Last week our neighboring county put out a statement that one of their recent positive cases had attended a mega-church here in our county. So tensions are high because that’s how we ended up with a shut down and several people dead last Fall. A co-worker pulled in yesterday and said she felt sick. She called in sick today. Guess where she and her husband go to church?
I haven't had a cold in a year and a half. I like the masks and increased hand washing and the staying out my space.
Looks like Joe Rogan is fucking at it again. There hasn’t been a more disappointing public figure during this whole pandemic than him. He’s typically a pretty reasonable guy. But he’s going on his very highly visible podcast and spreading broscience about risk factors and what he would tell a young person if they asked him. His guest called the vaccine science experiments.
I usually like his podcasts, but him being the “Gwyneth Paltrow for men” is a pretty apt description.
Can you really say you're "disappointed" when someone behaves exactly as you would expect them to behave?
Right now, I know of no public health guidance that suggests a vaccine alone is all of the countermeasures needed against COVID at the state/municipal level. This virus spreads with people not wearing masks, and 25% of the population susceptible to it is still millions of people and enough to up-fuck most health care systems in the state (not to mention, the surrounding states, since it's not like Mass is as isolated as one of the Dakotas). By the time August rolls around, you're probably right: the mask mandate will not be needed. However, that isn't how plans work, and in planning, the question had to have come up "what about the few million people in Mass without the vaccine?"...."eh, we'll make 'em wear masks til we're sure it's not a threat."
I expect a certain amount of stupid from him. But using his platform to tell his target demographic that they don’t need the vaccine is too much.
But that seems to be precisely how planning works, because the announcements today were regarding the next steps/phases in the state’s re-opening plan. If vaccinations and herd immunity is the end-state of a pandemic, I would think the end-state of the response should be lifting of the final restrictions/guidance, or at least targeting a date for that to occur. For the record, I’m not lashing out at you or anyone else, I’m just more than a little annoyed that it wasn’t even brought up.
I also haven’t been sick in almost a year and a half. I went to an MLB game and no one touched me. My kids haven’t been sick either. I don’t have to wear pants to work. I fucking love masks and social distancing.
There was a period of time that he became convinced that the moon landing was faked. So yeah, he's a moron.
I'm ok with waiting until we're sure these people have actually received both doses, and not scared off the second by its side effects.
Exactly. I didn't want people breathing down my neck in line somewhere before the pandemic. I turned around and gave many a people a dirty look for being near me before covid. I think I've only been in one traffic jam since this started, too, and that was because of construction. If some people chose to stay home even more it wouldn't hurt my feelings. I wouldn't say I love masks, though. Tolerate, maybe, but certainly not love.
Even once we get to the point where masks are no longer needed for COVID, I will never get rid of mine for one simple reason: seasonal allergies during yard work Those masks are fucking amazing keeping the pollen at bay when I'm using the leaf blower or riding mower right now.
It wasn’t long ago he thought the moon landing was fake. His friendship with Alex Jones (and his refusal to see how shitty he is) really dumbs him down. I don’t expect Rogan to be smart, ever. He is smart when it comes to martial arts and fighting. But then he was embarrassingly backing midget Cuomo’s fake weightlifting scam, claiming that guido could just throw a 90 pound dumbbell over his head while sitting like that because “Italians are just stronger than other people”. Go to Tonga and try that line.
CDC says Americans who are fully vaccinated can forgo masks outdoors, large public gatherings excluded.
I think they need to start putting weed shops outside vaccination clinics. "It'll hurt for a bit, so take a hit." Bring your friend who is anti-vax, give him a bong rip and all the sudden it's not such a problem anymore.
You're like 80% of the way to becoming a furry. Second shot is scheduled for today. Wife got her 2nd shot on Monday and other than having a sore arm had no adverse reaction at all. Hoping I'm as lucky. Gotta be good for Saturday for the Derby and drinking ALL the bourbon.