I'm pretty sure it was over a weekend, too. Like, created something that could save millions while I was in my jammies.
I got my first dose of the Moderna Covid vaccine today. My county's Health Department has been holding a drive thru clinic for 1st doses at a baseball stadium on Wednesdays from 9-11 and 1-3. No appointment necessary. I showed up at 1 and they weren't there. Called them and they apologized, said it had been slow earlier in the morning and they decided to cancel the late session. Told me to come to the health department and get the shot there. Now I wonder what percentage of the population will get them. This is not a good sign. Nurse that gave me the shot said no one showed up earlier. Great.
Just got moderna shot #2. I have been looking forward to this day, and we are finally here. El hubs is in the truck with the baby. As soon as my alarm goes off we are swapping off and le bebe is getting some of this sweet immune laden booby juice. Covid can suck it. We have plans for MiL to come visit in mid May for babe's first bday. We will all be vaccinated and bebe will have sweet antibodies flowing. I am not happy with MiL's overall level of social activities but she agreed to cancel a plane ride out of state to a wedding that would have put her back in town right before seeing the baby. There's a lot that could be said about her situation but our family should be safe so I am trying to be optimistic.
And then still need the shot! Hubs and I both feel like we have the flu. Everything hurts, fatigue, headache. He threw up at 3am.
I’m waiting until I’m free and clear of symptoms to get the shot. Way I figure, I’m good for a few months anyway just naturally, no sense doubling up and risking it sucking worse for no reward. I’m going off what my doctor tells me, and as soon as he says it’s time for the shot I’m making an appointment with my next phone call.
I've seen it both ways, that it can either help or make it a lot worse. I figure at this point, I'm in the process of recovering, and I certainly don't want to derail that, so the risk isn't worth it. If my doctor, or like the CDC of Fauci says to take it, I will, immediately, but until then I'm not gonna trust myself and anything I've read Once I'm symptom free, I'll call my doctor and ask if they think it's a good idea, if I haven't already been asked to take it by then. Following orders here, not going off youtube and google "research."
Oh I get that, you've had it rough. I actually watched a doctor on TWIV saying that it had helped some of his patients. Probably best to wait for some actual data at this point. I'm sure someone will run some studies on it.
I was really excited for my neighbor to get her vaccine but she had to miss her second dose. She has some sort of severe reactive airway disease and asthma that is not responding to her 4th(!!) Round of prednisone or other concurrent treatments. Dr said to hold off on the vaccine until she feels well. Now that I've experienced the 2nd dose, I understand. But, on the other hand, if anyone needs protection against covid, it is her.
Hubs had a severe headache that he slept off and mostly felt ok after that. I had a general crappy feeling the day after with a small headache that kind of crept in and went away on its own. Plus severe arm pain that was gone by 3 days post vaccine.
Moderna #2 for me tomorrow morning. I made sure to get yard work and that done in advance just in case I feel like shit Saturday.
I have never been so mad at myself for creating so many daily chores. They were half assed but I did them. Luckily over the day, maybe with the help of tylenol, my back pain is down. It was easily 3x as bad as usual. I could not get my kid on the changing table without help this morning. There are 2 parents here and we are not even as good as 1 right now.
It's amazing how much difference being younger makes in immune response. I haven't had any reaction so far and can only tell where I got my shot if I press on the area with my hand. The nurse did a great job though, I didn't feel it at all. If I don't have much of a reaction to the 2nd dose I'm going to get an antibody test a couple of weeks after it just to make sure it worked for me.
How long ago was your dose? My mom is 68 and dad is 74. They had next to no reaction including arm pain.
I saw what it did to my wife and pushed my own shots off to a time I knew I could free up a weekend. She was sicker than hell the 1st day after then sore the 2nd day after, mostly from swollen lymph nodes.
We have a contractor downstairs fixing the drywall ceilings. He said that his bossman's wife had the 1st shot about 5 days ago and today ended up in the hospital. She had a bad fever and was freezing and shaking so they took her in. So if you do end up with fever related symptoms have somebody who can keep tabs on you in case it escalates and you need medical care.