My mom had Pfizer shot one and basically got chills and a bit of a headache that night. Totally not from the shot, of course, according to her... it was just chilly out. She went to bed early, and that was it.
Agreed, but even accounting for that, when J&J was being tested, the variants were a tiny percentage of total US cases. I'd have to go pull all of the numbers for the J&J test to see how many participants they had and number of people infected, but I don't think the (at the time) small percentage of variants in the US would explain the ~20% drop in efficacy that they found from the mRNA vaccines.
My wife and daughter got the first Pfizer dose a couple of days ago and I’m getting the second Moderna dose around noon today. I’m also hoping for only mild side effects. I attempted to arrange my schedule so that I could take it easy today and tomorrow, but 3 proposals for work and my mother-in-law being admitted to the hospital wrecked that strategy.
My husband ended up needing 2days to recover after the 2nd dose. He tried to go to work that 2nd day but came home after a short time. He was exhausted and sweating excessively while trying to keep up. Came home and napped some more.
Also you have this going on. Some people are absolute shit.
It is bad enough here that the Premiere of Ontario authorized insane levels of stop and detain authority to the police forces. We're talking almost martial law. It is so far reaching that almost all the police chiefs said, "woah there... that's nuts... we're not going to do that." Ford basically is so frustrated with people not doing what is being asked that he authorized the police to stop and question anyone who is not at home, and then detain/cite/fine them if they are doing something wrong.
To think, if everyone had just done what was necessary back at the beginning, this thing would have been over in a few weeks.
The idea that the cops are granted the authority to stop someone and question them on why they left their house is terrifying.
Yeah, no kidding. But I can see where Ford is coming from. People aren't doing what they're being asked to do, and we're starting to spiral out of control. Our ICU's are full. And with Ramadan this week, there are already huge groups of people getting together from out of town ignoring the isolation mandates. A friend of ours is a property manager for a big developer here in town, and she's had to call the cops a dozen times due to carloads of people coming in from Toronto and partying in the buildings. Jamming 20 people into elevators, zero social distancing. And even more university residences are now being labelled as hot zones and are being shut down. WHO COULD EVER HAVE GUESSED!?!?
On top of all of that, the opposing political parties are doing nothing but shitting on how things are being handled. Ford's response was basically, "fuck off... you're not doing anything to help, so keep your mouth closed". At what point do you just say "fuck it" and give it up... let someone else worry about it?
Yeah, I don’t know. It still doesn’t seem worth it to me. If the public accepts a justification for doing it, the government will eventually find another one to do it again. It doesn’t sound like the people in Ontario dig it whatsoever, though.
It's been rolled back a day after it was announced... obviously everyone hated it, cops included... but it just shows the high level of frustration that the powers that be are experiencing. But it really makes me think just how bad the "inside info" is that they're willing to try something that extreme. Shit is getting BAD here, dude. Let's just say that I have supplies for a month and more stored away.
From everything I’ve read, I believe it. I also understand leaders getting so desperate that they’re willing to throw shit at a wall just to see if it sticks. It’s a shitty situation for all involved.
when did they start letting Chittfest happen again? It was shut down my entire time at OSU goes things got a... little out of hand 01/02.
Got my second Moderna shot yesterday. Other than some mild arm pain, I was fine until I got hit with fatigue last night. Fatigue slowly abated today, but I got hit with nausea which also seems to be slowly abating. Hopefully I'll be fine tomorrow.
I got the second Moderna dose yesterday around noon. I felt run down and crappy most of the night, with a headache and my body felt like I got beat with a pillowcase full of doorknobs. But just like the first dose, other than being a bit fuzzy from lack of sleep I feel great today.
Today the province stopped an emergency motion in the legislature to give people paid sick days. At the same time the Federal Government came out with this message.
Shots are available to all demographics medically approved for the vaccines (so pfizer 16+, the rest 18+ I think) in all US jurisdictions as of today. Go get yo shot.
Got my first AstraZeneca shot yesterday morning. Felt fine until early last night. Body's temperature control shat itself, went to bed under four layers of doona and shivered myself into oblivion. Then got up every three hours overnight to get rid of fluids from somewhere (I was only taking a few small sips of liquid, not sure where it all came from). Sort of flu like symptoms but without the runny nose. Feel like I've had a discussion with a baseball bat overnight with residual fever and overall weakness. I get to do it all over again in another 12 weeks for the follow up shot. Better than being dead though.