You don’t happen to have any info about how Mexico is doing with all this? We are supposed to go to a wedding in Michoacan in June and I can’t find any reliable data. Family members are like “yes, we are getting the vaccine soon!” And I’m like, “uh huh, okay.” I want to still go as our family is fully vaccinated, but I’d prefer not to place myself in harms way if it’s a shitshow down there.
Finally a bit of good news: liver counts are going down. Still higher than normal, but at least trending toward good as opposed to “shut down.” Doctor putting me on another round of prednisone, in addition to the advair I’m currently taking for my lungs. Voice change could be laryngitis, or it could be something with nerve damage regulating the vocal chords, they really aren’t sure but at this point it’s just aesthetics so it doesn’t matter. doctor was very concerned about depression, apparently he’s seeing that in the majority of his patients and it’s becoming very prevalent down here. Not sure if it’s a strain thing or it’s just getting talked about more or people dealing with a combination of covid and the snowpocalypse... or all of the above. But I don’t have it with covid so I dodged that bullet. Potentially literally. Saturday will be two months since I first had symptoms.
As far as I know, there's no data on Mexico that isn't available publicly. I'd check the CDC and State Department guidelines and go by them. @ROTN: I've been on pred and advair and those steroids will fuck with you in some wild ways. Do some homework on the standard side effects and be vigilant, depending on how long you're on them. It's fucked with just about everything from mood to my eyes, so it's not a bad idea to get everything checked out when you're off of it.
I've read multiple small studies on breastfeeding moms that shows a good immune response in their child. If anyone knows of studies looking for participants, please pass along the info. I'm trying to find out if my kiddo can have some testing done through the pediatric clinic but am not thinking that is going to happen.
Got scheduled for Moderna dose 1 this coming Wednesday. I want to post on Facebook afterward with some mentions of tinnitus, glitching vision and maybe have it gradually turn into binary...but I think it might not go over well. The thing we’ve been battling here is some rumors about the vaccine causing infertility. The local news did a livestream AMA with an OBGYN and every answer was basically “it isn’t going to hurt you, get the vaccine, keep communicating with your doctor.” My wife is feeling better about it, as we’re starting to discuss having a family. She signed up for it too.
oh I’m well aware! Prednisone was my post-brain tumor steroid. Fortunately I react really well to it. Worst of the side effects is it makes me a little hyper sometimes and I’ll occasionally run a low grade fever, but it’s 100% worth how much it improves whatever is wrong with me. This will be my third round post covid, and likely last. It’s much better than being in the hospital
Today is 2 months exactly since my first covid symptoms. At this point I can say unequivocally that it has been worse, physically and emotionally, than my brain tumor surgery recovery. When the shot becomes available to you, get it. No one should have to deal with this.
oh yeah I for sure think I’m on the right track. What’s crazy is, I’m on my third round of prednisone. We think this will be the one that finally flushes it all out. but for perspective, I only needed one round of prednisone after brain surgery. at least then, the issues were targeted. Like it’s my head, fix that (arguably it’s still not fixed, especially if you ask my wife) then I’m good. Here though it’s the whole body that’s been impacted. Especially my nervous system and liver in particular. Fortunately my liver counts are at least trending in the right direction now. And the mental fog will go away at some point we hope. Memory loss is still an issue. Brain surgery wiped out my short term memory but I’m having issues with long term memory now and there’s some weird things with my nervous system like the nerves that control my vocal cords — I sound different one day, sometimes one hour to the next. At least I’m not dead though, which is a lot more than I can say for some friends, and especially many friends of friends. Yesterday a coworker lost his neighbor to covid, dude was my age, no underlying issues. Yet the coworker (at our food distributor company, not preschool) thinks that the side effects of the shot are worse than covid so he won’t get it. I’m sure not by coincidence, he also hasn’t seen a doctor in years bc he “doesn’t believe doctors.” He also rides a motorcycle without a helmet.
A few days ago my wife mentioned that her BIL recently declared he will not get the vaccine because he doesn't want his DNA altered. My wife's sister married an idiot.
the head trainer at my brother’s gym told me this a few weeks before I got covid. I rolled my eyes in a manner which he could hear. Can’t wait to go back there and say I won’t be getting the vaccine for a few more months because I already got my dna altered naturally.
My wife’s brother is this way. He’s a prison guard, but apparently he has more knowledge of vaccine efficacy than public health officials. His wife is also a nurse. Also, the election was stolen and the jury is still out on 5G. I often wonder if this phenomenon existed during then Spanish Flu pandemic.
I was actually hoping that side-effect was true. I told my wife if she wants a third kiddo she's gotta get a sancho because I'm not on the financial hook for that one
My grandparents had dozens of newspapers from that era. The only thing they ever talked about was how many died since yesterday, and it was always in the thousands. But it was simply called “The Flu” in the headlines. I think life sucked every which way back then so they didn’t have time to argue conspiracies. No internet also helps prevent the spread of bullshit exponentially.
Imagine getting back from WWI and having to immediately deal with a pandemic that was far deadlier than COVID. And not only that, the government banning fucking booze two years after that.
I think I’ve mentioned this, but my mother was killed by COVID last April. My great grandmother died of the Spanish flu. Not a trend I want to see continue.
One of the twins got his second shot yesterday morning. (Saturday) he was sent home from work that afternoon as he was not feeling well. Today (Sunday) he puked a couple of times slept all day but seems much better now. I told the other twin to get his second shot Tuesday ( theearliest he can) that way he will be better on Friday his next workday. Earliest I can get the first shot is the first and I plan to be in line.
My first dose was fairly uneventful. (Pfizer) My second dose was last week. That night, I had a mild headache, I didn't sleep very well, and the next morning, I felt lousy. Not terrible, just a bit achy. Like, each joint felt noticeably old. For about 48 hours, I didn't have much energy. I felt like I'd run a couple miles after walking up a flight of stairs. I feel fairly normal now. My older sister got the fever and chills after her second dose (also Pfizer), my mom had no symptoms after either dose (Moderna). From all the friends and family I've talked to, the younger you are, the more likely you feel like shit after the second dose. I guess it's your more robust immune system kicking into gear against the invaders. This ends my anecdotal contribution.
this aligns with what I’ve seen as well. In general, with obvious exceptions, the younger and more robust your immune system, the worse your reaction will be. I’ve seen older folks with bad reactions, and those *tend* to be those who have more active immune systems. I’ve also seen younger people who tend to get sick all the time get the vaccine and nothing happens, the thinking being that the have weaker immune systems which don’t attack it as much. of course, exceptions for underlying issues and autoimmune disorders and the like, but at this point I’ve seen enough anecdotal evidence that it’s a general rule I go by. move not seen enough to comment on how people who have had covid and then get the shot react