Yeah, I saw the picture of her. Money doesn't indicate intelligence apparently. Parents are paying $30000 a year for their children to obtain this "education".
Really sorry to hear it... and Happy Birthday! My GP encourages me to call him directly on his cell phone if I have any concerns.... so apparently it's not all doom and gloom on that front. This dude was a cardiologist in Egypt and is one of the most professional and "gives a shit" doctors I've ever met. I guess I got lucky.
That’s what’s so great about doing heroin. The people near you ALSO get high. Because.....magic? Remember this person runs a school. Judging by her face it’s a school for mutants.
Florida Governor read that story and said "Hold my beer"
I don't think he understands what the word "evidence" means. It's not like California's new infection rate is way below Florida's now. Oh wait.......
He keeps saying “I think” as if he actually thinks. Los Angeles County just went 24 hours without a single COVID-related death. So yes, they are doing better out there.
Got my first shot today. I have a pretty bad case of impacted ulnar nerve in two spots in my arm. Was not a smart idea to get the covid shot in that arm. Almost instantly half of my hand went numb and my arm from my shoulder to my pinkie is just tingling and on fire right now. I told the lady who gave me the shot about it and she said she'd record the info, but there wasn't much she could do about it. What's the rule for muscle inflammation as far as whether you use hot or cold to treat it?
so because US healthcare is a joke, our insurance, for which we pay over a grand a month to cover my wife, my two boys and myself, saw my doctor's request for an MRI of my liver due to covid and was like "uh, nah, we don't think that's medically necessary." I could pay for it out of pocket, which is fortunate, but the better news is that my bloodwork indicates that my liver is now recovering quite quickly (thanks, no alcohol!). Unfortunately, I still have the fatigue and being easily winded, so now my doctor wants to do a CT scan of my appendix, which I thought was just a part of a book. If insurance denies this I'm going to call them with instructions on how to have intercourse with oneself.
Getting prior auths for diagnostic imaging is just a shitty game. I wouldn’t call your insurance (they are usually handled by a third party anyways) but I would talk to your doc about it. If they think it’s that important, they should convince your insurance it needs to happen. I did 2 of them yesterday for 2 old guys with very similar symptoms (lumbar spine issues causing unilateral leg weakness and decreased reflexes) through two different administrators. One got approved, and one got denied, so I had to do an annoying nurse review and make a case for why it was necessary.
That’s the absolute truth, and its what ultimately led me to hate an otherwise pretty easy job. “Oh, Walt figured out how to do prior auths? That’ll be his job now.” Even the doc knew to steer clear of me on a heavy day. His wife never so much as gave me a dime more for doing it.
I am 100% that bitch where I work. I think I’m better at it than most of the docs at this point, which shows you just how not-based-in-clinical-reality it is.
In my region of the world they are begging people to get vaccinated. No appointments needed in a lot of places.
I don't think the US is going to meet the goal of 70% of the US receiving at least 1 dose of a covid vaccination by July 4th. I would love to be wrong about this.
Yep, which is why I was pessimistic in Post-Covid Plans thread. Way too many fucking idiots in this country. My county got to around 28% of the population vaccinated and demand has come to a screeching halt.