yeah morning of 3rd symptom day, they’ve improved from this morning. Now I just feel stoned. My mind is running perfectly, but what comes out from my mouth sounds like I'm drunk or high or both. Still get winded easily, but last blood oximeter reading had my HR at 54 and blood ox at 99% so I'm not concerned.
that perfectly describes the breathing stuff for me. Insomnia and intense pain at the back of the knees was very weird. Smell is completely gone though I still smelled a dog fart earlier. "Weird" is a very good word for this. If I wasn't young and healthy and know I'd survive this eventually, I would be very concerned. Again, I can absolutely see how it could kill something with health issues. They wouldn't stand a chance.
A friend of mine has it and she said that she can taste somethings, but not others. As an aside, three days before she tested positive I took her shooting...a couple of hours in my car, without masks, driving to the place to shoot and back. About a week after she tested positive I started feeling off. Like really, really mild symptoms...tingle in the throat, muscle fatigue, and confusion. Maybe just a coincidence and somewhere I came in contact with a cold, or possibly I caught a mutated strain. I probably should've tested again, but since I'd already had it, it didn't really cross my mind. Whatever it was, it just annoyed me for a week or so.
that makes sense (heh). My wife made a bunch of deviled eggs and brought me a plate of maybe a dozen of them. Since I cannot smell I wasn't worried about the farts. She gave me jalapenos to put on top to "see if I could taste it." What I failed to account for, was her being an asshole and also putting ghost pepper sauce under the filling of several of them. Deviled eggs didn't taste like anything. Jalapenos I only really tasted a bit of heat and some vinegar a bit. Ghost pepper was just straight heat, but to the level of like a little under tabasco sauce. Figured something was up. She said she wanted to see if I could taste anything. Asshole.
if you're at all curious, I got the regular mask one and I fucking love it. Have two of them now. Most I ran in one was 3 miles, longest time I spent wearing one was roughly 1 hour of weight lifting. But they are awesome. I have a massive head and got the XL, wish I got the large but it still worked. That being said, take the advice for what it is from someone who actively has COVID. But I last wore them about a month ago. I recommend them to everyone who is looking for an exercise mask, and these are what I wear for casual wear/work (those were off an article from WIRED, and super comfy -- wearing one right now actually)
I'm good with regular masks, I've been looking for a good gaiter-style to wear while hiking. We spend 99% of our time not within a quarter mile of anyone, but want something for when we pass people or get hung up in slow sections/crossings/scrambling areas.
that’s a great point and thanks for being that courteous. Most people either don’t give a shit, or wear the ones that actually make it worse. I can add that the other style has held up well to washing and the like. Again, very breathable but also so thick there was no way I’m getting sick. I actually like your idea for outdoors, and if I wasn’t getting the sweet antibodies after this I would actually get a UA gaiter myself
I’m exclusively wearing the UA masks since I bought them. Firstly, they cost $30 so I’m gonna wear them no matter what. Second, once you’re indoors, there’s no glasses fogging to worry about. The only time they do fog up is right after coming in from the cold, and that’s unavoidable.
Yeah, the UA gator I got is probably better than what I'm finding, as I have a bit of a big goatee that seemed to screw up the fit a bit, just like normal masks. So yeah, I can't really give you a solid yes or no in good conscience.
This shit gets worse at night. Much worse. Not sure why. also don’t Google “is _____ a covid symptom.” Yes. That’s the answer. Is throbbing behind the eyes a symptom? It is now motherfucker. Is messed up hearing a symptom? Sure why not? Got diarrhea? Symptom. If you’ve had your body fail On you, chance are it’s a symptom. This shits like wheel of misfortune, every 30 minutes something else new and screwy happens. I am honestly shocked there aren’t more deaths.
All illness get's worse at night., there is less,feel sicker during the night. Hope you get better soon.
thanks for the info. Sleeping upright might help, or maybe in recliner. I’m currently on my left side, recovery position. Old cpr thing not sure why. Figure it can’t hurt. Night 3 is magnitudes worse than night 2 and I’ll be damned if I’m the first Tiber to die from this fucking thing
I feel for you dude... I had probably the worst lung infection I've ever had when I was in Tokyo a year ago... I honestly think it might have been the Covid. @malisbad can attest to the fact that I could not breathe. I was really close to going to the hospital, but foreign country and all made me hold off. I could NOT sleep/breathe lying down at all... had to prop myself up and basically sleep sitting up. Yeah... "sleep". It lasted for about a week, and it fucking sucked. The flight home felt like I was patient zero or something, coughing up a lung into a pillow almost the whole flight. Ever since then I've had shit for energy and breath capacity. Can't wait to be able to go for an antigen test.
Is it helpful or annoying if I share the little spiel we give patients at work about covid support at home?
It was weird, as it was right at the time that the cruise ship was being quarantined in Tokyo harbour... and we were kind of enthralled by it, but never really thought much of it, to be honest.