This is statecraft, I hope, and it's fucking ballsy. If the Chinese sat on this, or basically lied at any point in the early stages of this to save face, it's going to cost them. God forbid, should evidence emerge that this was even studied in a lab before it spread to the rest of the world.....fuck.
Good. Fuck 'em. You're a front line worker, and you'd rather be at risk of this virus than get a vaccine? If that's your risk calculus, then fuck you, you're too stupid to work here. And fuck your "religious exemption".
I cannot wait until we start requiring this of our employees. Also I'm sure there's gonna be an uproar once the CDC says young children are able to get the vaccine, then the public schools require it, which will then trigger us requiring it too. THAT is gonna be a blast, and I mean that sincerely. By and large, people are completely understanding and thankful we still require masks to enter. The ones who do get angry though, we are more than happy to explain that if we allowed them to enter without a mask, they would literally putting children at risk and anyway private companies set their own policies (something which many of the anti-maskers fought for politically).
Thought I was getting better as the day went on and I had some lunch. Just took my temp and it's 102.2. Making some Ramen to try and rehydrate, but damn, this thing is kicking my ass.
do you have covid or is it the shot? For hydration, I cannot recommend this enough: Buoy Hydration electrolyte squeeze I just did a long day of yard work and this is probably the worst I've been since I initially got over the worst of covid, as far as the neurological stuff. I'm back to that weird thing where I can type okay, but when I try to talk I sound like a drunk dementia patient, and the left side of my face looks like I had a stroke again. Doctors said I'm fine, it just fucked me up, but this is still weird. Also I had to move my shot back a day to next thursday, because we are doing a job fair and I am running it. Really crossing my fingers the shot relieves me of the long haul stuff.
The second Moderna shot knocked me on my ass about 8 hours after I got it. Started with a nagging headache after about 6 hours, slowly escalated to a pounding headache, and by the time I went to bed I had full on body aches and chills. Didn't have a thermometer but I'm certain I was running a fever. I felt terrible until about 24 hours after my shot, and then the chills and aches started to abate. Nagging headache lasted until 48 hours after the shot. I've done a bunch of traveling so I've had all kinds of vaccines but that was absolutely the worst I've ever experienced. @Revengeofthenerds they keep finding that the neurological symptoms of long-haul COVID stick around for a while. A study had found that long-haul COVID patients actually reported worse neurological symptoms after 6 months than at the beginning. Also reported difficulty with sustained physical labor. Pretty crazy.
I'm assuming it's just the shot I got on Wednesday afternoon. I've been pretty careful not to be exposed to anyone who potentially could have the virus and I'm not surprised it's happening the day after the shot, but I wasn't expecting such a severe reaction. 102 temp isn't particularly great.
Yep, that sounds like me. My doctor told me to expect recovery to take a year. Today is actually four months to the day that I got it, so what... 8 months to go? At least? Sucks, but better than dead. At least it's just mainly neurological stuff. I have a lot of friends and co-workers with relatives who are permanently on oxygen now, and in many cases just dead. For once, getting fucked up means I got fucking lucky. Weird as hell. @Popped Cherries I used to suck on ice cubes to help with my temp. Not sure how much it actually helps, but it sure as hell makes me feel better. Even with covid I never went above 100.0, so I normally don't run a high fever, but a cool -- not cold -- shower makes a difference for me as well. I've seen some pretty severe reactions from the shot and a high temp doesn't surprise me. Obviously call a doctor if it becomes sustained, but damn if a cool shower doesn't just hit the spot.
Oooooh..... officer down. Never drive your car directly at COVID while acting erratically. I can’t think of a better time to use to word “karma”.
Had my second Moderna shot this past Monday and this was my experience. Got it at 8 a.m. and around 9 p.m. that night I had a pounding headache, aches and a fever. Slept like absolute shit and the fever broke into a sweat sometime in the early morning. I had a shitty reaction to both rounds of it.
Swear to God, I think I got a placebo. Second Pfizer shot weeks ago, no side effects besides a headache which I already get regularly so who knows. I wanted to feel my money's worth.
Figure of speech. I've felt no real difference between prior and post vaccine so either it was a placebo or I did a bang up job of keeping the covid off.
Knock on wood, I'm almost 36 hours after the first shot and the only side effect is a sore arm. Fingers crossed I DON'T get the raging side effects the RNs at the arena predicted.
Which one did you get? The RN that jabbed me (Pfizer, first dose) did an incredibly good job... zero muscle pain, and her distraction/misdirection game was at max effect when she was actually doing it. I hate needles, but can usually will myself to just suck it up and take it, but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with. I knew she was misdirecting me "you doing any gardening this weekend, it's just glorious out side!" and yet I gladly played along and legit did not feel it... not even a slight prick. She was a pro. And zero noticeable after-effects... but I was already pretty hot and tired from the hours of gardening I did so slept like a rock with a bunch of muscle relaxants anyway.