I have a 99.8% of surviving covid. I also have a 99.8% chance of getting my shit pushed in in prison.
Going back to the first post in this thread is crazy. Clicked the "1" by accident. Just nuts... I get my first shot of Moderna on Thursday. Happy to get started down that path.
Yeah... I remember hearing about it, and stickying this thread... and it really is amazing reading through the history and watching how opinions formed and changed.
that aged well. meanwhile, I learned this weekend that I actually got covid from my sister’s house. Her son plays high school basketball, and one of his friends and teammates, who’s mother is a cop, got it first but she didn’t tell anyone because she didn’t want it to impact their basketball playoffs. So of course my nephew gets it and brings it into his house — and my sister is PARANOID about cleanliness, but the opening in that fortress was his friends, even though they didn’t come into the house. Then I got it from him, though they only had him tested and confirmed positive after all the shit happened to me. except, they kept it under wraps how I actually got it. No one said anything, to me. I learned from another family member this weekend, like “oh, she didn’t tell you?”... no. She didn’t. And now my nephew, who is asthmatic, is having breathing issues, and will likely end up in the hospital either today or tomorrow if it doesn’t clear. Not sure if those breathing issues are related to his past covid, which was around the time as mine, but it can’t be ruled out.
narrator: he did get the coronavirus, and the only common covid symptom he didn't have was a fever. He also got insomnia. jesus this is like going through last night's texts after a blackout good time.
A second cousin just got out of a week-long stay in the hospital with Covid. Young, extremely fit, and all-around healthy. He's home, but can't make it up the stairs now without being exhausted. I'm sorry for him, but part of me can't help but be slightly happy because it finally shut my father up about how this only happens to the weak and old. I've never been particularly worried about getting it myself but his complete unwillingness to accept that it has some potential to be serious has been rather annoying. Shots have suddenly become readily available here in Michigan and I've got an easy access appointment for this weekend at the local grocery store. I hear it's set up great and is easy in and out. I'm hoping for the J&J so I don't have to try and mess with making it back in three weeks later but apparently it's a show-up and get whatever they have that day because they don't know what you're getting until you walk in the door kind of deal. Attitudes have definitely changed a lot in the last few months. When the state mandated our industry get tested a good chunk of our staff straight up refused until they found out they wouldn't be returning to work without a baseline test and even then argued about it a bunch. Now, with the vaccine not mandated I figured most of them would be holdouts and we were going to offer a company incentive to get it to hopefully reduce staffing issues this season... but pretty much everyone has already signed up and is happy to go get it.
All fun and games until Uncle Eddy almost dies. Sadly I’ve seen it be that way for a lot of people — they don’t take it seriously until someone they know either gets it bad, or dies from it. I was that person from my anti-covid vax in laws. Although honestly I wouldn’t have been upset if a few of them got it. Like don’t kill them, just really really hurt them please.
I think of @Binary as a brilliant dude, but post number 5, he said he wasn't worried about this being a global catastrophe.
I still wanna know where the fuck this actually came from. Not sure I’m buying the wet market story completely.
I have a buddy of mine (he's 26 and pretty healthy) helping me reno some stuff at the shop, he got his shot Monday at 10AM, came to the shop, worked for a bit and we went to lunch. About 90 mins after lunch, he comes in my office and looks like he got ran over. Said he feels like absolute shit and heads home. Sleeps all day and night. I went by his place yesterday after work and he looks like death. They aren't joking when they say the vaccine hits young people harder. The wife was able to qualify for her shot due to her work and she's scheduled for this evening. I'm going to go with her and hopefully I'll get jabbed also.
Word is Ontario is going to be hit with a month-long “stay at home” order as of midnight. That should go over well.
It's ok, bud. A lot of people underestimated the selfishness, recklessness and foolishness of the many individuals that make up humanity. Thing is, I bet we do it again next time.