very beginning. The current US administration isn't making it a political thing either (at least as far as solving the actual pandemic -- economic recovery is a different thing). To me, science is science and you follow best practices regardless of your beliefs. And sometimes those best practices change as more information comes out or circumstances change. Not everyone shares that view though, which is what's upsetting.
Was that when the President said he didn't want the cruise ship cases brought home because they would up our count?
Right. The CDC just happens to drop the mask mandate a day or two after the CPI data comes out. Funny how that happens, considering the same CDC had said the masks should stay on just a few days earlier. Perhaps they dropped it based on a risk analysis in order to spur economic growth and counteract the CPI, which would make sense, but the timing is a little too coincidental to be entirely unrelated.
Do you remember at the very beginning when Trump banned China travel and many Dems started screeching "Racism!" and encouraged people to go out to show they're not racist like the orange man?
I guess if he'd banned all travel and not just Chinese travel. We knew at the time that COVID had already gotten into Europe but there wasn't a thing done to stop flights from the UK, which all landed in NYC and you know how that turned out.
Technically you are right, but remember: We had no idea exactly what was going on, how dangerous or how contagious, only it seemed to be originating from China. On 24 January 2020, the first European case was reported in France. This case had a travel history to China [6]. On 28 January 2020, Germany, also reported cases, related to a person visiting from China [7]. Trumps travel ban was on Jan 31. And my fact still stands, Dem politicians were encouraging people to go out simply because they felt they had to react negatively to anything Trump did.
When the guy who'd previously insulted Mexican immigrants and referred to "shithole countries" and enacted a Muslim travel ban now wants to ban Chinese travel exclusively, it's a bit difficult to take it in good faith. Fruit of the poisoned tree, as they say.
I'm not going to totally defend the Democrats here, because any time a pandemic is possible you should be laying the groundwork to encourage distancing, not the opposite, but I will defend the other half of it. The reason this was about shops in Chinatown and not any other area of the city is because the racial elements had already started, with people blaming Chinese-Americans for a disease that originated in China. Pelosi's instinct was to tamp down on that kind of racial animus, and that instinct has been proven correct by the rise in attacks on Asian-Americans in the last year, which is at least partially attributable to COVID-blaming. I wish Pelosi had gone with the "non-Chinese shops are just as risky right now as Chinese shops" as opposed to "Chinese shops are just as safe as non-Chinese shops", but the idea to get a message out to protect Chinese-Americans was the right one, and at that point in February no one was advocating domestic closures or broad-population distancing.
Remember that this is predominately the COVID thread... let's not throw the political shit too much in here. I get that COVID is insanely politicized, but we can cover that part without flinging poo.
So Ohio's lottery appears to be working. 1:100 chance of dying if you catch COVID? That's nothing. 1:2,000,000 chance of winning the Ohio vaccine lottery? Shit, why not me?! We are very not-good at math. Still, glad we're doing it I guess. Fuck it. Whatever works at this point.
I’m lazy and the lotto thing sealed it. Don’t know why I thought my doctors office would have them when I went for a physical last week but I got updates on some other shots and now I have to wait two weeks to get the covid vaccine. Though my doctor was strongly implying I should just lie and get the shots together claiming vaccines work better grouped up.
Looks like Colorado and Maryland are going to do the vaccine lottery too. I'm hoping for one here in NC, we have a lot of resistance in this state.
Me too. I think 33% are vaccinated here now. We need 65% of the county to get their jab for the risk level to be "low" with an overall state goal of 70%. I think the state as a whole is at 62.xx% now. Maybe the lottery will help push us the rest of the way by July.
Just got my first shot, Pfizer. Nurse was bringing her A-game. Didn't feel a thing then, still don't feel a thing now. T-minus-128 days until my second shot.