If it's any consolation, our province of Alberta is by far worse off than any other province or state. https://globalnews.ca/news/7829496/alberta-covid-19-cases-restrictions/
I used to say "Canada is like a garage apartment over a really good party" Sadly, despite your covid problems I want to move in.
We're at about 45% with 1 dose, 32% with full dosage. My county is in the 20ish% range. An article I read talked about "vaccine hesitancy" for some of these areas, and not being able to give away all the doses available. The state average might make it to the 50% range, but it won't be even close to that around here. https://projects.oregonlive.com/coronavirus/vaccines The next milestone event I look forward to is for the vaccine being approved for young children. Hoping kiddo can get the shot by the end of this year. We won't be attending any big events surrounded by strangers but if our friends and family all got the shot then our odds of good health are high and I can socialize with those people specifically. I don't know if time progressing, showing the safety of these shots will convince anyone to get it. Some of the bogus ideas circulating around antivax commentary are just so blatantly false, I cannot believe idiots believe the stuff. Or if they don't believe it, they just want to provide reasons for their decision made by their gut and/or politics.
Have they started testing children that young yet? I know Pfizer is seeking FDA approval for 12-15 year old's, but I haven't heard anything about the age group you would be looking at.
I read that is what they are projecting on the timeline if everything goes smoothly with the other trials. Edit: They are testing it, just not seeking fda approval to use it on that age yet. https://abcnews.go.com/US/children-young-months-now-covid-19-vaccine-trials/story?id=77353416 https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/25/covid-vaccine-pfizer-begins-trial-on-infants-and-young-kids.html
Parents suing a school district over the "trauma" of their children having to wear masks. During the interview, the lawyer that filed the lawsuit admitted he currently has covid. https://www.yahoo.com/news/several-families-sue-johnson-county-231315392.html
Got my second shot yesterday. Had soreness in my arm and fatigue like I expected, but now I've got stomach issues with both ends which is pretty unexpected and unwelcome. Here's hoping that it's short lived and I'm feeling better this afternoon.
The idea of there being some sort of "trauma" is pretty histrionic. But why do the kids have to wear masks? The CDC had said many times that transmission and infection rates between young children and young children-to-adults is pretty low. My daughter has been in daycare since July 2020 and only the teachers wear them. There has not been a single outbreak at her school or related to it. Massachusetts has some of the strictest safety protocols regarding masks in the country, and even then the state guidelines don't require them for elementary-age children and younger.
My wife had her second Pfizer dose yesterday and is experiencing similar symptoms, along with a headache and a feeling of general crappiness. I have a headache and feel crappy also, but I’m pretty sure it’s related to the bottle of bourbon I split with a neighbor last night.
My understanding is that the new variants are rewriting the rules on that stuff. Way more younger people getting it now compared to before, and we're having kids as young as 13 dying from it.
https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/science-briefs/transmission_k_12_schools.html This is updated every few months or so when new data is available, but it's a bit confusing as it's conclusion sort of betrays the data before it. However, I stand corrected that the CDC does recommend elementary school children and above mask-up. Under 5 is at the discretion of the parents and children under the age of 2 are not required to do so. That is stated in the MA Dept. of Early Education and Care, which quotes the CDC recommendations. It also seems like they are saying, "Fuck it, just wear a mask because too many people are too stupid to parse data correctly and follow specific instructions." If that is the case, then I understand because it's absolutely true.
It appears that the state gov is creating guidelines mostly in tune with CDC info and the schools here definitely have the elementary kids wearing masks. There's a 2nd grade teacher who takes her kids through our street delivering paper Mayday flowers each year and the line of kids all wore masks. Even if required, I'd like to see anyone try to keep masks on a bunch of 3 year olds. Get the hell out of here.
Looks like full FDA approval is being pursued by pfizer https://abcnews.go.com/Health/pfizer-seeks-full-fda-approval-covid-19-vaccine/story?id=77549532
Yeah, the new variants changed the game in regards to kids spreading it. They absolutely spread it amongst themselves and to adults now.
I haven’t seen any issues here with all kids wearing masks in schools, even the youngest JK students. It’s pleasantly surprising to see how cooperative they all are.
Welp, I got it. Started with a post-nasal drip last Wednesday, woke up on Thursday with more congestion, but otherwise felt fine. Woke up on Friday, felt the same and decided to stay home from work and rest. I thought maybe I was just overtired and needed to relax and sleep it off. Because of work, and hearing that COVID could feel like a sinus infection, I decided to get tested just to be safe, and sure enough, I tested positive. It's been a week since I first started with symptoms, and I feel no better or worse since last week. Yesterday, my doc prescribed an antibiotic for the "sinus infection" so maybe that will help my symptoms? I'm hoping to turn the corner over the weekend. I never had a fever, no shortness of breath, no lack of smell or taste, just congestion in my sinuses. According to my doc, I'm no longer infectious as of this Sunday, so if I don't have any symptoms and feel up to it, I can go back to work on Monday. My husband and kids have to stay home another week in case any symptoms show up. Honestly, I haven't been keeping up with the latest guidelines because I felt like they were continually changing and I didn't need to worry about it until I needed to, so I didn't realize their quarantine would last longer than mine! Go figure. ETA: Regarding masks - my son is 4 and my daughter is 5. They've been attending school in person since the beginning of the year, and they're required to socially distance when possible, and wear masks except when eating. Both kids have been EXCELLENT about it. Constantly making sure the masks cover their noses and never complaining. It's really the only thing they DON'T complain about. However, my daughter started soccer a few weeks ago, and she's required to wear a mask on the field this season. Last season, which was also during COVID, she was not required. She personally hasn't had an issue with it, but I know parents are really pushing to change the current mask mandate.
Just visited with a coworker who’s family lives in India. Talk about an overwhelming feeling of “okay maybe it isn’t so bad here after all.” Apparently the accuracy of their testing is just horrible, though she thinks the testing is either purposely wrong, or they know the testing isn’t good and just leave it in order to save resources. By way of example, her mother tested negative twice but is still having such bad covid symptoms that they had to get her oxygen on the black market. Which apparently is a thing you can do if you have some money and know people. Said unless you are someone important, or know someone important, you aren’t getting care. so yeah, all the sudden my issues with fatigue and a year projected recovery don’t seem that bad