Don't worry, before the week is out, we will be under full quarantine of non-essential people. I would be seriously surprised if that doesn't happen. On a personal note, I spent a grand total of 12 hours in Park City. I tried calling Delta to change flights and the message basically told you to just book a new flight and they will settle up with you later, no attempts were made to actually answer the calls. The one-way flight back for four of us cost less than a single round-trip ticket out to Utah. Flight was pretty full but the airports were really subdued. My company has moved everything to remote and virtual for non-ops people until further notice. I sent everyone home with monitors and anything else they needed and the field team are left to contact everyone through Teams or the phone. There is likely to be a delay in the delivery of the project because of this.
Business as usual for now. Imports are down big time, but the fear hasn’t fully set in yet. Now if the entire country is under quarantine, I’m going to mortgage out my house, cash advance my credit cards, and put it all on the s&p. Because in the extremely small likelihood of us not coming out of this, money is going to be worthless anyways.
Honestly, at this point I'm hoping for a full shutdown with a moratorium on rent/mortgage payments, utilities, etc. for 2-4 weeks. The biggest reason that people are leaving home is so they can go to work. At least this way the curve flattens out even more. Apparently we are a week or two away from being Italy, which surprise surprise, had 368 deaths in the last 24 hours. Now extrapolate that over North America's population size and make it exponential.
Since the most vulnerable are also the ones that make up the majority of hospitalizations wouldn’t quarantining them in theory lead to less overall use of hospitals? It’s not a full no fucking around quarantine if you are making exceptions for susceptible people to go out and work I think is his point. It would make more sense to make sure they’re quarantined to lower their risk of exposure at all.
I guess I'm not being clear when I'm saying it has to be a no fucking around quarantine for everybody. No exceptions for anybody. ANYBODY. Everybody should be at home. It is impossible to quarantine just sick people because there are not enough tests available for every person in the United States. Even if there were enough tests, some people may have it and not show symptoms for up to two weeks, if they do at all. If a person does not believe they have an illness, they won't get themselves tested, for a myriad of reasons like cost, convenience and fear. Meanwhile, they'll still be spreading the virus. At this point, common sense says we should overreact than not react enough. At least by overreacting, more lives are saved. If you want this shit to go away and return to living your life faster, stay the fuck home and wash your hands. The more people act as if nothing is going on, the longer this worldwide pandemic will last.
That doesn't work. Full stop. Doctors? Nurses? The company that supplies oxygen and other medical supplies to the hospitals? The hospital cleaners? Pharmacies? Never mind food? (from cashiers to stock boys to the supply chain for same) How about gas for the trucks to work? Police? Fire Dept? EMTs? There will ALWAYS have to be exceptions to the rule, period. It's just a case of where you draw the line as to what people need to live on.
Yes, that's on me for not making that clear. What I think he meant was just quarantining sick people so the rest of the population can continue living their lives how they want. I am stating that this line of thinking will ensure the pandemic lasts longer than it has to.
Ohio just suspended in-person voting for tomorrow's primary and balloting initiatives. Voting period is being extended through June 2nd to allow for absentee balloting.
All kidding aside, I'm kind of curious to see the positive outcomes of all of this; China's air pollution is way, way down, the canals in Venice are so clean that they now look like streams, and you can see tons of fish swimming in them, rocks on the bottom, and even the dolphins are coming in to swim around now that there's no water traffic.
And Ontario is now going into "no social business mode"... bars/restaurants are shutting down (except for takeout and delivery), that kind of thing.
Yeah, that title's a bit misleading... it's a custom medical grade plastic they're using, and a very fast, high quality printer. It's not like they're just printing something from a home-job Ender 5 for this. But it makes sense... there are a ton of one-off plastic pieces that are running out of inventory, so do what you have to do. This is all part of the reason for isolating... slow down the intake of new patients, and the use of somewhat limited life-safing supplies.
I saw a reddit thread where someone mentioned that and a whole bunch of people with talent, equipment and financial resources threw their weight behind it. it’s amazing to see how people and businesses have stepped up where government either won’t or can’t
So much of it is due to the regulation and testing needed to bring medical devices to market. The ONLY reason they're getting away with it like this right now is that it's an emergency and it's literally do it or people die. Some people were shitting on the original company who ran out of inventory, and couldn't keep up with demand, for not releasing the engineering drawings to the public so that people could make copies, but they don't realize the liability that the company would be under, even in time of this kind of crisis. They'd be sued/fined out of existence, as crazy as that sounds.