Mine changed fairly dramatically. Pre-CoVID there were pictures from holiday gatherings, hanging with friends, vacations, work trips, birthday parties, etc. In 2020/2021 those have been almost entirely replaced by pics of outdoor shots from our yard and hiking and screenshots of snarky political posts that I wanted to share .
I don’t keep a lot of pics on my phone so I couldn’t say. But my previous website would be a wealth of interesting chat to go back through if the software wasn’t completely corrupted. I can only read the first page of any given thread.
thats about how it is for me. Add in pictures and memes that went from “let’s make fun of this corona lol it’s a beer virus!” to toilet paper jokes to “wear your fucking mask you asshole”
Just got stabbed for the second time. Guess we'll see what the side effects are but whatever they are, I'm really happy to be fully dosed.
Pre-pandemic, the vast majority of my pictures were from travel. A February trip to Austin, a December trip to New York, a November trip to California. Post March 2020 there are WAY fewer pictures in general. Things I knit, things I cooked (lots of attempts at recreating the amazing ramen I had in Austin), some camping trips, panoramas of distanced outdoor hangs with friends, and the shipping labels from all the care packages I've sent to people over the past 14 months (like 20 of them?! I didn't think I liked that many people). In re: CDC guidelines, I am super not looking forward to how many times I will get to have the conversation at work that, yes I know what the CDC said but this is a medical clinic and our policy is that you still need to cover your filthy face holes regardless of vaccination status. So thanks for that.... I know they're trying to incentivize getting vaccinated but a) I don't trust people and feel confident that the people who will refuse to get vaccinated have significant venn diagram overlap with the people who would lie about their vaccination status and b) seems like it's just better to keep masking up indoors until community spread is at least mostly under control. I'm VERY PREGNANT and I wear a mask for 10+ hours at least 2 days a week at work. It's just not that hard.
https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/cana...-fully-vaccinated-phac/ar-BB1gJWBO?li=AAggNb9 We COULD be allowed to remove masks, in the fall, IF 75% are vaccinated. We need to "earn more normalcy" with good behavior, like getting vaccines and wearing masks. Jesus Christ, this country has allowed the government to take their freedom and it may never come back.
Hah I would 1000% prefer this. It makes SO MUCH MORE SENSE from a public health standpoint. Clearly someone needs to make people behave since they won't do it on their own.
More like this country has provided too much freedom to morons who are fucking it up for the rest of us. This is the end result of those shitty actions by the few who were not on board, and the stuff that happened as a result. I don't think people truly understand just how close Ontario was to a medical collapse due to the new strains, and how hard it was hammering the younger people and filling up the ICU's. Suicide rates on our medical professionals is going through the roof, as are medical professionals reaching their limits and quitting.
100% agreed on this, plus there's a reckoning that should happen for what went on in the long term care facilities. People should be jailed over that; both in the privately funded ones and in the publicly funded ones. My disagreement comes on applying different rules to different businesses, and implementing inconsistent lockdowns that were likely not worth what we paid to curb the spread. Suicide rates for failed businesses have also skyrocketed, drug use is through the roof and five generations from now this debt will still be on the books. It doesn't logically make sense that you can buy lettuce at Walmart but not running shoes. To equalize the pain, they should simply have said to every business, "You're allowed to be open to X capacity and must enforce masks as well as 6' of distance." I think that would have been a fair compromise. Now, if you work at a gym you're out of a job, but I can pack as many welders as I need into a refinery. I also can't stand how polarized it is. If you disagree with the lockdowns you must also think that vaccines are for Bill Gates to control your brain and believe that the deep state is killing off their enemies. While I strongly disagree with extending this lockdown and not disclosing terms of what things look like when it ends, at least we have Doug Ford. He's the only politician I've seen who owns it when he fucks up and seems to listen to everybody.
I really think that most of the support, financially, should have gone to the small business owner and landlords. Fuck big companies... they can fail, I don't care. I also think that they tried their best to differentiate the businesses, but it will take time to get right. Like gyms, 100% should be shut down, but then provide financial assistance to them. It's complex, and nuanced, and incredibly localized... and everyone is going to get it wrong, so my thinking is "do your best, weather the shit storm".
Our state just announced they’re “revising” their full reopening target of August 1st and will make an announcement next week. The “new normal” Karens on Facebook are on suicide watch.
Sure it does. You have to have food to survive. Lack of running shoes won't kill you. The goal is to limit the time spent around each other in an enclosed place.
No different than buying shit on Sundays in South Carolina. “life essentials only”. Milk, yes. Motor oil, no.
We’ve been able to do that for like 15 whole years now. I do remember the sections blocked off though. Was bizarre.
Free booze is a powerful motivator apparently. https://buffalonews.com/news/local/...cle_34b5d0d2-b011-11eb-92fd-8b7017585dc1.html
Not sure if it was the long week, Friday beer at lunch or the shot yesterday but I am freaking exhausted. Anyone heard of tiredness 24 hours later?
Not from the vaccine, but Covid itself fatigued the hell out of me. It was a struggle to do anything with the muscle pain and the mind fog...and that fatigue lasted months.