggest issue right now is there is essentially only one available manufacturer right now where they can be stored at normal refrigeration levels. So that makes things real tight for the time being.
Here in New Jersey we keep opening vaccination sites and telling everyone that they’ll all be open for business, while ignoring the fact that we don’t have enough vaccines for all of the sites they’re opening. Other than that, phases like you described. I’m 1c (asthma) and figure I’ll get the vaccine sometime in September at current vaccination rates.
A rich Canadian asshole who thinks he can do what he wants and his mail-order bride are discovering that life comes at you fast.
This level is pretty extreme. I hope the community sues them in civil court. Because civil courts tend to make damages impact on a person's wealth,
My wife got her second shot yesterday and fully expected to feel like shit today. Two of her co-workers called in yesterday after getting their second shot. Sure enough, I get home this morning and she feels like dog shit, temp of 102-103. I guess it's not uncommon, so it's something to keep in mind when you get it.
I got my first shot and was just exhausted. Could have been the hotel sex that afternoon/night until I was literally sore and dehydrated, but probably the shot.
This is common with the second shot. I wasn't as feverish but I felt like proper shit for a day or 2.
No, but she tested positive yesterday. Sigh. Going to get tested again this morning, hopefully missed it by a couple of days. Or, y'know, I fucked someone who was positive and the vaccine worked, and I didn't get it? Fingers crossed.