I drive by a couple Dunkin's in the course of my day, all with long ass lines in the drive through. I don't get it either, their coffee sucks. They say "America runs on Dunkin" and come to think of it, that might explain a thing or two. Maybe we should switch to Folger's.
Not sure how regional it is, but the hip place around here is Dutch Bros. I have NEVER driven by a Dutch Bros and not seen at least 5 cars in line. There is one down the street that I'll drive by around lunch time and there are two drive thru lanes with 7-8 cars in each lane. I can't imagine the morning rush. I've never had their coffee but I've also never not seen a Dutch Bro's cup that isn't at least 32 ounces and filled with an iced beverage that looks to be 10% coffee, 40% milk and 50% sugar flavorings.
My brother is a CDL holder and professional driver, a real gentleman of the road and its laws. His daughter just turned 16 and thought a sign indicating an intersection crossing was a warning sign for a helicopter crossing.
As someone who rides a bicycle regularly, I'd almost prefer a 16 year old. At least they have the good sense to be terrified by the machine they're piloting for the first few weeks/months, until they get comfortable not paying attention to the road and become one of our everyday murderers drivers. Some people like to watch horror movies, I choose to scare the shit out of myself by going on roadcam videos and reading what people in the comments think is their right of way while driving a car.
They must grow them different in the big city. I live in a rural area. Around here they give you a look, like, "sorry, bro" when they nearly hit you head on in a blind curve.
90,000 new cases in Brazil yesterday. They are over 300,000 dead and are just skyrocketing with no hope now.
Man, if our data issues are any indication, the quality of data coming out of Brazil and Russia is probably abysmal....
Got my second dose just now. No reaction so far. The nurses were are VERY grateful - they thanked me several times for getting vaccinated. If you have any hesitation about cutting in line or taking someone's slot, don't. Get it done.
Oh, also, it was shift change right when I got mine, so there were like 30 attractive nurses in the room. That didn't suck.