One more point (can you tell I've moved a lot and sold a handful of houses?): You are required on a second mortgage (like, you have one mortgage already and are buying another house. Not when you renew.) to have a minimum of 20% down and if you re-finance or renegotiate the mortgage the house you already own they will only allow up to 80% of the home's value. So there's quite a bit of equity forced into the market by this legislation. If you put down LESS than 20%, you're required to purchase mortgage insurance through the federal CMHC, which is a percentage based on the lump sum of the mortgage and what percent of the house is mortgaged (so if you put down 15% your CMHC bill is less than someone who puts down 10%). That being said, the absolute rock bottom percentage for a down payment is 5%, and that's only allowed on your principle mortgage when you buy the house (not when/if you refinance). These controls are why our market didn't tank the way the US did in 2008.
not to derail from the mortgage talk, but Boris Johnson wanted to be infected with COVID on live tv to show it was nothing to be afraid of (remember, he later got it and had to be hospitalized)
I'm thinking that we could carry on any more finance talk in the finance thread... I get how we got here was COVID related, but I'm thinking we're straying a bit far now.
Right, but if I wanted to add a COVID ward to my Canadian house and the initial mortgage was fixed but I wanted the addition to be variable...
This is a weird combination of infuriating and sad. Some people's brains have just broken:
Yeah dad, the government is secretly trying to kill us all with "gene therapy" disguised as a vaccine. Social media is a brain worm.
I don't understand, what about the hundreds of millions of vaccines already taken globally? Was there a tsunami of deadly side effects I missed?
This is my point exactly. A dear friend is toeing with the "brain worms" thing of being an anti-vaxxer (at least as it relates to COVID). Sends me videos and articles that are pseudo-science at best and SO CLEARLY biased from the first word written. I had to send him a list of stats today to see if I could snap him out of it. It went like this (in Canada): Deaths from alcohol last year = 4,285 Deaths from opioids in the last six months = 19,355 Deaths from car accidents last year = 1,841 Average deaths from smoking per year = 48,000 Deaths from/with COVID (so far) = 25,361 (I will allow that whether or not they died FROM Covid, WITH Covid or if Covid was a mitigating factor is grey) Vaccines administered (so far) = just over 7 million Adverse reactions reported (so far) from vaccine = just under 3,000 Serious adverse reactions so far from COVID vaccine = 111 Deaths from COVID vaccine = 4? I think? So all these people squawking about the side effects...what numbers are they using and where are they coming from? Yeah, "some" people may have had inflamed heart lining, but five out of seven million isn't something to get overly excited about in terms of mass vaccinations. I always ask people who are like this the following question: if your dad clutched his chest and fell over beside you, would you call 911? If yes, would you allow the paramedics who arrived to treat him? If yes, would you allow the doctors to administer care in the hospital? Again, if yes, why are you willing to believe medicine in a heart attack (or car accident, or whatever) but NOT in vaccinations? Even when the numbers are staring right at you. It's more dangerous to ride in a vehicle to work than it is to get vaccinated. And yet, here we are.
The nanobots inside those vaccines have already uploaded your thoughts and secrets to the Chinese satellites overhead. No longer will they take petty revenge by urinating into your cola or poisoning your kid’s toothpaste from overseas and shipping it to you.
I don’t get the pedantic “it’s not by definition a vaccine!” What is it then? A therapeutic? Does it matter? I get the long term don’t want to be someone dealing with day time personal injury commercials for covid vacs and vaginal mesh but come on on. No better argument?
Got my second shot yesterday. Was feeling fine for most of the day, but started to get a slight fever around 8pm. Woke up this morning and holy shit, I feel like I was used as a tackling dummy for an NFL team. It definitely solidifies the idea I've never had the flu before because this is just painful. It's weird as well to have all of the flu like symptoms without the head cold / chest congestion part of it. I can't even imagine what it would have been like to contract COVID.
The anti-vax crowd doesn't go by logic. All the stats, facts and evidence in the world doesn't persuade them, and the nonsense they cite is to justify and reinforce their feeling, not to actually convince anyone. If anything, it's their attempt to convert the argument from facts vs. Feelings to a bad faith argument of facts vs. Fiction masquerading as fact. To be fair, medicine is fucking dense, and few laymen have an understanding of how it works. There's a lot of mistrust and unfamiliarity there: what other scenario is as intimate, life-altering and stressful as a bad encounter with a medical professional? For some folks, they associate medicine with the trauma of bad health, and that leads them to avoid it: "I was fine, until the doctor told me I wasn't, or they didn't say the surgery would do that to me." It's one reason why preventative medicine is so frustratingly sparse, and why we struggle to get even the basic public health measures to be effective. Our system has made it easier for medical professionals to be either adversarial (the conversations they have with obese diabetics) or another element of a service staff (the folks who just need their drugs, thank you very much). When there's something new, unproven and politically used as a goddamned volleyball, it's easy to fear. That fear persists through logic, critical thinking and facts, because that's what fear is for. The antidote is a more visceral representation, ie the fear of covid being worse than the nebulous fear of the vaccine. It's why some countries put gross images on cigarette packs. We don't really want to do that, in order to avoid traumatizing those that lost family, among other reasons. The last piece is there's no consequences (yet). We allow people's idiotic opinions driven by fear and mistrust the same weight as the actual logic and fact. It's stupid, but we do it anyway. Imagine fox news the day after an elementary school requires the covid vaccine the same way they require the mmr vaccine. Pandemonium, lawsuits, a fucking circus. Thus far, nothing has been worth that fight, especially as cases go down with those of us willing to get vaccinated.
They keep making the claim that it's gene therapy. Which is absurd as it in no way gets near the nucleus of the cell so it doesn't alter your DNA.
And like Comet Pinbsll, once again here is your conclusion to the theory on tinfoil hat retards: Violence inflicted on innocent people. These assholes keep getting put on a pedestal when they should be strapped to a bed 24/7.
I got my second dose of Moderna yesterday. So far, I have a slight fever and a slightly sore arm. Also, didn't sleep very well last night but I have no clue if that's related to the shot. This is the first case I've actually seen but I expect there will be others.