In a thread on Reddit about conservatives rejecting the isolation advice and mocking the very idea: Reddit got jokes.
These stupid fuckheads. If they don't give a shit about getting sick, fine, whatever. But they'll pass that shit on before they even know they have it. They are so fucking selfish that they shit they do doesn't just affect them, but anybody unfortunate enough to be in their geographic area. I hope they are on the bottom of the list for ventilators.
Time to buy is now, dawg. With the fed rate cuts and rising corporate debt, the banks need to lend money at any rates they can.
Why can’t the most susceptible just quarantine instead of talking about shutting down the entire economy for months?
It troubles me that local and State governments are just forcing businesses to close for some indeterminate amount of time. That will end many mom & pop shops.
Edit: Meant to quote juice/scotchcrotch in re: people at risk just staying home and everyone else business as usual. This doesn’t work because tons of people who are not at increased risk live with people who are. Or have to interact with people who are. Not to mention the fact that some younger people without any preexisting conditions are still requiring intensive care. I work in a medical clinic and know lots of people in healthcare. We are scared. This sucks but the best thing to do is to be diligent about social distancing.
One of my nerds ran a predictive model, and the worst case scenario if the current pace of spread continues (ie, we do nothing we're not already doing), is we will literally run out of new bodies to infect by July. Social distancing and quarantine might delay that some, but this is over by fall for the US/Canada. India on the other hand....whew that is scary. One of the biggest concerns I have is elderly care facilities: an outbreak there will ensure the treatment of the elderly consumes vastly more resources than otherwise healthy adults, and will literally "clog" the system. Keep the old folks away. I was flying back from TX yesterday, and the plane was about half full. Mostly idiots like me who had to travel for work and needed to slide in under a deadline, and young people who are enjoying cheap flights.
The risk of infection for a certain segment of the population is always going to be >0, especially for a country of 330 million +. The point is risk reduction, not elimination.
Hence the point of quarantining susceptible demographics. It’s not a quarantine if the elderly hang out with people that went to work.
This Washington Post article explains why quarantining infected or susceptible populations doesnt work very well
I wonder if this would cause an higher overall infection rate among healthier people and if that would inevitably lead to higher rates among susceptible people in the long run?
Here in NY they just prohibited gatherings of more than 50 people. They also ordered all bars, restaurants, gyms, casinos, etc to close tonight at 8PM until further notice. FUUUUUCCCCKKKKK....
Separating those that have to or choose to live with susceptible people is not only impractical, but unenforceable. These susceptible people still need to work and live. And they need support from people that are in better health than they are. If their caretakers get sick because a bunch of dipshits are all out touching everything and infecting each other, that caretaker is going to pass it back to the susceptible person, probably before they even start showing symptoms. How would you feel if you found out that you were infected, and before the symptoms showed themselves, you went to a bar and got shitfaced with your friends? Then you hear that the bartender at the bar you went to got sick, and passed it on to his immunocompromised kid and that kid died? This scenario is not only likely, it's probable that it has already occurred in a place like Italy already. For the love of Christ, stop being selfish and stay the fuck home.
So let me get this right- you do want to quarantine the population but believe its impossible for the susceptible? So which is it?
I'm saying it has to be a no fucking around quarantine for everybody. You can't do a targeted quarantine because it's impossible to prevent someone from breaking it. With a full quarantine, there are significantly fewer people available for selfish assholes to infect. I am saying this as someone who lives literally an hour away from the area where the initial outbreak is still occurring right fucking now. STAY THE FUCK HOME. WASH YOUR FUCKING HANDS.
It's not about protecting everyone from getting it, it's about slowing down the rate of infection... "flattening the curve"... so that as people get it, it's within a rate that the medical services people can handle. The more separated we are, the flatter the curve will be.