Practically everyone around here follows the guidelines and keeps their loved ones safe, then these fucking idiots come along and ruin it for everyone in the entire county. Businesses die left and right while the morons causing the problems stay open. Close the fucking colleges and universities already.
This is like the time that people all over Ontario were shocked that Queen's University Students lived in Kingston. But you are right how fucking hard is it to change Colleges and Universities to Online only for the bulk of their programs.
Wife and I get our first shots on Thursday. I know some of you have researched it, what should I be doing to prepare? Super-hydrating? Any other ways to lower the risk of feeling like crap? My 6 year old gives no shits if I feel like crap, he won't take it easy on me until I feel better. I said before I wasn't excited about getting this vaccine, but damnit I will do my part, I guess. If it kills me, I want a big "I told you so" on my urn.
Recently, my daughter got a formal autism diagnosis, which allowed my wife and I to get our first shots this week. In the state of Washington, if you're a caregiver for someone who is disabled or developmentally delayed, that bumps you up the queue to get a vaccine. Anyway, the nurse who administered the shot said that the side effects for the first one were typically mild but the second one had a better chance of sucking. Now, I typically don't have strong reactions to shots, but this one was bad, at least for me. My arm hurt so goddamn much that I couldn't lift it over my head and it also lasted almost 24 hours. I took an Aleve the next day and that really helped. I also had a mild headache and a general feeling of malaise, but that only lasted a few hours. We got the Moderna vaccine. Unfortunately to my knowledge, there isn't anything that can be done to mitigate this crap, other than praying that whatever happens is within your tolerance level. As for your kid, this might be an afternoon where TV/iPad gets to be a babysitter.
Other than a sore arm for a couple days, I didn't feel any different. I had the Pfizer, just first dose. I went for my regular jog the day after and felt fine. I thought I was feeling sluggish, but it may have just been in my imagination. Went snow skiing for three days two days after and was fine.
I thought you only needed to keep the vaccine on ice until it was injected into the victim, errh guinea pig, I mean patient
Hydrating is always good but there isn't a lot you can do to predict whether you'll feel crappy. Take ibuprofen if you need it but not as a preventative, because any anti-inflammatory slightly reduces your immune response. No point in reducing that unless you actually need to feel better.
My sister was able to snag doses for herself and her two girls in two different states by calling different pharmacies about cancellations/no shows. These are doses that would be otherwise wasted.
That's basically what my wife did. It sucks, but that's how your body responds to vaccines. This is not new information. The alternative is eventually getting it, and that can be deadly, or horrible, or roll the dice you'll be one of the lucky ones that it doesn't impact. I, personally, wouldn't gamble like that. It's been almost 2 months since I got COVID, and I spent the last three days running a low grade temp, got more blood labs done today, and have another doctor appt to go over those results once they come in. I don't know how many doctor appointments I've had since I got covid, but thank god I have insurance and can afford them...
I am fully vaccinated with the Pfizer one. First dose no biggie. 2nd dose was on a Thursday afternoon. Woke up Friday and didn't feel right. Fought through but by that evening my skin hurt, horrible headache, and complete exhaustion. Woke up Saturday morning and felt like Superman. My wife developed a mild rash but that was about 2 days after the 2 week timeframe after the 2nd dose. She is immunocompromised and her doctor didn't believe it had anything to do with the vaccine. My parents both got their 2nd dose on Monday. Zero issues and they are both in the early 70s.
I'm signed up for my first Moderna shot Friday morning. I have a gig that night so I'm hoping the first one has minimal effects. My wife got that as well and felt like Hell after the second one. Our son got the J&J on Monday and was feeling kinda cruddy yesterday. Beats the alternatives though.
The general consensus from my hospital is that the first shot makes you a little tired for a day and the second shot fucks you up a little for about a day and a half. Chills, body aches, possibly a slight fever, fatigue. After that, you’re generally alright. That was my experience with Pfizer. My wife and her friend got Moderna and experiences similar effects.
I got the Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose a month ago), and the only thing I can say is my arm was sore as fuck after both doses. I wouldn't plan on a full day after getting it, to allow yourself the chance to rest in case it does make you go haywire. I just wish they could hurry the fuck up and get my parents the jab. Nana is over here making me nervous.
This was basically my experience as well, and what I've heard from a lot of people. But my dumb ass was at work for 11 hours the day after I got my second dose (pfizer) and it was pretty rough. Would definitely recommend scheduling the second one before the weekend or a day off so you can lay low if necessary. I did cave and take a little tylenol when my temp got up over 100 since I knew I wouldn't get back to sleep until it stopped going up for fear of cooking the fetus. Still 100% worth it, obviously, and now I'm feeling super excited about some early reports of cross-placental antibody sharing. Also SO RELIEVED that my dad is scheduled Friday. He is the last unvaccinated person in my inner circle of folks who I would be really worried about if he got sick. I still want my whole team antibodied up, but after dad is protected I can breathe a sigh of relief. downndirty, I hope your parents get on team vaccine soon!
I’m getting to the point right now where I don’t know anyone who still hasn’t gotten at least one dose. I know it’s anecdotal, but I figure if there’s a lot of people in that same boat, we are doing pretty well.