you are my hero Sounds like I'm gonna be one of those long haulers or whatever they call them. Today is one month from when I got my first symptoms, and I'm still battling insomnia, daily intense migraines, random knee pain (back of the knees, really fucking weird), and the worst is getting tired and struggling to catch my breath. Trimmed trees for no more than half an hour yesterday and it absolutely wrecked me. Haven't regained the 10 lbs I lost, or my sense of smell, and taste is still all fuckered up. I'm 32, exercised daily for roughly an hour, had great cardio, zero underlying conditions other than being really fucking dumb sometimes, only thing was that I enjoy the occasional cigar. If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone. I hope you fucking destroy those dipshits.
Read some scuttlebutt on the twitters about the vaccine helping with Long Covid symptoms, like it's batting cleanup.
I am feeling optimistic based on some things I've read about lately. Transmission rates after exposure in people with full 2 dose vaccine reduced somewhere between 86% & 89% based on UK and Israeli studies They are testing efficacy of a 3rd shot. So this might turn into something like an annual flu shot, to my understanding, after your intial 2 dose vaccination. US Coronavirus stats are improving in most states This is probably part better prevention, and part better treatment. edit, a word
well that makes me optimistic, thanks. In Texas I'm already approved to get vaccinated since I work in childcare, just have to wait two more months now because I think it's 90 days after the first positive test? At this point, like yeah the breathing and insomnia and headaches and knee pain suck, but I don't really care. I'm losing sleep, but not over that. Even if worst case they're permanently with me, way I look at -- I survived a brain tumor, and then I survived a really horrible battle with covid. Nature took two solid swings at me and missed. Fuck it, I'm still alive, everything else is gravy.
I have no link or source, it was literally just some twitter commentary. Sorry for getting anyone's hopes up.
Can confirm: my tits are perkier. Your mom hasn't gotten back to my solicitations for research on the dick question, presumably because her mouth is full.
So the counter protests were more or less a bust. Most of the people I called on backed out or straight up no-showed. The reformed gang guys from the Indian Posse had good reason, as they were worried about possible outstanding warrants mixed with almost definite police presence. The Drag Queen backed out but wouldn’t go into specifics. A half dozen cooks and chefs showed up with me, and we had signs saying “I’m With Stupid”, “Don’t Know Much About Science Book” and “History Belongs in the Past”. We got the shit eye for those but no one started trouble with us. The cops on site seemed to like them. The high point was the trumpet player, who blasted out of tune nonsense every time the head douchebag tried to start a chant with his bullhorn. I was fucking crying laughing. When someone made a move to take his trumpet away he agreed to leave and came back in a car with his girlfriend, who kept circling the block while he blasted noise out the passenger window. So, we probably didn’t accomplish shit, but I feel a bit better about this whole debacle. Those stupid fucks are still gonna stupid fuck, but I have a fun story and maybe I’ll try again some time.
something tells me that's was a really good idea. My father in law likes to complain about getting into it with cops during his biker days, and invariably the story ends with him being an asshole. Like well, what did you expect? I don't like to be around him when there are cops around just because I don't trust his history, or mouth, and I don't wanna get caught up in it. Props to you though for fighting the good fight. I'm sure everyone who saw y'all and wasn't a fucking idiot had a smile under their masks Mind you this is the same Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans that has been sued into bankruptcy because of all of the child rape so I am not too sure they really are the best arbiters of morality.
So Governor of Texas has announced the state is 100% open and is repealing all mask mandates. Can anyone explain to me how the "no masks" is anything but virtue signalling? Closing/reopening has economic consequences and so, while I think Republicans have been seriously fucking up the calculus on that balance, at least there is a balance. But masks? Texas is undermining a public health measure for what gain exactly?
It goes a long way in achieving priority number 1: owning the libs. From an education perspective, this has the potential to be a mess. There has been a low transmission rate in school, but that is 100% due to mask diligence. We can't social distance for shit and ventilation is a joke (my school doesn't feature windows that open). There will be lots of pressure for school districts to remove mask mandates now (and lots of rural districts already itching to do so). If schools get rid of masks, there will absolutely be outbreaks over the next 3 months. Bonus points: Texas schools go on spring break in a couple weeks.
Distracting from the power issues and trying to get re-elected. My bet is more southern states “open” up following suit, I got my first dose in NC today, after the 30th they can do whatever the fuck they want as all of my family here will have been fully vaccinated. My wife goes back to full class loads on the 8th, our school board members all ran on re-opening schools immediately, I’m shocked it’s taken them this long to get it passed. None of them wear masks during meetings and you can guess what party they all belong to. All of them want to ditch masks in schools as soon as possible. They’ve also approved full capacity for sporting events. It’s a shit show.
From what I can tell, Texas isn't exactly leading the nation in vaccinations. They've had 42k dead, which is more than they should have. It's hard to say how many "active" cases they have, but yes....this is going to lead to more infections. What a fucking cunt. I guess just ask any expectant mother though, and they'll tell you: Texas don't give no fucks if you live or die.
I just want to be around people and not have my (what used to be mild) OCD and anxiety blaring alarms in my brain that everyone around me is going to be responsible for my immediate illness and death.
Read an article where Biden says that there will be enough available doses for every US adult by May. I hope it is true. I do not want the J&J vaccine though. Right now per the OR rollout plan my number won't come up til July. I'm thinking this will speed things up a little but I really doubt I'll have my first dose by May.
If he doesn’t have it in the bag by may, it will be the next “if you like your insurance, you can keep it” or whatever the quote was. Biden made a bold statement yesterday. I hope he had some kind of intel to back it up.
I think it has to do with a deal he made with J&J. So there will be doses.... but I'd rather wait for the vaccines which are supposed to be a lot more effective.