They were interviewing some of those people on the local news last night. Some are local, some are wayward cruise passengers. They were saying their cruises were canceled last minute. Not to mention Disney is now shutting all their brand hotels, Citywalk and Disney Springs.......nothing left to do but go to the beach.
If the weather turns during a quarantine for sure people will say fuck it. If the numbers don’t turn exponential and 90% of the population isn’t killed like the hysterics claim as well ? Then people will get real froggy.
I still don’t understand why some kind of task force couldn’t have been formed and create a safe harbor for the susceptible instead of locking the entire country down. I’m guessing mainly because people will say “you only care about money, not the sick and elderly!!” Which isn’t the case. If we fall into a depression, there will be no resources to save them.
Because THE ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY IS SUSCEPTIBLE. What's so hard to understand about that? Out of all of the confirmed cases, they range in age of 14-86. Men, Women, all races. Everybody. So, how do you propose to identify those that "aren't likely to be infected"?
Mortality rate. Do you even actuate, bro? Whats so hard to understand that 80% of those infected will have mild to no symptoms? Of the remaining 20%, 10%+ will have moderate symptoms. If you’re not elderly and don’t have an autoimmune disease you’re most likely not going to die. But I know all you’re focused on is fear.
Hoarders are the new second-hand smoke. Can you just be human and take one? This stuff is NOT going to run out, you’re just plain rude.
Butchered and vacuum sealed by a local family farm. The grocery stores around here are out. Even the old chicken from 2009 at the back of the case has been taken.
Dude, the goal here is to have as few deaths as possible. If you put all of the immune compromised people into designated areas, all it takes is for one person who is a carrier and asymptomatic to kill them all. I might be more okay with people still being out in public if they instantly showed symptoms as soon as they contracted the virus, but the fact is that they don't show symptoms. You could have it for days and spread it to people who interact with take care of the elderly or have compromised immune systems.
So basically a hospital then? Again, a true quarantine, way past any asymptomatic conditions. Wouldn’t it be more effective/cheaper to quarantine a smaller segment of the population than the larger base? Flattening the curve is basically a bet between a vaccine discovery vs cabin fever. That’s the smallest spread I’ve ever seen.
That’s not how it works. You’ll never be able to quarantine people effectively. You can’t stop the spread, but you can slow the spread down. By putting as many people into self isolation as possible you drastically reduce the transmission rate, but that only works if everyone tries to do it, not just those people at risk. There is an educational animation that I saw that I can’t find, but it does a great job of explaining it and it maps to real live data from some of the hardest hit areas.
It’s not often I can watch CNN without it turning my spine into glass, that was pretty good. And I don’t even like him.