assuming my lab tests and liver MRI come back clear, my doctor gave me the go-ahead to get the fauci ouchie with the warning that it will make me feel much worse for about 24 hours. I laughed and made a joke about doubling up for safer sex. So, turns out he's ultra religious and didn't think that was very funny. Whatever.
also my doctor kept talking about wanting to check for hepatitis. I don't think that's an STD so how worried should I feel about this? And on a related note: should I tell my wife and create possibly undue stress, or be like "hey the results came back, covid didn't give me a chronic liver condition! Who wants tacos?!" wear a fucking mask people
Hepatitis can refer to pretty much any inflammation/illness of the liver. Hep A/B/C are specific viruses that cause hepatitis but they certainly aren’t the only culprits. I bet your doc was using the word hepatitis to mean sad liver, generally, and not to mean one of the specific hep virus strains, but that’s just my weird internet stranger speculation.
I fully expect that India isn't able to get anything close to an accurate count on cases right now, but does anyone know if their death counts are accurate?
Oh fuck no. They are crazily underreported. Probably by an order of magnitude. There's no room left in the crematoriums, never mind the hospitals.
An order of magnitude would be 40,000 deaths a day, which would be insane even for what we're seeing in videos coming out of India.
They have so many stupid people telling them what to do. Religion will kill hundreds of thousands of people in India. This is a country where they needed a PR campaign 4 years ago to try and convince people to not shit in the streets.
wait isn't india the origin of all those pictures of people hanging off trains and riding on top and shit?
India is a complete shit-show. Not to be out-done, Italy now has anti-vaxxers fire bombing vaccination sites: That country is fucked up in so many ways.
WTF, people have gone insane. Is social media causing this? I hope the nutters in this country don't get any ideas.
I feel the need to rage vent. Over the last few weeks, the hayfever I've had since my earliest childhood has ROARED out of the gate, the worst I've ever experienced. Last night, for the first time in my life, I didn't sleep at all and had to alternate between trying to lay down and standing up to sneeze in bursts of 5-10, trying not to hurt my ribs. My eyes are swollen half shut and the entire inside of my face, from my eyeballs to my nose to the back of my throat, is so itchy I want to turn it inside out and scratch it with a brush. I broke a record yesterday: four Benadryl in three hours, plus an extra strength Cold&Flu pill just to try anything to break it. Absolutely nothing works. Nothing takes the edge off this torture. So this morning I called my GP to ask the procedure, since, you know, we aren't allowed to actually just walk in anywhere anymore. The receptionist informed me that because I have "COVID symptoms, we can't let you come into the office." There's a lot to unpack there. First, what the FUCK is the point of a doctor if he won't see you when you're sick. Second - and I argued with her about this on the phone - nowhere on the Government of Canada website regarding COVID symptoms does it say that sneezing and an itchy nose are symptomatic of COVID. Also, you know, I'm 41 years old as of today and for once it would be nice if a doctor believed my opinion about my own goddamned symptoms. They're treating COVID as the boogey man and an excuse to be lazy and not actually see people. I could maybe understand if I had fever or chills or loss of taste or SOMETHING that could be considered symptomatic. But Jesus Christ. She finally agreed to a phone appointment Wednesday (so suffering for another two days sounds good, eh?). Here's the best part: these are the same people that will personally call you if they get notice that you went to a walk-in clinic outside of their office and chastise you for not coming to see them. If you do it multiple times they'll even threaten to "unroster" you, meaning take you off the GP's official list of patients and leave you without a family doctor. Everyone who's jealous of Canada's healthcare, here you go. Sure, it's great if you have a heart attack and you happen to be near University Hospital London. But if you need anything non-emergent, good fucking luck. If I can swing it, I'm TOTALLY going to a random walk-in clinic tonight or tomorrow morning. Fuck them.
Florida continues to Florida.
Trust me— the woman running that place looks EXACTLY how you’d picture her. Think Caitlin Jenner with a full-blown ambien addiction.
Wow. I've tried to stay away from craziness because it hurts my brain, so this is the first I've heard of vaccine shedding.