So two of my very good friends (both doctors) and their children got COVID in December. It got into their house through their nanny, who lives with her son who worked at a crossfit gym and picked it up there. The wife and kids got off pretty easy, loss of sense of taste and smell (which has returned), general feeling shitty. He wasn't quite so lucky. It manifested in him as pericarditis, and over a month later he still can't raise his heart rate without crushing chest pains. But it is slowly improving and unlikely to result in permanent damage. 34 years old and in decent shape.
I'm 32 and in good shape as well. I workout for about an hour 4-5 days a week, either running, weight lifting, or both. The scary thing is, it affects everyone differently. Sure, I was less likely for it to be severe due to my health, and certainly less likely to die (I am doing much better today than I was yesterday, which was the worst). But I can absolutely see how one little hiccup here and I'd be in the hospital or worse. Like let's say I was still drinking and I was hungover when the symptoms first hit -- absolutely certain I wouldn't have been able to fight it on my own. As it is, the doctor just called in antibiotics, steroids, and an inhaler for me. That whole "I'm young and healthy so it won't be bad" thing is a myth. I'm young and healthy and it is fucking horrible. Everyone wear your goddamn mask.
Thank you for the response, She was not wearing a mask, but it was pretty brief. I am not too worried about the test tomorrow. On another note yet another person came down with Covid in my office I find out this morning. It just feels like the walls are closing in on catching this damn thing.
Maybe the albuterol if you have any breathing stress. Is it prednisone or prednisolone? The latter is sometimes given for reducing severe flu symptoms.
breathing issues. SPo2 levels are still fine, but it can get quite challenging, especially at night. I’ve been “this” close to going to hospital for it several times. These would have been much better to have several days ago when the breathing was worse, as it’s gotten a bit better, but better late than never. If you want to replicate at home what I’m experiencing, lay flat on the ground and put about a 20-30 lbs weight (at least) directly on your chest. Now take a deep breath. Repeat until exhausted.
If you find you're running out of breath, which I have a couple of times with lung infections, I found that standing in front of the freezer door breathing in super cold air really helped. It was cool, refreshing, and maybe a bit more dense.
Man, that low heart rate scares me since I already have one around 50bpm and it can drop to ~40 while I'm sleeping...
Day 7 and I feel like I have turned the corner. Still easily exhausted/winded, breathing is still a bit labored but nowhere near what it was. Smell and taste still completely gone but everything else is largely fine. I credit the inhaler and steroids to really helping with that. Y’all, this fucking SUCKED. The only thing I can compare it to was how I felt after my brain surgery. It was worse than any hangover I’ve had, doesn’t even compare to the flu. It was absolutely some evil shit. And that I’m elated now with merely a bit of labored breathing and getting exhausted still when I walk to another room, should tell you how bad it was at the worst. There were points when I seriously considered going to the hospital, and didn’t see a way out of this for me. do whatever you can to make sure you don’t get this fucking thing. Stay indoors until the shot becomes available. I know this doesn’t affect some people that bad, but I am young and in great shape and it absolutely destroyed me. That there’s a chance you could still get it to that extent, fucking hell...
I've read a lot about people feeling better then getting ten times worse and I don't know if it is how the virus works or if it is because people who feel 10% better start acting like they are 100% better. Just remind yourself that it is okay to take extra time to recover.
oh yeah I'm taking it super easy and slow. Can't afford to fuck this up. My thinking is, if I'm still feeling fine this time next week, then I'll slowly ramp back up. I end "quarantine" on the 6th, and I'm giving it another 3 weeks starting then before I do any intentional exercise again. Also work basically told me take whatever time you need, just don't die.
Another guy at my wife's work popped positive. Difference with this guy is that she's had interactions with him vs the other guys being outside sales or technicians in the shop. She took a test today and hopefully results tomorrow or Friday. She felt a little off yesterday and had a temp of 99.0* for a few hours. Felt fine by the end of the day.
first day of symptoms for me felt like typical allergies. About halfway through the second day it hit me like a bomb and there was no mistaking what was going on. That was also when the rapid test came back. By the time I got the lab results back I was like yeah no shit.
The guy didn't feel the best last Friday. Boss sent him home and told him to get tested. Wifey felt run down yesterday and last night his results came back positive. She said she's feeling fine today but is staying home from work as a precaution.