My arm is sore, hot and weak. I got a nearly instantaneous metallic taste in my mouth, but that has happened with other vaccinations in the past, the rabies vaccine did it the worst. Just feeling run down also. Hopefully the kid wants to be lazy this evening.
Yeah that's a good description. Just uncomfortable. I did have a slight headache but kind of felt lousy in a general sense. I barely noticed though, I was so excited and happy to get it multiple months ahead of schedule. I friggin teared up looking at coffee pots in Bi-Mart. I have literally been no where but the pediatrician in months. I think I picked up duck feed from the outdoor register a couple months ago. Just... so ready for that feeling of constant worry to abate a bit. Have you had your 2nd dose yet? I've heard that's the one that people usually have bigger side effects from.
Not yet. That’s sometime next week I think and I’m not super looking forward to the couple of days after because I expect they’ll be miserable. The best way I could describe it was that I wasn’t in pain, nothing HURT (key since I’d just had my boobs done again), but I could feel every part of my body.
I’m scheduled for my first vaccination in two days and I’m already suffering from survivor guilt. I’m far more at risk than my wife (who is in ridiculously good shape and actually far better shape than when I married her) or my 17 year old daughter, but I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that I’ll be protected and they won’t.
They have some protection simply due to their lower risk factors. Also, you're helping protect them by doing your part - the faster everyone is vaccinated, the safer everyone is.
I didn't take long for me to return to normal. A couple hours after this post, I was feeling fine. This morning I just have a minor muscle ache in my bicep. Hopefully I rebound as quickly for the next one.
I got my first shot this morning, the Moderna one. My arm is fine so far, but wow does my back hurt, more to the side I got the injection on.
I'm so far down the list, I haven't even thought of getting the vaccine. In my county I'm behind the prison population, homeless and drug users. Not joking.
According to a friend who’s my age and just got his first dose Kroger’s around here have PlayStation 5 style open slots first come first served he scored refreshing the webpage. Crazy how much it’s ramped up and Europe has been fucking it up.
Anybody in their 75th year and older can start getting their shots starting Monday here. So my dad can, not my mom. It’s not rolling out too quick here.
They're starting to dose the next group here in Aus as of next week, I'm away for two weeks but should be able to get it when I'm back due to Defence/Emergency Services work. Hopefully, I have the same reaction as I've had to every other vaccine I've ever had which is sweet fuck all.
Nebraska is still on schedule to open it up on May 1st...which I guess was their schedule originally? I understand the whole “don’t wanna start letting the younger people do it until we get the olds jabbed,” but when the majority of your state is rural and a portion of them will probably decline it anyway...just let me get in line. Also, I need to find out if my hair loss is genetics or sustained anxiety.
I was able to get the J&J Vaccine yesterday. My arm is still a little sore and I had some very mild cold symptoms yesterday. I’ve been locked down pretty good for the past year and I’m excited to start venturing out a little bit. I’m not planning on going back to normal anytime soon, but being comfortable going to the gym and out to eat occasionally will be nice.
My parents have both gotten their second dose of Moderna as of this past week. They both had high-ish fevers and flu symptoms for 24 hours and then were fine the following morning.
Just got my first dose earlier today. Feeling pretty good so far, just a little hungry. I’ll think I’ll have some brains for lunch.
Got my first shot of moderna on friday at 4.50. It is now Sunday at 10pm and my arm is still a little sore.
After getting dose 1 of Moderna yesterday morning I had soreness around the injection site and felt generally crappy the remainder of the day. Today, however, I feel FUCKING FANTASTIC. It seems that Moderna also cures allergies, broken legs, sore shoulders and prevents hangovers. All of the everyday shit that usually bugs me seems like it’s gone today. I haven’t felt this good in months.