Sweet! I’m gonna ghost the CDC on the 2nd appointment, then. It should be fine. (kidding, kidding...)
Dude, you should be worried. It sounds like the microchip clogged up before it made it to your heart.
The lady who just delivered our groceries was in a very celebratory mood, got her shot today. Meanwhile her family in Brazil.... yeah. She said it’s worse than they’re reporting, and that she suspects the numbers that are reported are very low compared to actual (duh).
I have a contractor working in our house at the moment. He's been doing work for us the past couple years and he finished his shots a couple weeks ago. His wife had her second one a couple days ago and her lymph nodes went haywire. She looks like Quasimodo. She's got two huge bulges inbetween her neck and shoulders and she has two massive lumps under her arms. Another 25 days before I can get my first shot and I'm hoping I don't have a huge reaction to it. I RARELY get sick and hearing people who have robust immune systems seem to have a worse reaction to the vaccine, I'm guessing I'm going to be on my ass for a few days.
Anecdotally I'm hearing that people are having worse reaction to Moderna than Pfizer. I got my first Pfizer shot two days ago and had almost no reaction. Extremely minor soreness at the injection site, prob no more than if if I'd been stabbed with a needle filled with saline.
Count me in that same group. 2nd day out from the first Pfizer shot and the soreness in my arm is already gone and other than being really tired the day of, no other side effects that I would report. Other than this superfluous 3rd nipple that's suddenly appeared behind my right knee.
I get my second Pfizer shot tomorrow. My arm became pretty sore for a few days after the first, but that was about it. Planning, to get knocked on my ass after the second, but hoping I don't.
Thats why it took a little while to find the articles about swollen lymph nodes - because the Moderna one more frequently produces a red rash that they’re calling “COVID arm” - so it took me a while to finesse the search terms. It’s still noticeable in my arm today, but even since this morning it’s calmed down a lot. Like my armpit lymph node took a giant shit or something.
The "tired" may last longer, but the really feeling like shit didn't last long. I felt like bad the next morning, but was mostly fine by lunchtime.
This matches my experience. I felt like crap for a few hours after the first shot, it was worse for the second. I was ill as a wet cat after that one. However, it passed and after the second one I was drinking beer and working on an engine that evening.
First shot done. Nothing to report except a headache and soreness at the injection site. Hard to differentiate between what's a real side effect and what's psychosomatic; is that a leg cramp or is it my RNA mutating? Is it vaccine fatigue or is it me being up since 5a?
You guys have done a great job rolling those vaccines out once you got focused... I'm still weeks away from being able to book an appointment. Maybe months. Talk about frustrating.
Is the U.S. letting Canadians in yet? Roll on down here to Georgia, and I'll get you hooked up right away. You'll have to come back in 3 weeks for the second chip, er, shot, though.
As tempting as that is, it would be a lot of isolation due to the travel. We have mandatory hotel stays and testing for days after you come back, etc. Travel just isn't worth it right now, I'll just happily stay cocooned in my house and play in the wood shop, etc. At least my mom (due to age) and sister (due to her MS) and BIL (caregiver to MS) all get their shots quickly... I just have to wait for the next age group to be called, and now that might be longer as they are re-targeting front line and essential services workers (McDonald's, grocery stores, teachers). So yeah, just a huge game of "sit back and wait".
I hear ya Nett, was at my brothers house yesterday (Across the river in a different county) he logged into Walgreens website, made an appt for this morning and the website said they had over 80 available appointments. I'm not eligible in my county until the 15th and rumor is, there's a pretty solid backlog.
I would recommend reading the following link in full, especially the fifth part; https://graymirror.substack.com/p/covid-is-sciences-chernobyl It may amuse you to know that both myself and the person who wrote it are both scientists. My personal prediction, based on how quickly the coronavirus mutates, is that you're buying yourself at most a year of time with the vaccine, similar to flu shots. Already, according to Columbia's medical school, the Novovax vaccine, which was over 90% effective in the UK trials (so including the British variant), was only 49% effective in South Africa, mostly dealing with the South African variant. The prediction of its efficacy against the Brazilian variant is similar. With international travel still insanely, idiotically alive and well, and more people being vaccinated increasing the evolutionary advantage of mutations, expect the South African/Brazilian variants to become the dominant strains in the US sooner rather than later. And from there, it's only a hop, skip, and a jump for the spiky ball to mutate a litle more and leave the efficacy of the vaccine at something irrelevant like 10%. (Notably, I believe even 49% is below the CDC's requirement of 50% for approving emergency use of a vaccine, although I could be wrong)
Looks like the South Africa variant has gone ahead and mutated beyond Pfizer's ability to deal. https://www.timesofisrael.com/real-...-african-variant-better-at-bypassing-vaccine/