He looked at you like a retard, or he looked at you like you were a retard? Because, you are a retard. Also, the way the system was set up for my vaccination, I got a reminder text for both appointments.
I got my second Moderna shot Monday. No side effects other than a sore arm from either. I’m ready to start licking random windows and ole benches again.
I got my second Pfizer shot today. National Guard medic did it, and I felt the sting, but not too bad. Hopefully I don’t get another armpit goiter.
I did that with one my son's covid tests, took the first available appointment and went to the test site only to be turned away because I actually made the appointment for the next day. The lady that pointed out my mistake was a complete bitch about it, too. Like her looking up a name in the computer and pointing out how I inconvenienced myself was an inconvenience for her. Throughout this whole thing I have tried to keep my emotions in check, particularly with front line workers because of the difficulty everyone was experiencing. But I had a sick child and I lost it on her.
Well, I’m attempting to work this morning. So far it’s just arm pain again, so I figure I’ll use the least amount of sick time I can get away with.
This is why I like Doug Ford: Link here: https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/cana...reports-3683-new-cases/ar-BB1fVZ5d?li=AAggNb9 No state or politician has gotten it right. This is a complex thing and there's no roadmap that anyone can follow. As a leader, if he's willing to make hard calls and then walk them back and apologize when he fucks up, well, that's all you can really ask for. I'd like to see quite a bit changed about Canada/Ontario's reaction to COVID, but I certainly don't think there's a politician in the wings who would have steered things better than Ford is trying to.
This was happening at the beaches outside of Toronto over the summer. That city is so goddamn massive, and they were going everywhere else to the small towns so much, that places like Cobourg started issuing a “pass” for only locals to use their beach. Maybe if he didn’t make stupid calls cops wouldn’t be attacking children for playing on playgrounds. As far as I am concerned he can stick his teleprompter-typed apology and his crocodile tears up his fat fucking ass. He blatantly lied about sick leave (referring to Ontario’s pathetic 5-say-a-year program as “sick leave”) , he made stupid decisions and he owes action, not apologies. Giving absolute power to cops is one of the absolutely dumbest, most egregious things I’ve ever seen a politician do in the country. And the OPP IMMEDIATELY took full advantage of it. It’s time to stop electing people who never even remotely had a normal life experience. Ford tells people to “hold strong” while never having the experience of being uncomfortable for a single second in his entire life. Stop putting home-schooled retards in charge of our entire education system, stop putting spoiled rich boys in charge of our nations.
I think every single police precinct in Ontario - like, all 44 of them - came out with statements that day saying that they had no intention of utilizing those powers, and he walked back the idea the next day. It was a terrible idea, everyone reacted accordingly, he changed the policy and apologized. What else would you like someone to do? You've never fucked up something terribly before? Also, more of an aside then a dig at Ford, but I am REALLY skeptical of mandatory sick days. It should only be implemented if the government intends to pay for it, and if the government intends to pay for it then it should be open to a debate and they should have to outline what new tax they're implementing or what pre-existing program they're cutting to pay for it. Mandating businesses - especially after you've spent 14 months completely crippling some of them, mostly small ones - to pay mandatory sick days out of their own pocket makes me almost blind with rage. If you want the program, great. Tell me how you pay for it but don't put the price tag on businesses. Ford is actually one of the few politicians with a track record for running a successful business. He and his brothers took over the business from their dad and when he ran it, it grew and thrived. I do agree, though, that the education system is criminally broken and staffed with a disproportionate amount of retards. If someone has an idea to straighten it out, I'm all ears.
Well, I worked a half day. Headache slowly came in, plus aching all over. And the shortness of breath was surprising...not like alarming but noticeable. Now I've got the chills. I'm probably gonna take tomorrow off no matter how I feel.
By "it grew and thrived" do you mean did such a great job that he sold off his father's estate's assets to cover for his quality management choices? https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-rob-fords-widow-sues-doug-ford-over-family-business/ https://nationalpost.com/news/toron...-managerial-control-to-randy-ex-employees-say And why do people keep insisting that governments be run like businesses? Governments are supposed to build the sandbox that business can operate within. Getting someone who has being constrained by that system and then putting them in charge of it is like putting Betsy DeVos in charge of education. It is a terrible combination. Ottawa had a "business minded" mayor. Total disaster. Toronto had one. Crack fueled disaster. Now Ontario has one, and checks notes, total disaster. Hell even America tried it and guess what it was an inssurectiony spray tan colored disaster.
I got an appointment for a second shot 5 miles away instead of 110 miles away. That'll save some time.
I stand by my opinion that any other politician in that role would have sucked way, way harder than Ford. Because rest assured, ANYBODY will suck in that position, but at least he has the balls to make a decision himself and go with it, without swishing the balls of the public in his mouth in the process. As it is, all the opposition can do is sit at a lecturn and bitch about shit, but I have yet to see a single offer of help, or alternate suggestions. This is a time like no other where we need people to join together and help one another, and our so-called fucking leaders are still shitting on each other like kids in a playground. Hindsight is 20:20. There is no single list of "professionals" that should be listened to, there are a million preaching their own view of shit. Then there are the business leaders. Then there are the people themselves. Who, exactly should they listen to? The medical professionals who won't commit to a specific course of action? The ones that say "shut it all down so that the entire economy dies with it?" From day 1, the goal of the government was NOT to get rid of the pandemic at all costs, it was to keep the country going as well as it can while allowing an acceptable number of people to die. No way in hell anyone would take the "proper scientific action" of shutting it all down a year ago. If you think someone other than Ford would have done it, you're the one on crack. Hell, we can't get morons to wear a mask NOW, never mind a year ago when everything thought it was no worse than the flu. So now here we are... people still being stupid, and shit's getting worse, and we go into a month-long lock down, and he's still getting shit on. Again, it's pretty fucking easy to take shots at him and talk shit about the past but I have yet to hear ANYONE around here give solid advice as to what they'd do for the next month or six months. The guy is human, and I think he's doing his best, and if all you can do is shit on him, then that says a lot about you as well.
Last Friday he started off his press conference by blaming the the federal government for the pandemic because of a slow vaccine rollout, shifting blame as he always does. I’ll discuss WHY he deserves to be shit on outside of that: Before he was elected as premier of this province he was a rude, bullying, condescending asshole in every interview, like Trump, and wasn’t liked by pretty much anybody. Once elected he jury-rigged Toronto due to his bitterness over not getting elected mayor, brought USA-style culture wars into Ontario, crammed classrooms and fucked up the schools while employing utterly inexperienced fuckheads never employed in real education to be our education ministers, defunded libraries and flood emergencies, froze minimum wage, banned suspended police officers without pay, screwed up the license plate rollout that nobody asked for, and changed the motto and emblem of the province which again, nobody asked for. I never wanted or liked him as a leader, I’ve never liked a single thing about him for many good reasons as stated, and all of these things came long before the last few days of the pandemic. All those things add up to him being easy to judge as a shitty person, and until he starts dropping tearful apologies for some of THOSE idiotic and impulsive actions, my opinion stands that he is a fucking asshole. These are years talking, not days. I agree he may not do better or worse at this, right here and now, than anybody else. But all the other bullshit that he did while constantly deflecting blame also still happened. I will shit on him not just because of the garbage instances with the OPP the last few days. I’m shitting on him because he has been— in my opinion— a bad leader who made more than enough stupid decisions before this pandemic started. He certainly is human: a rude, lying prick.
Got the Pfizer shot a little bit ago at Walgreens. Gotta give it to them, they had a slick set up. Two people doing intake paperwork and the doctor(?) just jabbing people. Moved through the line pretty quick. No issues yet but it's been a whole 90 mins
A day later and zero effects other than a pretty damn sore shoulder. I don't remember the last time I got a flu shot, so maybe this is normal for that type of shot. Customer told me that you're supposed to get the 2nd shot in the opposite arm. Any truth to that?
I’m getting my first vaccination tomorrow. Sooner than expected, but it seems simply calling on the phone for a shot instead of showing up or booking online makes it super-quick around here.