I haven't gotten sick since I had what may have been Covid in February of last year. And I used to catch colds pretty easily, especially since I started working in retail again. Wearing a mask at my job stocking shelves at a grocery store hasn't been that bad. One thing that I've noticed about wearing a mask at work is that I don't get dehydrated as easily and am not reaching for my water bottle as much. I still don't like how they partially block my vision, though. Oddly, I've also gone on more dates over the past year than in any other year previous. Overall though I do really want things just to be normal again. I miss going to concerts and traveling.
Has anyone else noticed a decrease in energy and/ or occasional headaches since getting their second shot?
Don't say that. I hadn't had a migraine in years until last weekend. It was so bad I went to urgent care. I got my second covid shot three weeks ago or so. Now you have me worried..
Didn't have a headache, but did feel extremely exhausted for a few days after my second shot. Felt like I had done a full body extreme workout, even my eyelids felt tired and sore
I forgot to mention I'm a little over a week out now, but the entire week after and even up til yesterday I felt like shit. Could just be in my head though. Not a migraine, just a mild headache on occasion that goes away in a minute or two.
What kind of mask are you wearing? If you get one with a strong, moldable nose piece, it really helps reduce the amount that the mask sticks into your line of sight. The mask I wear most of the time has a nose wire that's probably 3" long, so it pushes nicely against my nose and up against my cheeks. More comfortable, safer, and stays out of my eyesight.
I either wear one of the cloth ones that I bought from Target or a disposable one. I always keep a box of the disposable ones in my car in case I ever forget to bring one from home.
Yeah, I’ve definitely felt it. I’m still working my ass off but I feel more tired, specifically after anything involving stairs. But, if you wanna create a global lizard-person dystopian empire, you gotta make the people too tired to fight back, right?
Yeah, the disposable ones just have too much excess material and too thin a nose wire to really stay out of your line of sight. I've got a couple of the "NxTSTOP Travleisure" masks off Amazon. Their prices went up so they're now expensive, but are definitely the most comfortable and best-fitting masks I've tried. They actually stay on my face with absolutely no effort or thought, no matter what I'm doing. But in any event, the thing to look for is a long, sturdy nose wire and minimal material above the wire (the wire should form the very top of the mask). I also have a couple of the Old Navy masks (3 layers, non-pleated) that work okay and are comfortable but don't stay on my face quite as well.
3 month post-covid appointment with my doctor on Friday -- three months was yesterday -- and he already scheduled me for an MRI of my liver next tuesday. Still have near constant migraines, insomnia, complete loss of smell except for animal farts, some but not all of my sense of taste, mental fog several times a day, voice fluctuations, and whenever my heart rate increases from physical activity my body thinks I'm out of breath even though my sp02 levels are great. this shit is fucking weird y'all
Well, it was nice while it lasted, for the first two Braves games I went to . . . just got the email that they are opening ticket sales to 100% capacity beginning May 7.
I'm still waiting for the Niners to state their policy on attendance before I commit to buying any tickets.
So, about 20-ish hours post second shot and other than my arm being a lot more sore this time around, no other side effects to report. Most people have told me that if you're not feeling anything after 12 hours, to not expect any reaction, so hoping I'm in the full clear here.
The only reaction I had with my first Moderna shot was a splitting headache for about 6 hours and then I was fine. I'm fairly certain it was a reaction to the vaccine because I get headaches very rarely.
At doctor for ongoing long covid issues. Nurse was telling me about all these family and friends she’s lost to covid. not two seconds later “oh but I’m not getting the vaccine until it’s been studied a lot longer.” Can’t fix stupid.
Delightfully, Michigan put out some clear vaccination level guidelines as to when things will open up. It's actually really nice to see some numbers and a plan. Unfortunately, the overwhelming response locally seems to still be, "I ain't getting that poison!" So, we'll see if we manage to hit the 70% vaccination level they are asking in order to open everything back up. Personally, at this point I'd just be happy if my ex-wife stopped sending me messages about how my getting vaccinated is causing me to shed all over the kids and getting them sick. Our local high school and middle school shut down for having too many kids in quarantine to bother being open today. i immediately received several messages about how it's caused by people like me getting vaccinated and that even Pfizer now admits the vaccine is causing people to pass on all manners of sickness. It seems being able to sit home on Facebook all day collecting support has turned her into a true Anti-Vax Facebook Mom. I'm encouraged that we're apparently at 48% though for at least a first dose state wide. That's a lot better than I've been fearing.
Although I'm out of the military, I'm still on the local base yard sale page since I have base access. Just this morning someone was selling "Non-vaccinated" tabs to wear on your uniform. A lot of squadrons have "morale Fridays" where you can wear non official patches as long as they aren't vulgar or offensive. All the stupid isn't confined to the civilian sector.