The variety in types and severity of symptoms has amazed me. A few people I know suffered primarily from loss of taste and smell, exhaustion and a complete loss of appetite. A few folks had very minor cold like symptoms with or without brain fog. One neighbor had gastrointestinal issues. The moving target of what to look out for is anxiety inducing.
Way back when my business partner's whole family got it. He and his son (blended family) felt 100% fine. His wife and her two kids all had symptoms. Thankfully mild compared to 'Nerds. Makes you wonder how many of us got it and were asymptomatic.
All I ask @Revengeofthenerds is that you post every day, at least a "not dead yet" post so that we know you're doing OK. My mom and her best friend do a similar thing every morning... text each other with "woke up again, not dead yet."
I just got off the phone with a lady from the cdc doing contact tracing and offering any assistance (they asked if we needed help getting food and medicine delivered, if we could afford food or if not they could provide us some, beyond nice). I had every symptom she asked me about except for fever — mine never went above 100, and that was the line for fever qualifying as a symptom. plus insomnia and brain fog, which were not listed on her questions to ask
dude I got really fucking lucky. I know it's not over with by any means but at least the absolute peak of it *should* be. And holy fuck was that bad. There were certainly moments that, if I was being completely honest with myself, death would have been much easier alternative than fighting through it. If I didn't have the brain surgery for perspective this would easily have been the worst I've ever felt. And again, it bears repeating: I'm 32, 180 lbs, and exercise for at least an hour 4-5 days a week and have for about two years. Zero underlying health conditions. I'm still in absolute shock at what the fuck just happened.
wouldn't surprise me if that has some impact on the neurological things like no taste and smell. Weirdest one for me was that during the worst of it, I could still type/text perfectly, but there was this weird hiccup between my brain and mouth where it would take me forever to get the words out if I was trying to speak them. It was like I was drunk and high and concussed all at once. I sounded like my late grandfather when his dementia was so bad.
Hey guys, you know what I just realized? It's been a year since the virus got here, and I haven't so much as had the sniffles all year. Weird.
You laugh. One of my best friends runs a 10 bay Porsche repair shop and he says the covid protocols that were put in place have dropped sick days taken to zero. No colds, no sickness. As a result he says those protocols are staying permanently. Things like wash stations, no sharing of tools, private mechanics spaces, etc.
I hope you recover quickly man, and feel better soon. This is what scares the fuck out of me. I’m an overweight, middle aged dude with asthma. I truly believe I’ve seen how I’m going to go, and it’s going to be gasping for air. I want no fucking part of this insanity.
In the last hour or so I’ve regained my taste and about half of my sense of smell. Really weird. There’s this candle in our bedroom that we used as a litmus test. I told my wife when she got it that it smelled like “basic white bitch.” Couldn’t smell it at all this morning. The intensity of the smell has been increasing each time I sniff it though. And I am worried for ya dude. I cannot imagine if I had asthma — I’d be fucked. As it was, if I so much as got up from the bed to use the bathroom I was panting like I just ran a few miles for time. I’ve spent today in just a total state of shock, like what the fuck did I just go through. Weirdly, the ptsd-related anxiety I normally get when I’m sick wasn’t present at all. Like I think with this, because it was so intense, my body was like okay we don’t have time for games, let’s just buckle down. Of course, people might say there’s only a small chance a healthy person would go through something to this extent. Or that someone with asthma would still get to the point of it being potentially deadly — yeah, but there’s also a chance you’re flat fucked too!
Once civilization gets back to gathering in large crowds (whenever the hell that is) I doubt those protocols make much of a difference. That's what has impacted the spread of other diseases IMO. Wearing a mask in flu/cold season when in public slows the spread some too.
I tend to think they would make a difference... washing your hands, sanitizing a car before you crawl in/through it, etc, will have an effect on reducing the spread of that stuff, at least at the work place.
I've caught things while at work so it may help some. But people staying home when sick would help more. I know employers don't like people calling in sick, but that's short sighted on their part.
Along the same lines... once everyone gets the vaccine... then what? I haven't heard or seen anyone talk at all about what a "deescalation plan" looks like yet. Never mind how well we'll shift to it.
goddamnit. Just shaved my beard off and apparently a lot of the 6 lbs I lost in 7 days came from my face. I look like Sid from ice age.
not dealing with that shit again. Too much work. At least, when it was long. If it's too long to maintain with a beard trimmer, and instead you gotta use hair clippers, it's too fucking long. That's my new rule. dixie, ya hear that new hair rule?
I picture it having the smoothness and organization of a prison riot. Of course, 10% won’t be affected by the vaccine, we’ll label them ”Sickies”, scarlet letter them so they stand out in public and eventually herd them into a giant old industrial zone of a bygone dystopian nightmare. Until one day... the creatures take back the night.