That should be expected from Ford, because he’s a fat cackling criminal and a failure of a leader, as predicted.
I disagree. I think he's done well during this. Normally, I'd say he's a buffoon, but I think he was the best choice for us during this pandemic.
My girlfriend got the vaccine (Not sure which one) about a month or so ago. She just tested positive.
That sucks. I hope she does okay. Does she have symptoms? If it was a month or so ago, was she due for her second dose (Moderna; because Pfizer is 3 weeks) or do you mean she had her second dose a month ago, or she had the one-shot J&J?
I'm not sure if she needed a follow up shot, I didn't pay a lot of attention initially. And now she's grumpy. She thought she had a cold on Saturday. Sunday she lost sense of taste and smell. She got tested this morning, found out it was positive about an hour ago. So far it seems to be a mild reaction and I hope it stays that way.
My understanding is that the vaccine doesn't 100% stop people from getting it, but it sure does a LOT to limit the effects of it. I remember seeing numbers of 100% survival rate with the vaccine, and drastically reduced ICU stays as well. Hope it goes well for her!
I wonder if it's one of the strains that the vaccines have struggled to defend against. Hopefully her symptoms remain slight throughout.
I think that you are wrong. In August our numbers were safely under control and he had to open the schools back up and get people back to work. The school year as a consequence has been to total disaster for everyone and the total lack of consistency and predictability has left parents unable to do anything. The provincial definition for essential services has been arbitrary and inconsistent from the very beginning. We've had several different systems for our lockdowns which went from a numbered system to this colored system that is again confusing and arbitrary. Our vaccine rollout has been a joke we have had a million doses in storage for several weeks and we have had cancelations all over the province because the people administering the vaccines are running out of doses. The rules that businesses have to follow when one of their employees gets COVID are a confusing mess and the rules that do exist seem to have been applied at random. This past week he was given advice by the Science Advisory Table that he ignored and he then gave Friday's nonsensical press conference. Here is an article on that mess. And yesterday he closed the legislature because there was an emergency motion to give essential workers paid sick days and he didn't want it coming up for debate. And he has spent the last six months trying to politicize COVID to blame the Federal government for all of his failures. The only time he looked competent was when he was taking Federal state of emergency funding and as a consequence he had to tow the federal line or risk losing that emergency funding. The Ontario Conservative party under competent leadership might have stood a chance to come out of this looking like heroes. But that opportunity to show competence and leadership during an unprecedented crisis has been squandered. Before Friday the Provincial Liberals were tied with the Conservatives and no one knows the name of the current leader of the Liberal party. Spoiler Saying that he was the best choice is just wrong.
You Canada boys should take up trucking:
A really interesting article about a Covid vaccine being developed for poor countries. Sounds like it could be better than vaccines already approved.
Yeah, I think I confused the testing done in South Africa with the testing done in the U.S. But, the lower efficacy rate in the J&J vaccine looks like it's partly a result of the time period after vaccination. For Moderna and Pfizer they are looking at 2 weeks after the second dose, so around 6 weeks total. The J&J results were for two weeks after the single dose. If you look at 6 weeks after the single dose the efficacy rises to 90%. Comparing a 6 week period to a two week period is dumb IMO.
A bunch of provinces have done that, to try and limit travel. Too many tourists hitting the road, and bringing COVID with them to small towns. With everyone bailing out of big cities, it's putting a serious burden on small communities that don't have the medical infrastructure to handle COVID.
This is a pretty common occurrence, apparently:
She had the first shot of Pfizer. For whatever reason they scheduled the second shot for four months after the first one. I think it may be because her immune system is a bit wonky from Lupus. Anyways, she's not feeling bad, just some sniffles and a bit of a cough. The loss of taste/small is what alerted her.
Because someone told him that people traveling between different regions is a problem and he didn't pay attention to the part where they said that people driving out of lockdown areas (like Toronto) to get haircuts or to go to the gym in areas who aren't locked down is the problem. Or he just wanted to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on Monday.
Showed up to get my shot this morning. Was turned away because my appointment was next week, not today. The guy looked at me like a retard as I walked back to my car.
I got Covid last year, which turned into long covid. I was in and out of the hospital and out of work for just about 4 months. Got my second vaccine shot last week and most of my long covid symptoms returned. I'm still having issues walking without pain. The symptoms are lessening every day though so that's good. I'm glad I got vaccinated though.