I am going to massacre this, but one theory that had some legs is that the virus causes the cell(s) to produce something called bradykinin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bradykinin), which acts like a sort of styrofoam in the cell, making it toxic. Some folks can break down a peptide in their system readily, or some folks' immune systems engage the virus before it gets too bad (ie, they spot the virus, associate the bradykinin and become more sensitive to it. So, there could be a relationship between viral load, incubation period and bradykinin buildup that would explain the whacky bits of who gets sick how, and why some systems are so weirdly affected.
Isn't that just about the worst thing to do for a fever, the reason he felt cold. Like, risking brain damage, organ failure and death type of thing. The goal with any fever is reduction, cooling the body down. I think I'd just take fever reducers and ride it out, or do whatever the doctor tells me.
depends what "warm" means. If it's at a temperature lower than the fever he was running, I'd think it would be okay, but not necessarily the best option. If the temperature was higher than his internal body temp, this would not be smart yes.
As far as I know, he was cautious about the temperature of the water, but I can't say for certain. I wasn't advising it, just observing that I don't know a whole lot of people who contracted COVID, and even in my small circle, the outcomes have run the gamut from, "no big deal" to "as sick as I've ever felt in my life" to "dead" with seemingly no correlation to how healthy the individual was.
Many years ago, when I abruptly realized I had malaria, it came at this moment: I was babysitting the movers at my family’s house in Dubai, as they were packing up to come back to Canada. I was freezing cold, so I went outside to sit in the sun. Wrapped in a wool blanket. I remember taking my shoes off to put my bare feet on the sun-heated concrete to get them warm. No big deal, except that Dubai that week was over 50* CELCIUS with above 90% humidity. Sometimes it’s best to get to a doctor right fucking now, if you’re flirting with serious diseases.
I did kinda the same thing with the flu right after I moved out on my own. Layed under a blanket with the heat crunk to 11 in the house. Before I knew better. Hell, I didn't have a thermometer or even fever reducers in the house. I know how tempting it is to seek that warmth and comfort can be.
Hey guys, all we've been hearing about lately is vaccine this and vaccine that, but t what about the antibody tests? Anyone had one? Because I'd like to know if I've had the virus first before I take some new vaccine.
if you want to see if you have previously had it, they will tell you when you go donate blood. Not that it should stop you from getting the vaccine.
Miniaturized cellphones in your bloodstream. 5G infections. Welcome to the new normal, sheeple. adrenochrome keeps you from being infected though. Sweet sweet baby meat.
I did an antibody test at Kroger like 6 weeks before I got Covid and it was $25/15min. The health department stressed i should still consider vaccinating when I got it because they were finding that the antibodies from the illness vs from vaccines were significantly shorter lived. if you’ve had Covid and get vaccinated it will wreck your shop, FYI.
Thought the anti-body test will only show positive results if you've had covid in the last 3 months IIRC? Maybe better testing now?
That’s about right. Mine was negative at the time because I hadn’t had Covid, but now I’m sure my bloodwork is wild af.
Cameras are now the size of a grain of rice and cost a nickel per ounce. They’re scattered everywhere, like birdseed. Burn your books.
Scientific guidance says that people who had COVID should still get vaccinated. You can get an antibody test but it shouldn't affect your vaccine plans.
Also Antibody tests for COVID have been throwing out false positives at an alarming rate. To the point that they were being pushed really hard because they helped the "most people are asymptomatic so it is ok to open up hair salons" arguments from the people who need yacht money and their easily duped followers who have to exercise without a mask because they'll get carbon dioxide poisoning if they wear a mask for more then 1 minute.
I got in the queue for my vaccine today. Earliest date for normal people in NY is middle of May, so there's that.