I tested negative. Judging by the piercings (clit, lip, ears, tongue, belly), and oral skill....I'd say I'm not the first to get in there. So, scratch the virgin nonsense. That vaccine though....
Just tested positive off a rapid test. Lab results for the more accurate one in a few days. This is not great, but better than I expected. Like a bad case of allergies combined with a mental fog and fatigue.
hope so too. I'm kinda laughing because I expected it to be a lot worse, but then my wife reminded me I've only had it for two days. The mental fog thing is real. When is the peak of it supposed to hit?
Day 10 is about when the worst of it peaks from what I've read. There's also often a "false improvement" right before then, so be prepped even if you start feeling better on day 7-8.
That's pretty much what I had, along with just a general really shitty feeling for about 3-4 days. The other crap hung around about 3 weeks....mainly the muscle fatigue. Good luck, I hope you miss the whiskey hangover feeling I had, that sucked.
It's always sounded like you were pretty diligent with social distancing, mask wearing etc. Any idea how you might have contracted it?
my sister's house for the mcgregor fight. Her and her husband have literally stayed at home since around march, but their son is in high school and on the basketball team where they obviously do not wear masks. Timeline adds up perfectly. That is the only place I could have been exposed.
Similar to how six of my neighbors contracted it. They got together for only half an hour at around midnight on New Year’s Eve and two entire families contracted it from one asympomatic kid.
i totally get how this kills people. I haven’t had a drink in over 2 years and I got woken up by the worst hangover I’ve ever had, on steroids. If this is what this does to a healthy 32 year old, I am totally terrified of what it could do to someone who is compromised. Like no chance. I’d be trying to stop a moving freight train with your hands
Is insomnia and pain at the back of the knees a symptom? Because both are out in full force now. I feel like someone did a Tanya Harding to me. And insomnia even though I took melatonin, which the doctor said might help in some circumstances so therefore can’t hurt I think. Labored breathing for sure is a deal. And winded easily. Filled up the dog bowl and had to catch my breath. Have a pulse oximeter though and oxygen levels are 97-99 with aHR high 50s to low 70s. Vital signs are good, but what the fuck is going on. My body needs to unplug and reboot or something
now I feel high kinda. My mind is functioning properly I think but what comes out is just complete nonsense. And fucking everything is funny to me. For example, I've watch this video approximately 24 times in a row just now We are having groceries delivered later and my wife asked what I wanted. I told her I want to sous vide some pork chops. I don't even like pork chops, but it sounds goddamn delicious right now.
It hits everyone differently. I never lost sense of smell or taste, never had a fever, never had a cough, and no shortness of breath (And I've smoked for 40+ years.) What I did have was the hangover feeling (To the point of feeling nauseous 24 hours a day), horrible muscle fatigue for weeks, and the confusion (Which lasted a week or so), and a general feeling of being run over by a truck (Once again, for a couple of weeks.) I did find that Alka Seltzer cold medicine helped a bit, but that may just be me. Keep an eye on the breathing issues and seek help if you need it. Good luck, I hope it doesn't come to seeking help and you recover quickly.
When it hit me last March it started by feeling almost like allergies (scratchy throat), and then that went away after a day or two. For the next 17ish days the only symptom I had was that it felt like when I was breathing I wasn’t absorbing all of the oxygen in the air, and walking to do the dishes would wear me out at its peak. Wasn’t any harder to breathe though. My wife had it worse than me, sitting up for a few hours at her desk would make her need to lie down for the next few hours. Just do your best to settle in, eat healthy, and take care of yourself the next couple weeks.