Yup. The CDC suggests ~100k people die from blood clots every year, or approximately 0.03% of the population. 0.03% of 6.8 million is 2,040 people. I mean, this isn't entirely comparable since those 100k people are almost certainly largely composed of people who are at higher risk of clots, but still. Caution is always warranted, but this kind of shit always gets blown up in the media despite it not actually having any statistical relevance.
I heard about the J&J thing at work this morning. 6 cases of blood clots from 6.8 million vaccines are the stats we were told. "Out of an abundance of caution" the FDA and CDC are conducting a review, and the federal sites are going to pause the J&J vaccine. Better to hit the pause button, be open, honest and transparent about the most politicized public health measure of this young decade and fall back to the other vaccine variants that do not have this downside. Also, we were told the "delivery mechanism" of the J&J vaccine is slightly different than the Moderna and the Pfizer, and that's the most likely subject of inquiry on their review. The issue at hand is that people aren't listening to logic, reasoning or God forbid, math. My ex was like "I dunno, they were wrong about the mask thing early on." like that has any relevance on the efficiency of a vaccine. I went on a date with a chick who was like, "If it came out before the election, I wouldn't have taken it." That much...kind of makes sense, especially since Trump advocated bleach or some shit. The politicization of this virus has killed thousands, and it's far from over, which is sickening. The decision to halt it and review is a hard one, but if they continue, it's problematic, and if they hide it, it dooms the entire fucking effort.
I hope it doesn't really change anything: if you were going to get it, you'll still get it. If you weren't, you get COVID and die, or whatever. I think we're past the point of fucktards extending this shit without consequences in the name of skepticism, liberty or what the fuck ever.
I think the VA is sitting on a giant pile of j&j shots. Shortly after our first shot we got a message that any enrolled vet could come get that shot. The message this morning said they have a limited supply of the others and are back to 65+ eligible only.
The VA is where I got mine, 2 months ago. They have a pile of shots of all kinds, but that's a nationwide view. They allocate them regionally then locally, so the breakdown may be wonky just based on where you are.
This is how I got my shot early. Central Valley in California is full of Republicans who were refusing the shot. Once the word got out that they were opening up to any age/location people driving up from LA were outnumbering locals like 4:1.
If people had even a basic understand of actuarial sciences they'd realize that this is nothing, and would be afraid to get out of bed in the morning. But people are morons. Yay.
I got mine early at a federally funded clinic, since apparently they do not have to abide by state rollout guidelines. More to the point, they had a ton of open appointments when I walked in. They were able to give it to me immediately because they had open slots all day and all the rest of the week too. My husband has told everyone he can about how they can get a shot early and most just shrug their shoulders. It's fucking maddening.
I've complained for a long time that one of our biggest problems societally is our poor math skills, and our poor statistics/probability skills specifically.
You are more statistically likely to be hit by lightning in your lifetime than die from a blood clot caused by the vaccine. Given those odds, if you refuse to get vaccinated because of a fear of blood clots, the likelihood of you being a thickheaded boob is 99.9991%.
My post was probably more flippant than I should have been. Like I mentioned, it's not exactly comparable because your average healthy individual with no complications is not at a 0.03% risk for a blood clot. But overall my issue with this is more the way these kinds of stories spread and get reported on. People are so fucking bad at understanding risk that they read this as, "this vaccine has a non-zero chance of killing me, that means it's not safe," as opposed to, "literally everything has a non-zero chance of killing me, this vaccine is less likely to kill me than COVID or the car ride to the clinic or the food at the lunch afterwards." And because people are so bad at that, it's sensationalized, and sensationalized stories gain media coverage. I think they should absolutely pause distribution and understand what's happening, and be transparent about that process. But it's got an unavoidable negative outcome because people are dumb.
and Black people and women. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/ar...-are-more-likely-to-refuse-a-covid-19-vaccine https://www.vox.com/recode/22330018...isinformation-carnegie-mellon-facebook-survey
At least black people have an excuse. You think black people don't remember the government experimenting on them in Tuskegee? This is in addition to all the other shit the government has done to fuck over black people pretty much since they were brought here against their will a few hundred years ago. To be clear, I'm not saying that it's okay to not get a vaccine, but I understand their reticence.
Off topic but is that the current quality of SNL? Or just a shitty PSA kind of skit. It was not funny at. all.
SNL has been garbage for about 25 years. Actually, I take it back. SNL has never really been that good, it’s just had periods where it sucked a little less.
SNL had always been terrible. Occasionally they have a hilarious skit. People look at it with nostalgia and think it was great back in the day. In reality you just know the three funny skits from that season.
Weekend Update has been consistently great. And they’ve certainly had a lot of material to work with lately. Though the creativity coming out of some of those lockdown, virtual skits was pretty cool
The only good WU hosted was Norm MacDonald, and he got fired because the head of NBC was friends with OJ Simpson and Norm was making fun of him too much.