Y'all hear about the CEO of Texas Roadhouse who committed suicide? He had extreme tinnitus as a post side effect of coronavirus. Really sad. He had to have been going completely insane.
The biggest tragedy is that they can’t have his funeral until they find a funeral home that allows you to throw peanut shells on the floor. I got my first moderna vaccine this morning. I am extremely excited.
We are at 40 and older here in Indiana so I jumped on this morning and am scheduled for the J&J vaccine Thursday afternoon. I'm excited to get this over with. A lot of my friends are part of the antibody squad so they haven't been as worried about getting it again but since I haven't had it (maybe back in Feb of last year but not sure) it'll be nice to join the club of those not worried about it.
Well, you can catch it again. Encourage them to get the J&J, one and done. They are considering the J&J for my brother in law who caught covid and was symptomatic. Their thought process is that it's like the second dose of a 2 dose vaccine, except in his case he was exposed to a live virus the first go around. Not sure how close to reality that is in terms of immunities but it kinda makes sense to me.
I'm sure most if not all of them will, just that before it was available they had Covid and really didn't worry as much afterwards. There may be one or two that don't for whatever reason but they are not anti-vaccine at all that I know of.
From inside the bubble, we're looking at 700k fatalities by September. This isn't over yet. I'd also expect to see some of the "I got infected, but I got the vaccine" stories starting up soon. It's not a panacea, and while it's INSANELY worth getting, there is going to be a significant number of folks for whom it doesn't offer the blanket protection they want.
https://www.newsbreakapp.com/n/0Yze...jE2MTY0MzI4ODI3ODd9&s=a7&pd=08qrBtMz&hl=en_US One upside to having to carry proof of vaccination, Krispy kreme giving free donuts to vaccinated people. I'll be in line the 9th, for sure, maybe sooner.
Maybe it's just because I live in the city that is to donuts what New York is to bagels, but Krisy Kreme is a massively inferior donut. I don't think they even stack up to the other chains like Dunkin, Winchell's, Yum Yum, etc.
I'm not a big donut eater, but I do like a KK hot-n-fresh glazed donut. I prefer a good breakfast biscuit, though. I might have to expand my donut experience next time I go to town, yee haw.
I've always wondered how that that isn't a massive liability as far as being a slipping hazard. I've seen "caution wet floor" signs for less. At any rate, I see this being a massive mental health issue in the long term, and I don't imagine the challenges with suicide getting any better. The analogy I make is like how people cannot mentally grasp how much money one billion dollars is, they also have a tough time understanding what a 4-6 month recovery is. Or a year recovery. It was at least a year until I felt completely normal after my brain surgery. I know what that feels like. I can grasp waking up for at least 365 days and not feeling good, and some days feeling worse. Many people cannot. Since I first started having symptoms January 27th, I've lost 18.5 lbs, and am now on a steroid used for people with COPD. My mental fog is so bad today that I sound like I had a stroke. This weekend I was able to do yard work for the first time since all this -- raked leaves for about 30 minutes, absolutely ruined me. People like the Texas Roadhouse CEO, they get tinnitus and all the money and healthcare in the world (ugh!!) cannot fix it or make it go away. There's no solution in sight. and they can't wrap their head around the timeline for recovery. Or what if there is no recovery and this is your "new normal"? I get it. It sucks. Fortunately I have the perspective to understand what this feels like, and my body can grasp that even though it's likely going to be a long recovery, it's not the worst thing. Still doesn't stop a bit of depression and anxiety for me when something new pops up, so I can't imagine how it is for those for whom this is the worst medical event they've been through. tl;dr: COVID blows, get a shot so it doesn't suck as bad and kill your neighbor's grandmother
Tinnitus is no joke...most of my insomnia probably stems from it. There are days when I turn the volume as high as it'll go just so I can barely hear the TV or radio. Certain tones I cannot hear anymore and if I'm in a crowded restaurant/bar, I can't hear anything.
The worst thing Dunkin does is the coffee, but the donuts are way better than KK. It would be nice to have other options than a fucking Dunks on every corner, but Mary Lou’s is hard to come by.
I live by a Dunkin. The line at the drive through is 20 cars long all morning long. Their coffee isn’t good. I don’t understand.
It’s better than the burnt shit Starbucks pours. Provide something not bitter and people will guzzle it. White Castle coffee is a thing.
I do as well and the coffee is so inconsistent. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s just okay. Who is making it will determine whether the sugar content will make it merely undrinkable or whether it will give me actual diabetes upon completion.
Dunkin’ Brands used to be one of my clients when I did consulting. They have a “store” inside the company HQ that serves experimental/test donut flavors that don’t make it to the masses. Some of them were amazing, some were horrific. They also serve donuts and coffee in every office area. There is a lot of obese people working there.
It’s funny, a lot of factories have “secret stores” or in a breweries’ cases, secret pubs inside their walls. Labatt breweries here in town has the “Amber Lounge” which requires a special visitor’s pass to get into, because it’s open bar— no cash accepted. Keith’s brewery in Halifax has the coolest pub I’ve ever seen buried deep in its old foundation, complete with a prohibition escape tunnel.
In the two months after covid came to the country and the lockdowns were starting, pretty much everything I had expired. Driver's license, DOD identification, truck inspection. I haven't really given a shit about getting any of that fixed, just said fuck it and blamed it on the pandemic. Like an idiot, I just carried around my passport as that was my only current identification. I guess getting the shot last week has flipped a switch in my brain, I got the truck inspected and have made appointments to fix all the rest of it. I won't be riding dirty much longer.
Hell for awhile there Georgia was doing “honor system” drivers licenses for kids at 16, all my friend had to do was sign off on his kid knowing how to drive. My inspection license here in NC is still expired because they can’t figure out how to re certify people due to this crap.