I got my J&J this weekend. Basically felt like I got a decent hangover about 24 hours later but it only lasted a few hours and was easily managed by just chilling on the couch all day yesterday. My arm is still sore but I attribute that mostly to getting it done at the local grocery store pharmacy as the guy literally held the thing like a dart and slammed it into me... which seemed a little odd. Also, I was the only one there and they pretty much acted like no one is getting it there. They also didn't bother with ID, insurance card, or even the supposedly required proof of working in an essential field. Afterwards they told me I was supposed to hang out for twenty minutes to watch for a reaction, but that it was self policed and I could go do what I wanted. When I signed up they had appointments listed for every thirty minutes all day most of which were still listed as available the day of. I definitely live in a 'that shit mutates you and I don't trust it' bubble... in the state that is currently having the worst spread in the country. Joyous.
My wife is getting her first shot today. She's 32 weeks pregnant, so hopefully she doesn't have any crazy reactions to it.
Mutated beyond is a bit of a stretch. There were very few cases of immunized patients getting sick, but those that were ill were more likely to have that variant. Obviously it’s not great, and shows the reason why countries like Brazil are risking blowing everything, but I wouldn’t hit the panic button over these data.
Got my second shot this past Saturday. My arm felt like everyone in Virginia took a turn punching my shoulder and the next day felt like I did an all day all body workout. Everything was sore and I felt exhausted. It's two days later and I still feel tired, but the all over soreness is mostly gone.
I got the J&J vaccine about 18 hours ago. I barely felt the injection but a second or 2 later I felt a jolt of pain go down my arm. I don't recall that ever happening with the flu shot. Aside from a little bit of a sore arm I didn't have any side-effects last night. My arm is still sore today and I do feel like I have a very slight cold, but I took my temperature and it's normal. I did wake up around 4:30 this morning and couldn't fall back asleep, but I don’t think that it was because of the shot. Hopefully I can make it through work today.
“Come on, there’s no microchip in the vaccine, that’s just silly. ...but if you WANT one...” https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...-microchip-senses-COVID-19-body-symptoms.html
I read that US vaccine supply is set to outpace demand very soon. Maybe some of the surplus will get exported to you Canadians.
It’s already happening. They are opening it up the general public earlier than expected so the doses don’t expire.
Doesn't surprise me. I read an article talking about ''vaccine hesitancy '' in East Oregon counties and how the state will be changing how they allocate their supply. My county can't give away all the doses it currently has.
Yeah. Apparently we’re going to get a couple million doses from you guys soon. We’ve also expanded the vaccination locations to an additional 700+ drug stores.
finally was able to go on a run today. Little over half a mile at a 9:50 pace, but considering even a few days ago I was sucking wind after going up a flight of stairs, I'll take it. Going for completion and "don't die" rather than time. Walked the same distance to cool down so it was 1.8 miles total. Kicked my fucking ass though. I still have a long ways to go, and I doubt I'll ever get back to pre-covid form as far as physical shape, but I'll never know if I don't at least try.
That will be some nice, quiet, empty hallways and classrooms to work in for a while. Just like January only it isn’t bad weather.
The way this J&J news is being rolled out this morning is highly irresponsible and will only further validate the moronic concerns of dipshits around the country who were already skeptical. 6 cases out of something like close to 7 million doses given is statistically irrelevant. Calling for a nationwide pause as cases are on the rise is stupid as fuck.
Six cases is 0.0009% out of the 6.8 million doses administered. I'd wager there's a higher percentage of people who experience blood clots for other reasons among 6.8 million people
I agree. For me, it’s about combatting the dipshits. This will no doubt be screamed from the mountain tops by Fox News types feeding more antivax frenzy. Now, if they for some reason back pedal at all, it will raise even greater questions of competency at the FDA and CDC. You cant unring this bell.
If the likelihood of something bad happening is expressed with a big ol' negative exponent, like 8.571428*10^-7, it is not fucking news. Wrongful application of freedom of the press might be the downfall of the world.
It’s not so much the press as it is the cdc and fda. They should have had a more delicate or thoughtful approach to breaking potentially devastating news. They aren’t stupid. They know the affect this will have. It’s already a struggle getting buy-in from a large segment of the population. All they need is a reason to be even worse about all of this.