I know first hand how impossible it was to get proper reporting in Canada, testing or not, and I know that any information coming from India is not even fucking close to the harsh reality that they are experiencing, as they don't have that reporting infrastructure in place. Never mind no testing. I've got 2 team members with remote family that are in critical condition in India right now... it's not good at all.
open air cremation. Some of the dead are being burned where they died (or just outside the building). One of the ladies at worked asked if the fumes would spread it, I said never mind that, how about the people moving the bodies? Or the loved ones trying to do CPR because there isn’t a doctor available? At the start of the pandemic I got some of those one-way-valve cpr masks to place over the person you’re breathing air into, so in case I ever needed to do it, I’d at least have some measure of protection. Sure, there’s risk, but I’d never NOT do CPR if it was needed, and that would at least mitigate the risk. I ordered those valve mask things off Amazon. meanwhile in India, it’s apparently black market medical care. If you can afford it
Isn't this spread most readily by fecal aerosols? Isn't open air sewage still one of India's claims to fame?
At the Braves game tonight, they opened to full capacity. They didn't sell out, but it was VERY full. (I waited in a bathroom line at an event for the first time in over a year!) They were offering free Covid vaccines, walk up appointments. J&J or Pfizer. I heard a rumor that if you got Pfizer, you could get a free ticket for the game on your 2nd dose date. I didn't see that confirmed, though. It was weird hearing a mostly full stadium sing Take Me Out To The Ballgame, as long as it's been.
I was today years old when I realized that the title of this thread was from Corona beer commercials....
It really did seem appropriate with everyone thinking it was due to or somehow tied to the beer, and their sales dropping 60% or whatever it actually was.
The percentage of population vaccinated stats show Georgia as 49th. But, Georgia is 10th in percentage of population under 18. And, 31 percent Black, 41 percent Republican, the two biggest groups, holding out on vaccines. I don't see Georgia getting to the herd immunity percentage any time soon.
Uh oh @Revengeofthenerds ... https://physician-news.umiamihealth...sue-could-contribute-to-erectile-dysfunction/ COVID-19 found in penile tissue could contribute to erectile dysfunction, first study to demonstrate that COVID-19 can be present in the penis tissue long after men recover from the virus. The blood vessel dysfunction that results from the infection could then contribute to erectile dysfunction.
https://www.reddit.com/r/science/co...nd_in_penile_tissue_could_contribute/gxveuf2/ This was a pilot study demonstrating the COVID virus in the penis tissue upto 7 months after the initial infection. As senior author on this study (https://wjmh.org/DOIx.php?id=10.5534/wjmh.210055) , I wanted to weigh in. What we know COVID virus can enter the endothelial cells - cells that line the blood vessels supplying blood to the penis Endothelial dysfunction, typically present in men with COVID could be a common denominator for erectile dysfunction COVID19 is NOT sexually transmitted since it is absent in the semen among men who have recovered - our previous study (https://wjmh.org/DOIx.php?id=10.5534/wjmh.200192) What we don't know Whether the severity of erectile dysfunction is associated with the severity of COVID The true prevalence of erectile dysfunction among COVID survivors What should men do Men who develop erectile dysfunction after COVID should discuss with their doctor if the symptoms persist to discuss treatment options since ED may be due to underlying vascular disease rather than psychological causes. Obviously, do everything possible to avoid getting infected. Email me - ramasamy at miami.edu for further questions
Well this is some bullshit. I went to my doctors office for an appointment this morning assuming they’d have a covid vaccine. They didn’t and I got a hep a and tetanus vac and now I have to wait 2 weeks before I can do the covid. If there wasn’t a better reason for fence sitters.
It would be hilarious if it was all Fake News just to get people to get the shot. Or it'd be turned around in some fucked up way... "I'm proud to have a limp dick because that meant I wasn't pussy enough to wear a mask and ended up getting The COVID"