michael che and colin jost making each other read each other’s racist jokes for the first time on live tv is the height of comedy and I don’t care what you think
Dennis Miller was also really good, but I agree, Norm was the best. Anyway, as KIMaster was saying, it looks like this virus is constantly mutating, meaning that the vaccine will only be effective for a relatively short time. If so, are we going to have to keep up with this mask/ social distancing bullshit from now on? Because I'm getting really sick of it.
I think, long term, we need to get light years ahead in science and technology for detecting and analyzing a virus, and the production of a vaccine. We need to get to the point where that process gets down to weeks, if not days... not months or years. We also have to get smarter with our politicians and stupid people, so that we do what needs to be done, socially, much much faster to help reduce the spread. This will happen again, I have no doubt... but I think not to this extent... as long as we get rid of this one for now. If it mutates beyond the vaccine at scale, then shit could get really old really fast.
I would say that we'd have the foundation to get there... so much of it should be made more efficient, etc, rather than doing an emergency "first time" event like COVID-19. When COVID-28 hits, I'd like to imagine that the process and policies for such a thing would be better defined, more efficient, and there would already be manufacturing facilities at the ready, not having to be built from scratch. Also, as much of that in-Country as possible, eliminating the foreign dependencies.
I hear you. I quarantined for a fucking year and I’m getting the vaccine in a week. I don’t want to wear a god damn mask anymore. If people out there are too stupid to get it when there’s an ample supply, quite frankly, fuck them. Open everything back up and let these people roll the dice. It’s not the job of the many to protect the few against their own stupidity forever.
The risk (aside from the normal risk of failure to reach herd immunity impacting those who are unable to be vaccinated for a legitimate medical reason) is the unvaccinated serving as a petri dish for the virus to develop a variant that can beat the vaccine. We really don't want that scenario.
So what, then? Stay in lockdown forever because we can’t forcibly vaccinate some retards? Fuck that. Let them get the virus and waste away in the street like that Springsteen song. Who knows? Maybe the rest of us will be kind enough to not step on them when we walk by. I’m done with this shit.
I expect the vaccines plus a little more masking/distancing will get the numbers down low enough to where we can dispense with the masks and distancing, and hopefully we can stay ahead of the curve with rapid vaccine development for new variants.
No... this is where your 2nd amendment FINALLY comes into play! Organize your militias, and arm them with dart guns! Track down those who are not vaccinated, and dart the fuckers like the wild animals they are.
Bruh, if I could, I would TOTALLY turn people into dinosaurs. I've been in Elon's DM's for a minute with these ideas... I like the social distancing. No one has bumped into me, gotten within my personal space, "accidently" brushed up against my girl's ass, or got within fart-wafting distance in a year. I'm largely ok with that. I think you'll see people wearing masks for whatever reason, more or less permanently. You want to get in a plane without one now, inhaling God knows what bugs from the other passengers? Nope. Little old Korean ladies wear masks to the market every flu season, and their society didn't grind to a halt. I don't like the requirement to wear one everywhere for fear of my safety, and that's the issue. I'm a fan of consequences for this shit. You need a shit ton of vaccinations to go to public school, it's why we don't have fucking polio anymore. Don't get the jab? Your taxpayer-funded daycare (school) is "remote" until your crotch goblins get the Fauci Ouchie. If your employees get covid because you were a sack of shit about it, they sue you. If you cause an outbreak, you get held accountable just like if you knowingly gave someone HIV. For that matter, I'm a fan of suing the platforms and outlets that spread disinformation about this (or let it be spread by fucktards). Stupidity has individual penalties that are felt, but malicious stupidity has penalties that we all feel, and I'm sick of it having no consequences. Over a year into this, we can clearly distinguish between ignorance of something novel, and stupidity and malicious stupidity. We've spent TRILLIONS, and we're approaching 600,000 Americans dead. We're all fucking sick of it.
Two days, it took Moderna two days to create their vaccine, once they did this. https://www-businessinsider-com.cdn...esigned-coronavirus-vaccine-in-2-days-2020-11 I don't know when we'll get to a point that testing and trials will be any shorter, but you're definitely right about mRNA vaccines.
I honestly dont think masking will stay around in substantial numbers after this blows over. We aren't truly as caring of our neighbors as Asian countries. From the very beginning we've had people violently reacting to the concept on both sides. Honestly dont see this huge cultural shift on the subject going forward.
I did not know that... that is impressive. And yet here I am, still without a vaccine. My point is that the whole process can be improved so that vaccine created, tested, mass produced, deployed, and administered life cycle is not a year and a half. While there's not much that can be done with the testing phase, I think (better computer simulation?), the other aspects can sure use some help from what I've seen.
Sporting events for the last year or so where no one sits near me and there is plenty of parking? Yes, please thank you. It's been great.
But why would the super-rich lizard people technocrat baby blood drinkers want that? They have to plan all these things out to happen just in time to influence...things.